
标签: 世界 热带 水果 | 发表时间:2011-09-22 15:54 | 作者:lucyhi2008 Vince

译者 lucyhi2008

10 Exotic Tropical Fruits From All Over the World


Fruits are very delicious and make us healthy. Some fruits grow in temperate regions, some in tropical regions. Here is a list of ten exotic tropical fruits from all over the world.



1. 山竹

Mangosteen is a common fruit in Southeast Asia. It is a round berry shaped fruit. The fruit is one of the most delicious fruits. The fruit has deep purple skin with sweet and tangy edible flesh that is similar to peach flavor and texture. It has cooling effect on body. It is rich in antioxidants and nutrients.


2.Salak (Snake Fruit)

2. 萨拉卡(蛇皮果)

Salk is also called as Snake fruit because of its reddish brown-scaly skin. It is a species of palm tree. The origin of this fruit is Indonesia and Malaysia. The fruit has three lobes, each has large inedible seed. The lobes resemble peeled garlic cloves. The pulp of fruit is edible and tastes sweet and acidic.



3. 榴莲

Durian is native to Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei. It is a large green fruit with spiny exteriors and soft and edible segments. Durians have pungent smell, but durian lovers say it is the king of fruits. They are aphrodisiacs.


4.Horned Melon

4. 刺角瓜

Horned melon is also called jelly melon or English tomato. The fruit is native to Kalahari Desert in Africa. It looks like an oval melon with horns, hence the name. The fruit has dark green pulp which has a delicious flavour like cucumber. It is widely used in desserts as well as a topping for cheesecakes, sundaes, mousses etc.


5.Dragon Fruit

5. 火龙果

Pitaya is otherwise known as dragon fruit due to its resemblance of dragon. Usually these fruits contain various skin colors like red, yellow and pink. The skin is not edible, but the greyish flesh and black seeds inside the fruits are edible. Dragon fruits are very delicious and healthy. They are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

5. 仙人掌果也被称为火龙果,因为它外形像龙。通常这种水果有各种颜色,如红色、黄色和粉红色,果皮不可食用,但其果实内的灰色果肉和黑色种子可以食用。火龙果非常美味和健康,富含纤维、维生素和矿物质。

6.Wax Apples

6. 莲雾

Wax apples are native to Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines. This fruit is otherwise known as rose apple for its smell as well as taste like roses. They are easily perishable, hence rarely available in the markets. This bell-shaped are crunchy and have a delicious fresh flavor. It can be whole, but many people prefer to eat after removing the core.



7. 木桔

Bael is cultivated throughout India, Philippine, Java and Sri Lanka. The fruit has woody-skin with numerous seeds covered in thick, aromatic pulp. The skin of some forms of this fruit is so hard that can be cracked open with a hammer. If the fruit is fresh, juice can be made similar to lemonade. Dried fruits are made into slices and boiled in water for usage. The fruit is widely used in Ayurveda which is considered as a remedy for constipation, diarrhea, dysentery and common cold.



8. 红毛丹

Rambutan originated in tropical lands of Malaysia. The fruit has soft fleshy hair (in Malay rambut means hair), hence the name. The fruit has the size of an egg with leatherish skin and single seed. The skin and seed are discarded; the white, sweet and juicy flesh is edible which is very delicious.




9. 龙眼

Longan is a tropical tree found China, Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The fruit is close relative to Litchi .The fresh fruits are white and juicy where as the dried longans are dark brown or black. Vietnamese make desserts with this fruit. These fruits are very effective in relaxing body.


10.Star Apple

10. 牛奶果

Star apples are native to Central America and West Indies. The fruit exist in two colors, one is dark purple and another one is greenish brown. The greenish brown fruit has a thin skin and a more liquid pulp where as purple one has thicker skin. This is delicious as a fresh fruit and best if served chilled.


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