不再“打结”:教你轻松收好耳机线 - wHo eLse的日志 - 网易博客
- 阳阳 - 77jjyw.blog.163.com 无论你怎么放,耳机线总能神奇地把自己缠在一起绕成一个疙瘩,让你在用的时候不得不费些心思去把他们择出来……今天效率天 阶就教你一个不需要借助工具,就能把耳机线收好的方法,帮你在绝大部分情况下避免耳机线“自缠”,需要的时候“拿起来就用”,算是提高生活与工作的效率 吧,最重要的是——避免了“择线”带来的烦躁.
无论你怎么放,耳机线总能神奇地把自己缠在一起绕成一个疙瘩,让你在用的时候不得不费些心思去把他们择出来……今天效率天 阶就教你一个不需要借助工具,就能把耳机线收好的方法,帮你在绝大部分情况下避免耳机线“自缠”,需要的时候“拿起来就用”,算是提高生活与工作的效率 吧,最重要的是——避免了“择线”带来的烦躁。
这是一个来自国外论坛的方法,作者称它为Devil Horns Method(真不知道怎么翻译好)...具体做法如图:
Reader Paul says he's got a little trick that helps keep his headphone cables from getting tangled into knots:
Tightness of the wrapping determines how well it holds together, but if you use a loose wrap, you can just pull on the earbuds and the whole thing comes undone without a single knot.
- With your right hand make devil horns (third and fourth fingers tucked, second and fifth extended)
- Use your thumb to hold the earbuds against your palm
- Wrap the cable around your 2nd and 5th fingers using a figure-8. This is really the key part, the cris-crossing prevents it from knotting
- When you have 6 to 8 inches of cable left, wrap the remaining cable around the center of the figure-8 a few times
- Tuck remaining cable to taste. Somtimes I tuck it through one of the figure-8 loops, sometimes through the center wrapping, sometimes not at all.