译者 oliviaju
Sometimes, accidents can be a good thing. Everything on this list was either invented for a different purpose or happened because someone made a mistake. Once they were discovered, we can't imagine life without them!
1. 冰棒
In 1905, eleven-year-old Frank Epperson left his soda-making tools outside overnight. The next day, the stick he'd used to stir the water and flavored powder mixture had frozen, creating the first popsicle. Almost twenty years later, the adult Epperson applied for a patent to make popsicles. (Link | Photo)
1905年,11岁的弗兰克·易普森(Frank Epperson)把他的苏打制作模具落在外面放了一整夜。第二天,他用来搅拌水和调味剂的小棍被冻了在溶液里面,第一根冰棍就这样诞生了。大约20年以后,已经长大成人的易普森才把制作冰棒申请成为了专利。
2. 洛盖尼(男性秃发治疗药)
This treatment for hair loss was discovered when scientists noticed that patients taking the blood pressure drug Loniten experienced the added bonus of making their hair thicker. (Link | Photo)
Chocolate Chip Cookies
3. 巧克力曲奇饼
Innkeeper Ruth Wakefield, owner of the Toll House Inn in Wakefield, Massachusetts, was trying to bake a chocolate dessert for her guests, but the chips didn't melt thoroughly. Her guests loved the chocolate chip cookies... and who could blame them? (Link | Photo)
马萨诸塞州韦克菲尔德市的一家旅店老板鲁斯·韦克菲尔德(Ruth Wakefield)想要给她的客人们烤一个巧克力味的点心,但是其中的巧克力片没有完全融化。而她的客人们却大爱这种巧克力曲奇饼,也是,谁又能不喜欢呢?
Microwave Ovens
4. 微波炉
In 1945, an engineer working for Raytheon discovered that a candy bar in his pocket melted while he was working with a magnetron device that was used in military radar systems. Realizing that the radiation was cooking his candy, inventor Percy Spencer developed the first microwave, which at the time was more than five feet tall! (Link | Photo)
1945年,雷神公司的一位工程师在操作一个军用雷达系统中的磁电管设备时,发现自己口袋里的糖果居然融化掉了。发明家帕西·斯宾塞(Percy Spencer)在意识到是辐射把工程师的糖果烤化后,他制造出了第一台微波炉,那时候这台机器足有5英尺(1.524米)多高。
5. 烟火
According to How Stuff Works: "Fireworks originated in China some 2,000 years ago and legend has it that they were accidentally invented by a cook who mixed together charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter -- all items commonly found in kitchens in those days." (Link | Via | Photo)
根据博闻网(How Stuff Works):“烟火起源于大约2000年以前的中国,传说是一个厨子偶然把木炭、硫磺和硝石混在一起而制成的,那时候所有这些原料在厨房里都随手可见。
Ivory Soap
6. 象牙皂
From About.com: "A soap maker at the Procter and Gamble company had no idea a new innovation was about to surface when he went to lunch one day in 1879. He forgot to turn off the soap mixer, and more than the usual amount of air was shipped into the batch of pure white soap that the company sold under the name The White Soap. Fearing he would get in trouble, the soap maker kept the mistake a secret and packaged and shipped the air-filled soap to customers around the country. Soon customers were asking for more "soap that floats." When company officials found out what happened, they turned it into one of the company's most successful products, Ivory Soap." (Link | Via | Photo)
7. 伟哥
Viagra was invented by Pfizer scientists who were working on a drug for heart conditions. The drug's side effect of sending blood flow to another area of the body (ahem) turned out to be a godsend for many people with erectile dysfunction! (Link | Photo)
8. 彩色塑泥
This fun kid's product was originally meant to be a wallpaper cleaner! (Link | Photo)
Potato Chips
9. 薯片
In 1853, chef George Crum was annoyed by a customer who kept sending his fried potatoes back to the kitchen, complaining that they were not crunchy enough. Crum sliced the potatoes very thinly, fried them, and added salt. The crunchy chips quickly became a local hit in New England and were called "Saratoga Chips," after the town in which they were invented. (Link | Photo)
1853年,一家餐厅的某位顾客总是抱怨炸土豆不够脆,并不停地把它们送回到厨房里,于是乔治·克拉姆(George Crum)主厨再也HOLD不住了,他把土豆切得非常的薄,炸熟,然后又加上些盐。这脆脆的薯片立马在新英格兰当地一炮走红,人们就以它的发明地命名,叫作“萨拉托加薯片”。
10. 咖啡
From SlashFoods: "The Legend of Kaldi maintains that an Abyssian or Ethopian goat herder noticed that his flock was acting especially frisky after chowing down on some bright red berries. After sampling some for himself and verifying the mood shift, he brought the berries to a local imam who studied them, eventually roasting and boiling a batch in water." (Link | Via | Photo)