为什么Iphone 4S的外形没有变化

标签: iphone 4s 没有 | 发表时间:2011-10-11 09:41 | 作者:梦剧场球童 米

译者 梦剧场球童

Innovate, then refine.


It’s a pattern at Apple, and the iPhone 4S — despite disappointment from some — fits right into it.


Look back at Apple products and you see this pattern at work.


The first iMac was a colorful, one-box machine that was released in 1998.


By 2002, the iMac had changed — radically. It became a flat-screen model that was attached to its semicircular base by an articulated arm.


But in 2004, a new design surfaces. As opposed to the slightly ungainly combination of screen and base, the iMac turns into a minimalist white panel. Watch this space, because it’s not going to change very much.


In 2006, the iMac trades in its white polycarbonate shell for a sleeker aluminum one. And over the years that follow, screws are tightened, millimeters are halved, but the overall design stays more or less the same. The real improvements are all inside the box, in the form of faster processors and new connection ports, among other things.

2006年,iMac 在白色外壳上使用了更亮的铝装饰。又过了几年,它的螺丝变得更小更坚固,但整体外观仍和老款相似。真正的改进都在机箱内部,通过使用更快的处理器和新的接口,还包括其他更新。

Take a look at Apple’s portable computers and the change is even slower — the current line of MacBooks hasn’t changed significantly in design in nearly six years.


It would appear that once Jonathan Ive, Apple’s chief designer, and his merry band settle on something they like, they don’t go changing for the sake of change. Which makes sense if you’ve ever heard Mr. Ive speak about design. His approach is a modern application of Dieter Rams’s “10 Principles of Good Design,” which was employed while Mr. Rams was at Braun, a design leader in the 1970s and ’80s. It is Mr. Rams’s last principle that one imagines Mr. Ive has posted on a wall somewhere in Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, Calif.:


Good design is as little design as possible — Less, but better — because it concentrates on the essential aspects, and the products are not burdened with nonessentials. Back to purity, back to simplicity.


The iPhone 4S is not a misstep — it fits right in with what Apple does.

IPhone 4S不是一款失败的产品——因为它符合苹果的设计原则

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苹果宣布iPhone 4S,没有iPhone 5

- satan - Solidot
苹果宣布了iPhone 4S,新iPod Touch和iPod nano,iCloud、iMessage,iOS 5,但没有iPhone 5. iPhone 4S是iPhone 4的升级版,主要规格是:双核A5处理器,频率1GHZ,提高图像处理能力;8百万像素摄像头加背照式感光传感器,改进低光照环境的拍摄效果,支持拍摄1080p视频(30fps),静态照片面部识别,地理标记,自动对焦和碰对焦;显示屏分辨率960x640,Wi-Fi,蓝牙4.0,数字罗盘,AGPS.

iPhone 4S也许远没有那么差

- Felix - XJP的碎碎念
iPhone 4S原本只是一款手机,但因为推出时间的特殊,变成乔布斯时代与Tim Cook的第一款交接产品,在所有人对iPhone 5翘首以盼的时候Tim Cook对大家说“iPhone 4S也不错”,这正是无数真伪果粉吐槽iPhone 4S的核心原因:如果是由身体健康的乔布斯来发布这款iPhone 4的完美补丁,如果苹果生产一个新外壳并使用iPhone 5命名,所有质疑的声音都会小很多.

没有iPhone 5,只有更新不换代的iPhone 4S

- austin - 果壳网 guokr.com - 果壳网
美国太平洋时间10月4日上午10点,苹果召开产品发布会,会议的主题为“Let’s talk iPhone”. 这次发布会我们没有见到蓝上衣牛仔裤的乔布斯,新上任的CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)正式登上舞台. 不过他的首次演出看起来很不给力,大家期待已久的iPhone 5并没有出场,只是推出了更新不换代,外观没有变化的iPhone 4S,让人大失所望.

为什么Iphone 4S的外形没有变化

- 米 - 译言-电脑/网络/数码科技
这就是苹果的模式,对于iphone4s——尽管有些人对它挺失望的——但它符合这种模式. 回顾苹果的历代产品你会发现这种模式很有效果. 第一代iMac在1998年推出,是一款彩色一体化机型. 直到2002年,iMac才有了比较大的改变,它由一个半圆底座作支撑,通过可摆动的器臂连接底座和平板LCD. 而到2004年,iMac又有了一种新外观设计.

石专栏:iPhone 4s,iPhone For Steve.

- ArmadilloCommander - Engadget 中国版
iPhone 4s 也许未能完全满足我们的期待,只是它彷佛向 Steve Jobs 致敬一样 - iPhone For Steve. Steve Jobs 已经不是第一次病倒、病重、离职,他早已给了我们一定的心理准备,告诉我们他早晚要离开,也很可能突然离开世界. 只是,再多的准备,并不会减少悲痛的程度.

iPhone for Steve: 不是iPhone 4S,iPhone 5才是?

- ArmadilloCommander - 老人與蘋果
  蘋果在10月4日發表iPhone 4S,讓世界蘋果迷大失所望. 但是蘋果的文化就是Think Different. 第二天Steve Jobs突然過世,更是讓大家想像力Think Different,4S成為“for Steve”,好像大家都在玩文字遊戲,在老人來看實也算是奇觀.   Steve Jobs過世,使台灣的所謂蘋果專家一下子增加上千百人,各個都在電視報章發表蘋果大論,也真算是奇蹟.

iPhone 4S长这样?

- Darth Noctis - cnBeta.COM
根据目前多数传闻的时间来看,iPhone 4S已经离我们越来越近了,继iPhone 4S的保护套抵达AT&T的零售店的消息被曝光后,而今天又有媒体率先奉上了iPhone 4S概念设计图. 随后媒体给出的消息称,这些图片并不能算是概念图,因为设计者Enrico Penello是以iPhone 4为模板,并根据之前曝光的iPhone 4S零部件以及保护套修改而成.

iPhone 4S vs iPhone 4 超级比一比

- KiVEN - Engadget 中国版
这次很令人失望的,没有出 iPhone 5,不过就光是 iPhone 4S 本身,就有不少改进之处. 让我们一起到继续阅读里,看看到底 iPhone 4S 相较于 iPhone 4 有了什么改变吧. 继续阅读全文 iPhone 4S vs iPhone 4 超级比一比. 引用来源 | 此文章网址 | 转寄此文章 | 回应.

iPhone 4S — Apple 的「My Pace」

- hailin - Mr. Jamie 看網路與創投
大家期待已久的 iPhone “5″ 終於出現了,只不過它不叫 iPhone 5,它叫 iPhone 4S. 它跟 iPhone 4 基本上沒什麼不同,除了 CPU 從 A4 升級成 A5,加入 GSM/CDMA 雙模支援,和主相機的光學元件稍許更新之外. 這個網誌的讀者,大多是科技的「早期採用者」,看到這麼「沒力」的更新,大概會失望 — 尤其如果你又是昨天晚上熬夜看影片的話.