译者 猪无伤
'South Park': Matt Stone and Trey Parker Name Their 15 Best Episodes (and 53 Worst)
Show's masterminds share their picks for their finest (half-)hours (Terrance and Phillip, R. Kelly, and Smurfs included!) -- and then 'fess up to a whole bunch they'd rather forget
《南方公园》的两位创作人分享了他们选出的最好的剧集(入选的有Terrance and Phillip、R.Kelly和蓝精灵那几集)——然后,也坦然供出那些他们宁愿忘掉的剧集。
1、“特伦斯与菲利普——没我的肛门不行”(Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus)
Season 2, episode 1
At the end of season 1, viewers were promised that the identity of Cartman's father would be revealed. But instead Parker and Stone devoted the season 2 opener to flatulent Canadian comedians Terrance and Phillip.
Matt Stone: I love that episode. It’s so f---ing weird, and it's so different, and the fact that nobody else really liked it makes me like it more.
2. Good Times With Weapons
2、“兵器好时光”(Good Times With Weapons)
Season 8, episode 1
The show's deliberately crude animation was married to more sophisticated styles in the demented tales of this episode and the next two, featuring, respectively, ninja weapons, gaming, and hallucinogenic cat urine.
Stone: On ''Good Times'' we did anime...
3. Make Love, Not Warcraft
3、“魔兽世界”(Make Love, Not Warcraft)
Season 10, episode 8
Stone: ...and on ''Warcraft'' we did a whole Warcraft theme.
4. Major Boobage
4、“咪咪王国的秘密” (Major Boobage)
Season 12, episode 3
Stone: On ''Major Boobage'' we did a tribute to [the 1981 animated film] Heavy Metal. It adds this other level to see that animation style in with our crappy paper stuff.
斯通:这集我们是向《宇宙奇趣录》(Heavy Metal, 1981上映的动画电影)致敬。把那种动画风格和我们粗糙的剪纸动画结合起来,别具一番风味。
Season 8, episode 2
In ''AWESOM-O,'' Cartman disguises himself as a robot and persuades gullible Butters to share his secrets.Stone: ''AWESOM-O'' has one of my favorite scenes of any South Park: Cartman is starving and he eats toothpaste.
Trey Parker: We were trying to think of a situation to put a kid in that felt really original. So Cartman is trying to f- - - Butters and he gets stuck in this robot costume. There are so many great Cartman/ Butters shows. That's definitely one of them. ''The Death of Eric Cartman'' [next slide] is another one.
6. The Death of Eric Cartman
6、“卡特曼之死”(The Death of Eric Cartman)
Season 9, episode 6
In ''The Death,'' Stan, Kyle, and Kenny ignore Cartman, leading him to believe that he is dead and that the only person who can see him is Butters.
7. Woodland Critter Christmas
7、“森林小动物的圣诞节”(Woodland Critter Christmas)
Season 8, episode 14
Stan helps a band of cute talking animals that turn out to be Satan worshippers. (''Blood orgy, yay!'')
Parker: The fact that it's written like a kids' book and it all rhymes: It's just like, ''Wow!''
8. Trapped in the Closet
8、“不愿出柜的人们”(Trapped in the Closet)
Season 9, episode 12
One of the show's most controversial episodes: Stan becomes the leader of Scientology and provokes Tom Cruise to spend much of the episode in a closet after saying the Top Gun star is not as good as ''that guy that played Napoleon Dynamite.''
《南方公园》最具争议的一集:斯坦摇身一变成了科学教的头头。他说《壮志凌云》的主演汤姆·克鲁斯比不上“演大人物拿破仑的那家伙”(译注:指电影《大人物拿破仑》的主演Jon Heder)。阿汤哥深受刺激,于是这集里大部分时间都躲在一个柜子里(译注:影射其同性恋还不出柜)。
Parker: That's definitely one that you'd have to put in, in terms of what defines South Park.
9、“不好意思,杰西·杰克逊”(With Apologies to Jesse Jackson)
Season 11, episode 1
Stan's dad, Randy, is ostracized when he says the N-word on Wheel of Fortune, after being given the category ''People who annoy you.'' (Correct answer? ''Naggers.'')
斯坦的爸爸兰迪在电视节目“幸运之轮”上被问到“让你讨厌的人”,他回答了那个N开头的词(译注:Niggers, 黑鬼),于是遭到人民大众唾弃(正确答案是"Naggers",唠叨婆)。
Parker: The ''Naggers'' episode would be on both of our lists. Randy becomes ''the N- - -er Guy'' and the words ''N- - -er Guy'' get banned.
Stone: We used this word that's so horrendously awful and figured out how to do it in a cool way.
10-12、“幻境奇谭三部曲”(Imaginationland Trilogy)
Season 11, episodes 10–12
The South Park crew won an Emmy for this three- episode tale, which finds Muslim terrorists attacking the public's imagination with results that include both the shooting of a live Care Bear and the raping of Kurt Russell.
Parker: If I had to narrow it down to one favorite thing we've done, for me it was ''Imaginationland.'' We started it as one episode, and it wasn't until the Monday before it aired that we were like, ''F- - - it, let's not end this. We'll do a two-parter.'' It aired, and I said, ''What if we did a trilogy?'' I remember that Thursday morning writing every beat of the show on the board. It was the first time on a Thursday I stepped back from the board and the whole show was there. It felt so good.
帕克:假如缩小范围,只能选我们一个我们最爱的创作,对我来说,那就是“幻境奇谭三部曲”。我们一开始只做了一集, 直到周一播出之前,我们才说:“(哔----),先别结束这个。我们要做成两集。”第一集播出后,我说:“如果我们做成三部曲会怎样?”我记得那个周四上午,我们在写字板上完成了整个剧集。我从写字板前退后几步,看到整集都在那儿了,在周四这可是第一次。那种感觉太好了。
13. Eat, Pray, Queef
13、“美食、祈祷和打阴屁”(Eat, Pray, Queef)
(译注:这集的名字系恶搞美国畅销书《美食、祈祷和恋爱》“Eat, Pray, Love”)
Season 13, episode 4
Actually, let's have Trey Parker explain this one...
Parker: It was just people farting and queefing at each other and talking about queefing versus farting and guys not thinking queefing is funny.
14. Dances With Smurfs
14、“与蓝精灵共舞”(Dances With Smurfs)
Season 13, episode 13
In an episode that satirized both Glenn Beck-style demagoguery and James Cameron's Avatar, Cartman is named the elementary school announcer and accuses Wendy Testaburger of killing Smurfs.
这一集讽刺了葛伦·贝克(Glenn Beck)式的造谣传谣行径,以及詹姆斯·卡梅隆的《阿凡达》。卡特曼光荣当选为小学播音员,指控温迪(Wendy)杀害蓝精灵。
Parker: Sometimes we'll get through two weeks and we're like, ''F- - -, this whole story was a worldwide crisis and then there's another big worldwide crisis.'' South Park got blown up again, or whatever. And you'll finally get to one like ''Dances With Smurfs,'' and it's just Cartman and Wendy, and a very intimate, tightly written story. That's fun when that happens.
15. You're Getting Old
15、“老之将至”(You're Getting Old)
Season 15, episode 7
Stan thinks that everything is ''crap,'' including a fake ad for a movie about a duck that becomes president.
Parker: Our favorite shot in any South Park episode was the duck president rising up and quacking and s- - - coming out its mouth. It made us laugh so goddamn hard.
1–48. Every Episode From the First Three Seasons
While Stone has fond memories of the early days (see: ''Best'' list), his co-creator says he wouldn't cry too hard if the show's first 48 episodes, starting with ''Cartman Gets an Anal Probe,'' were wiped from history.
Parker: If I had to permanently erase anything from the library, it would basically be anything before season 4. It's just embarrassing to watch. Okay, we were, like, 26, 27. But it's like, ''Really? We thought that was funny? We thought that was well-written? Oh my God, this is terrible.''
49. Pip
Season 4, episode 5
Charles Dickens' classic novel Great Expectations gets the South Park parody treatment as Parker and Stone relate the origin story of the show's British character, Pip. Not a fan favorite.
Parker: Everyone, including us, hates ''Pip.''
Stone: I don't hate it. But it was like, ''Why did you guys do that?''
50. Chef Goes Nanners
50、“改旗易帜”(Chef Goes Nanners)
Season 4, episode 8
The Isaac Hayes-voiced Chef launches a campaign to change the South Park flag, which depicts four white figures hanging a black one.
Stone: ''Chef Goes Nanners'' was kind of half-baked. I remember we wanted to leave the office early. We were like, ''It's July 4... ''
Parker: '' ...ah, yeah, f- - - it.''
51. South Park Is Gay
51、“南方基园”(Soth Park Is Gay)
Season 7, episode 8
Under the influence of shows like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, the young men of South Park embrace metrosexuality. But in a bizarre third-act twist, the Queer Eye team reveal themselves to be subterranean-dwelling ''crab people'' hell-bent on taking over the world.
Stone: Trey said ''crab people,'' and we joked about how dumb it was. But we couldn't figure out anything better.
Parker: We talked for hours, and eventually we came back to ''What about those crab people?”''
Stone: [South Park exec producer] Anne Garefino was like, ''Oh my God, don't do crab people. It's f- - -ing stupid.''
斯通:Anne Garefino(《南方公园》执行制片)的反应是:“我去,别搞什么蟹族了。太(哔---)二逼了。”
Parker: But then we went and wrote the crab-people song: ''Taste like crab/Talk like people...'' I love the crab-people song. But ''crab people'' became this thing [in the writers' room]. It's like, you just know there's something better, but you can't think of it, and now you've just got to go with crab people.
52. A Million Little Fibers
52、“百万纤维”(A Million Little Fibers)
Season 10, episode 5
After stoner towel Towelie apologizes to Oprah for fabricating his memoirs, the TV host is held hostage at gunpoint by her own vagina.
Parker: That did not turn out well. I had higher hopes for that. If we were going to have Oprah's butthole and vagina and the gun and everything, it should have been in a show with the boys, not the towel.
Stone: It was weird on top of weird with weird in the middle. I'd erase that one. I think you could take that show and split it into two different shows. But putting it together, it just feels like, ''What the f--- is this crap? Why am I watching this? I tuned in to watch South Park. I did not tune in to watch Oprah's vagina talk to her butthole and a towel.''
53. Stanley's Cup
53、“冰球小英豪”(Stanley's Cup)
Season 10, episode 14
In this spoof of pretty much every sports movie ever made, Stan coaches a ragtag peewee hockey team to... unexpectedly violent and bloody defeat.
Parker: A lot of people didn't get that one. We thought the ending was really sweet and weird, but nobody really got it.
Stone: The hockey one is like three-quarters of a show, but the ending is f---ing sweet