来源Autistic Dutch man fathers more than 20 children through sperm donation after lying about his health. Heartbroken women in The Netherlands have given birth to numerous children with Asperger's Syndrome after a sperm donor lied to them about the state of his health..
来源Which Weighs More in Autism Etiology: Genes or Environment. (基因还是环境,自闭症病因探究). 哪个更是自闭症的病因:基因还是环境. If half of autism cases can truly be ascribed to factors in the environment, then a greater effort should be made to identify the environmental culprit or culprits.
“Kurai”是法国摄影师Guillaume Millet完成于2009年的一个私人拍摄项目,在这个项目中,摄影师深受日本小说家村上龙与电影导演冢本晋也的影响,只身前往东京寻找文字与电影中的痕迹,整组作品对气氛和影调的控制相当出色. More 『他们在拍什么』@Leica.org.cn. “Kurai在日语中是黑暗、自闭的意思,与之相反的词Akarui则代表融入社会、乐于交际.