
标签: 创新 深度分析 英文 互联网 今日英文 | 发表时间:2011-10-15 21:55 | 作者:CharlesZuo@TF walker

TechFrom科技源 10.15日,迄今为止没有任何一家功能更能够主宰并垄断互联网,为什么?在互联网上,网络的创新无穷无尽!如下列举的公司和服务都没有像 Myspace 那样极其失败,都在自己的领域内深耕细作,并通过创新的方式为用户提供服务获得很好的发展。但很多都错过自己应该发展的某些业务的“良机”。


该文来自你应该知道的美国媒体新星 Mashable,作者是一个社交媒体人士  Jonathan Rick,他的个人网站JonathanRick.com



1. Google Docs 让 SlideShare 发展壮大.

Sure, Google Docs can display PDFs and PPTs, but documents are slow to load, maximized by default, and can’t easily be shared or embedded. By contrast, SlideShare is known as “YouTube for documents” because it’s fast, user-friendly and social.

2. Google Docs 让 Dropbox 发展壮大.

The search giant passed on adding synchronization to Google Docs (or GDrive). Meanwhile, Dropbox pioneered this feature, for which it’s now the gold standard. And, in an ironic twist, during a five-day, company-wide hackathon, Dropbox developed the ability to sync its accounts with Google Docs. (Although Google may soon unleash a Dropbox killer.)

3. Microsoft Office 让 Google Docs 发展.

Only after companies, governments and non-profits had “gone Google” did Redmond release a cloud-based, collaborative version of its cash cow, Office (along with a fewvideos that contrast Office with Docs).

4. iTunes 错过了音乐服务, Spotify 崛起

Apple cornered the digital music market years ago, but besides the all-important $0.99 per song price tag, Cupertino never really innovated with iTunes. Specifically, the software’s lack of social and streaming services created massive opportunities that Spotify — and Pandora, Amazon, Google, and Facebook — pounced on. Apple now is playing catch-up with Ping (pathetic) and iCloud (promising).

5. Mapquest 错过地图 Google Maps 发展壮大

When I was in college, “Mapquest” was so popular that we used it as a verb. Today, it seems the only people who use this site are those who still have an AOL email address. The reason: thanks to relentless innovation (mash-ups, Street View, GPS-enabled mobile apps), Google Maps has presented itself everywhere you want to travel.

6. Google Latitude 错过了 位置服务 Foursquare 而崛起

Ironically, the founder of Foursquare was a former Googler who left because Mountain View wouldn’t allocate enough resources to his team, “leaving us to watch as other startups got to innovate in the mobile + social space.” Google still hasn’t made it with Latitude, whereas Foursquare’s points system, partnership with American Express, and merchant features have generated growth of a million users per month. (Perhaps this is why Google may want to buy Foursquare instead of compete with it.)

7. Facebook 错过了商务社交 LinkedIn 而崛起

When I learned of LinkedIn, I thought, can’t you already do this with Facebook? Well, yes, but not without some hassle. Reed Hoffman, LinkedIn’s founder, recognized that, while we want to be hip in our personal lives, we strive to be practical and maybe even a little boring in our careers. This is why we use one email address for pleasure and one for business, and why we use Facebook to socialize with friends and LinkedIn to network with colleagues. Recognizing this, Facebook continues to hype its businesspages, while such professional credibility comes naturally to LinkedIn.

8. Facebook 错过了微博客服务 Twitter 发展壮大.

When I learned of Twitter, I thought, can’t you already do this with Facebook? Indeed, at its core, Twitter is merely the Facebook status update. Yet Facebook lacked Twitter’s simplicity and pith, a void that ascetic Twitter founder, Jack Dorsey, was keen to fill. Apparently, 100 million people agree.

9. Blogger 和 WordPress 都没有把握轻博客 Tumblr 崛起

Finally, when I learned of Tumblr, I thought, can’t you already do this with Blogger or WordPress? Just write shorter. Again, you could, but not with Tumblr’s base-bones simplicity, dynamic community and effective reblogging feature. Microblogging, it turns out, is different from blogging. (No doubt, this is why Blogger just announced Dynamic Views.)

10. 点评服务 Yelp 错过了美食分享 Foodspotting 发展壮大 Even though Yelp remains the top social network for restaurant reviews, it overlooked an essential facet of the dining experience: pictures. Foodspotting seized this opening, made it mobile, and now is expanding its focus beyond foodies.


还有一个例子 Quora,社交问答服务,虽然有 LinkedIn, Yahoo, Facebook, Google-owned Aardvark, 和 Answers.com,但是Quora 将问答这个垂直领域做大,至少资本融资方面很成功。


Internet innovation is so fierce and constant that it undermines the notion of zero-sum market share. Instead of vying for a piece of the same fixed and static pie, webtrepreneurs bake whole new pies. Not for nothing does Jeff Bezos insist that the Kindle comprises a “different product category” than the iPad. Just because a company maintains a seeming monopoly on a market doesn’t mean the market is devoid of opportunities. When there’s an innovator, there’s a way. With the web, Goliath is always vulnerable.

Sure, tech giants are somewhat limited. Just reference the lawsuit from the Justice Department, the investigationfrom the Federal Trade Commission or the hearing from Congress.

科技巨头反而某些方面受到限制,尤其是法律方面因素。从司法部Justice Department 的调查,到 联邦贸易委员会 Federal Trade Commission 的问询以及 国会听证等。



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- walker - TF全部内容|科技源TechFrom
TechFrom科技源 10.15日,迄今为止没有任何一家功能更能够主宰并垄断互联网,为什么. 在互联网上,网络的创新无穷无尽. 如下列举的公司和服务都没有像 Myspace 那样极其失败,都在自己的领域内深耕细作,并通过创新的方式为用户提供服务获得很好的发展. 但很多都错过自己应该发展的某些业务的“良机”.


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小白叨一叨:当企业发展到一定时期时,会不可避免地沾染上“大公司病”. 电信制造领域巨头华为也不例外,这是华为一位底层员工在10年所写的华为的十大内耗. 四年过去了,华为今日的成绩证明了任正非的努力是多么富有远见. 今天我们再次重温这十大内耗,是因为它像一面镜子,能照出公司的管理问题,对当下传统企业转型仍具有十分重大的意义.


- Jay - 36氪
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- ning - 月光微博客
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- - TECH2IPO创见
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徐直军:表面繁荣之下 中国没有真正成功的软件公司_财经网 - CAIJING.COM.CN

- -
云计算可以解决传统软件公司的诸多问题,但又提出了新的挑战. 《财经》记者 周源/文 谢丽容/编辑. 华为轮值董事长徐直军在近期举行的中国国际软件博览会上公开表示,中国软件产业只是“表面繁荣”,缺乏真正成功的软件公司. 软件产业是国家战略性新兴产业,是国民经济和社会信息化的重要基础. 工信部数据显示,2017年中国软件产业收入超过5.5万亿,占GDP的6.65%,规模上已经达到美国软件产业收入的一半.


- Dynamic - It Talks--上海魏武挥的博客
事实上,我认为国内对马克思或神圣化或妖魔化,都是要不得的. 我们应该还马克思一个伟大的社会学(当然还有哲学、经济学之类)学者的本来面目,而不是把他的话当成教义. 异化就是一个相当精到的学术词语,它所描述的是人们创造发明某物本来为了让人们自己更好地工作生活,结果该物却成了人的主宰. 在很多领域,都有异化的影子,比如宗教,比如官僚体系,当然,也包括技术.


- alise who - "nfzmview" via Kill Bill in Google Reader
人人都说央企薪水高、福利好,但到底怎么高、怎么好,央企惯作娇羞状,不愿以真实面目示人. 这不,《京华时报》出了有心人,一撩央企面纱,从上市央企的年报中钩沉出高管和员工的薪酬:中海油高管、员工的平均年薪分别达460.5万元和38.67万元,为央企翘楚,中煤、华电和国电等员工人均年薪约10万元. 公众对此的观感是“果然长这样”.


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