译者 江烈农
Strange Day Jobs of Authors Before They Were Famous
First Posted: 10/19/11 09:30 AM ET Updated: 10/19/11 04:44 PM ET
《赫芬顿邮报》图书版(Books | Huff Post)2011年10月19日讯
From Flavorwire
All you struggling artists and writers out there, take heart. It may seem like you’re just spinning your wheels at that random job you got walking dogs/painting fences/selling umbrellas on the corner, but you could find your inspiration for the Next Great American Novel at any moment.
1851: Herman Melville's Moby-Dick (full title: Moby-Dick; or The Whale)
1884: Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
1925: F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
1936: William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom!
1938: John Dos Passos's U.S.A. trilogy
1939: John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath
1951: J. D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye
1952: Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man
1953: Saul Bellow's The Adventures of Augie March
1955: Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita
1960: Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird
1973: Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow
1975: William Gaddis's JR
1985: Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian or the Evening Redness in the West
1996: David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest
1997: Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon
1997: Don DeLillo's Underworld
而根据英国《君子》杂志(Esquire)的书评,进入21世纪后,只有一本书够资格称为“伟大的美国小说”:2009年乔纳森·弗兰岑的《纠正》(The Corrections, by Jonathan Franzen)。美国方面,虽无类似论断,但《时代》(TIMES)杂志的确毫不吝啬地将此书作者称作了“伟大的美国小说家”。
Or, think of it this way: one day you’ll get to talk about whatever you’re doing now as a charming aside in interviews with the New York Times. After all, from pirating to condom sales to modeling, many of the most famous authors in American history had a few pretty weird day jobs to pay the bills before they hit the big time, and we don’t know about you, but we find that to be a comforting thought.
所以呢,总而言之,不如这样想:有一天,你成名了,当你接受《纽约时报》(The New York Times)采访的时候,你现在干的这些鸡零狗碎的活儿,将为你的专访增添一抹吸引人的谈资。毕竟,美国历史上诸多知名作家(包括上面列的那些人)都曾干过相当另类、诡异的兼职,只为挣钱糊口,直到一举成名或飞黄腾达。我们不了解你是怎么想的,不过笔者觉得听到这样的故事,那真叫一个“我很欣慰”。
要说兼职也不准确,因为兼职(part-time)在英文中有类似“副业”的意思;英文中有个词,直译叫“日工”(day job),这里原文就是用的这个词。这个词的意思,根据维基百科的解释,就是说你白天(日间)随便干份什么工作,不为别的,就为挣钱;晚上和业余时间鼓捣什么、追逐什么梦想,与这份工作可能完全无关。历史上最有名的例子,就是莱特兄弟(Wright brothers),他俩白天在自行车厂上班,晚上悄悄发明飞机。我们身边比较有名的例子,就是《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)里的佩妮(Penny),她白天在餐馆打工,私底下的梦想则是成为“下一个伟大的美国明星”。
Click through to see some of the strangest day jobs of beloved authors before they were famous, and then get back to work.
J.D. Salinger once served as the entertainment director on the H.M.S Kungsholm, a Swedish luxury liner. We wonder if he was any good at that.
一、杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格(J.D. Salinger),代表作:《麦田守望者》(The Catcher in the Rye)。
塞林格曾在瑞典皇家海军一艘豪华游轮“国王岛号”(H.M.S Kungsholm)上担任娱乐主管。我们怀疑他是否真得能胜任……
Between graduating from the Colorado School of Mines and starting his MFA at Syracuse, George Saunders worked in a slaughterhouse, in a convenience store, as a doorman in Beverly Hills, as a groundsman, as a roofer, and as a geophysicist.
二、乔治·桑德斯(George Saunders),代表作:《天堂主题公园》(Pastoralia)。
毕业于科罗拉多矿业学院(Colorado School of Mines),之后进入雪城大学(Syracuse University)攻读艺术硕士学位;期间,桑德斯则在屠宰场工作过,在便利店工作过,在好莱坞著名富豪住宅区比佛利山庄(Beverly Hills)当过看门人,不仅当过球场管理员、屋顶修理员,还曾是一名地球物理学者……
Franz Kafka was the Chief Legal Secretary of the Workmen’s Accident Insurance Institute, obviously.
三、弗朗茨·卡夫卡(Franz Kafka),代表作:《城堡》(Das Schloß)、《变形记》(Die Verwandlung)。
The international Tom McCarthy was a nude model at an art school in Prague, tended bar at an Irish pub in Berlin, and fed waiters cat food as a sous-chef in a restaurant in Amsterdam.
四、汤姆·麦卡锡(Tom McCarthy ),代表作:《C》(C)。
John Steinbeck ran a fish hatchery in Lake Tahoe. He also led guided tours of the place, during one of which he met his first wife, Carol Henning.
五、约翰·斯坦贝克(John Steinbeck),代表作:《愤怒的葡萄》(The Grapes of Wrath)。
斯坦贝克曾在美国太浩湖(Tahoe Lake)经营一家鱼苗场。他还在当地担任导游,带团,并因此结识了他的第一任妻子——卡罗尔·亨宁(Carol Henning)。
While still young and virginal, John D’Agata worked in a condom shop (to be clear: “Not a sex shop, just a condom shop that also sold a few cheesy sex-gags and maybe some nonthreatening “toys” down near the back of the store that no one ever bought”), delivered balloons as a clown, barbacked, and served bagels.
六、约翰·达加塔(John D'Agata),代表作:《名人堂》(Halls of Fame)。
After dropping out of Ole Miss after three semesters, William Faulkner served as the university’s postmaster for three years.
七、威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner),代表作:《押沙龙,押沙龙!》(Absalom, Absalom!)。
福克纳只在“密大”(Ole Miss,密西西比大学)上了三学期的课就辍学了,然后他在学校邮局当局长,当了三年……
T.S. Eliot worked at the Colonial and Foreign Accounts desk for Lloyd’s Bank of London for 8 years, drawing inspiration for The Waste Land from the sights he passed on his way to the office.
八、托·斯·艾略特(T.S. Eliot),代表作:《荒原》(The Waste Land)。
艾略特曾在伦敦劳埃德银行(Lloyd’s Bank)的殖民地与外国账户部坐了8年柜,每天上班途中荒凉的风景激发出这位诗人的灵感,最终创作出《荒原》。
After leaving Dartmouth (after only two months), Robert Frost returned to Massachusetts, where he worked as a newspaper boy, and did some time in a factory changing light bulb filaments.
九、罗伯特·弗罗斯特(Robert Frost),代表作:《波士顿以北》(North of Boston)。
Ever the rebel, Jack London was an ‘oyster pirate,’ stealing oysters from the beds of large farmers and selling them at the Oakland markets. He also did a little gold prospecting, and may or may not have spent time as a hobo.
十、杰克·伦敦(Jack London ),代表作:《野性的呼唤》(The Call of the Wild)。
Obviously, Ken Kesey picked up some cash in the late 1950s by submitting himself to CIA-sponsored psych experiments at Stanford University. The ensuing hallucinations — Chief Broom, to be exact — found their way into One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.
十一、肯·凯西(Ken Kesey),代表作:《飞越疯人院》(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)。
Langston Hughes worked as the personal assistant to the historian Carter G. Woodson at the Association for the Study of African American Life and History until he decided that the job didn’t leave enough time for his writing. He quit to work as a busboy at the Wardman Park Hotel, where he was “discovered” by poet Vachel Lindsay.
十二、兰斯顿·休斯(Langston Hughes),代表作:《疲惫的布鲁斯》(The Weary Blues)。
休斯曾在“美国黑人生活与历史研究协会”(ASALH)担任历史学家卡特·戈·伍德森(Carter G. Woodson)的个人助理,直到有一天他意识到这份工作没能给他留下足够的时间写作,遍随之弃而去沃德曼公园酒店(Wardman Park Hotel)当餐馆杂工。最后,正是在酒店里,诗人维奇·林德赛(Vachel Lindsay)发现了在那里打工的休斯,发现了他的才华……
译注:休斯有一首著名的小诗,叫《我梦想一个世界》(I Dream A World),马丁·路德·金的著名演讲《我有一个梦想》(I Have a Dream)就从这首诗中汲取了养分。
Throughout his life, William Carlos Williams managed to maintain a successful medical practice as well as a full literary career.
十三、威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯(William Carlos Williams),代表作:《佩特森》(Paterson)。
After graduating from college, Nicholas Sparks tried to get into publishing and into law school, but was rejected in both fields. Instead, he tried his hand at various gigs: real estate appraisal, selling dental products by phone, even starting his own manufacturing business.
十四、尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯(Nicholas Sparks),代表作:《瓶中信》(Message in a Bottle)。
Wells Tower worked in a Nike warehouse, and as a garbageman (for a total of one day).
十五、威尔斯·托维尔(Wells Tower),代表作:《蹂躏一切,焚毁一切》(Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned)。
Kurt Vonnegut managed a Saab dealership in Cape Cod after publishing his first novel, Player Piano.
十六、库尔特·冯内古特(Kurt Vonnegut),代表作:《第五号屠宰场》(Slaughterhouse-Five)。
冯内古特在出版了自己第一本小说《自动钢琴》(Player Piano)后,在麻萨诸塞州鳕鱼角卖车,他当时代理的牌子是萨博(Saab)。
Before she was hired at Queen’s College, Siri Hustvedt worked as a floor model at Bloomingdale’s, wearing a red parachute silk jumpsuit and handing out informational cards to customers.
十七、西瑞·阿斯维特(Siri Hustvedt),代表作:《一个美国人的悲哀》(The Sorrows of an American)。
在受聘于纽约市立大学皇后学院(Queen's College)前, 阿斯维特曾在布鲁明代尔(Bloomingdale's)百货商店担任商品陈列模特,身着一件松松垮垮的红色丝质连衣裤,向顾客发送小卡片。
Steven King was a janitor in a high school before his work was published — good thing too, because it’s where he got his inspiration for the opening scene of Carrie.
十八、史蒂芬·金(Stephen King;注,原文拼写有误),代表作:《闪灵》(The Shining)。
William S. Burroughs was an exterminator in Chicago.
十九、威廉·斯·巴勒斯(William S. Burroughs),代表作:《裸体午餐》(Naked Lunch)。
An accomplished tenor, James Joyce made money singing for his supper before his work was published.
二十、詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce),代表作:《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)。
Ben Marcus worked as a door-to-door census taker in Providence.
二十一、本·马库斯(Ben Marcus),代表作:《线绳年代》(The Age of Wire and String)。
Before he penned 1984, George Orwell served as an officer of the Indian Imperial Police in Burma, where he was noted for his “sense of utter fairness.”
二十二、乔治·奥威尔(George Orwell),代表作:《一九八四》(Nineteen Eighty-Four)。
Of his odd-job track record, David Shields recounts: “In high school I worked at McDonald’s. Got fired. I worked at a fabric store. Got fired. In college I worked as a custodian. Got fired. Wasn’t too good at the physical stuff. One person asked me if I was so bad on purpose or whether I was really that uncomprehending of the relation between soap and water.” Ouch.
二十三、大卫·席尔兹(David Shields),代表作:《现实的饥饿:一份宣言》(Reality Hunger: A Manifesto)。
Among other odd jobs, Joseph Heller worked as a blacksmith’s apprentice.
二十四、约瑟夫·海勒(Joseph Heller),代表作:《第二十二条军规》(Catch-22)。
Harper Lee was a reservation clerk at Eastern Airlines for eight years, until a friend gave her a Christmas gift of a year’s wages with the condition that she would use it to write. She finished the first draft of To Kill A Mockingbird that year.
二十五、哈泼·李(Harper Lee),代表作:《杀死一只知更鸟》(To Kill a Mockingbird)。
李女士曾在美国东方航空(Eastern Airlines)干过8年的订票员,直到有一天,她的一个朋友给了她一份圣诞礼物:一笔钱。这笔钱,相当于李女士当时一整年的工资;她朋友给她钱的唯一条件,就是她必须善用这笔钱,开始写作。于是,那一年,她完成了《杀死一只知更鸟》的初稿。
苹果iPhone 4S目前十分流行,这手机有一个堪比《传送门》(Protal)中“格拉道丝”(GLaDOS,即基因生命体磁盘操作系统)的虚拟萌妹“思语”(Siri)。要你管(YouTube)上这几天有段很红的视频,是一个宅男跟“思语”妹纸对唱情歌,这位宅男在向“思语”求婚、求爱被拒后,唱问“生命的意义是什么?”
the answer to life, the universe, and everything
the answer to life, the universe, and everything = 42
如果你早就知道这个烂梗,那敢情好,你恐怕也读过了经典科幻小说《银河系漫游指南》(h2g2),认识创作出这个经典问题的已故科幻大师道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams )。
另外一则名家打工趣闻则是查尔斯·布可夫斯基(Charles Bukowski),他的代表作是小说处女作:《邮局》(Post Office)。
作家47岁发表这部小说之前,曾在洛杉矶邮局干过一份正儿八经邮递员的工作,干了快三年。当然这位作家也是经常打零工、干苦差的。比如他曾独自穿越美国,沿途当过加油站小工、电梯操作员、卡车司机、狗饼干工厂小工头……这些经验,直接促使他在35岁“高龄”时开始写诗,并于40岁时发表了处女诗集:《花、拳、兽嚎》(Flower, Fist, and Bestial Wail)。
