译者 jiangyh
A live able wage for the working classes means:对工人阶级来说,合理的薪资水平意味着——
1. You can rent a safe and sanitary apartment with heat, light, water, no leaks, functioning appliances, and sufficient space for you and your family.
1. 住:有能力租下一处可靠、卫生的公寓,配备有暖气、照明和自来水,房子不会漏水,家具电器齐全,有足够的空间供你和家人居住。
2. Food, sufficient and healthful, for you and your family prepared in your own home by you.
2. 食:家中备有富足、健康的食物,供你和家人享用。
3. Clothing, modest but sufficient, repaired as needed, sometimes second hand, sometimes from Target or other discounters.
3. 衣:衣着可以朴素无华,但数量充足,可根据个人需要适当修剪,有些是二手衣物,有些则是购自塔吉特百货(Target)之类的折扣商店。
4. Public k-12 education and child care, if needed.
4. 育:接受公立中小学(K-12)教育,必要时可获得儿童保育服务。
5. Able to afford public transportation, if this suffices for employment and to get your kids to school where you live, and a modest vehicle and gas and insurance, if public transportation does not suffice.
5. 行:假如公共交通工具足以满足上班和接送孩子的需求,那么应有能力负担公共交通费用;否则,应有能力购买一辆平价汽车,并支付汽油和保险费用。
6. Median payments into social security.
6. 养:有能力缴纳数额中等的社会保险金。
The Hyatt Housekeepers, at $20 an hour could do 1-6 — their replacements at $8.50 an hour cannot. Ergo – my term of “Hyattization of jobs” for corporate greed where earning a sustainable profit has been replaced by earning maximum profits even if the earning of that maximum profit renders life barren and unbearable for your fellow citizens and your own profit not sustainable.
在凯悦国际酒店集团,时薪20美元的女管家可以实现以上6条,而时薪仅8.5美元替班者则不然。因此,我提出“工作的凯悦化”(Hyattization of jobs)这一概念,旨在影射企业的贪婪本性。他们宁愿放弃盈利能力的可持续性,转而追求利润的最大化——这不仅使得其同胞们的生活变得机械空洞而又困顿难熬,也使自身的利益失去可持续增长的可能。
A live able wage does not mean: Home ownership, a new vehicle, private school educations for your kids, and a fat 401k.
Middle class lifestyle means;
1-6 above, plus:
1. Ability to purchase and maintain a home through home ownership
1. 有能力购买并维护一套自置住房。
2. Ability to eat in restaurants as desired, certainly at least once a week;
2. 有能力随时前往饭店用餐,每周必定至少一次。
3. Clothing, often designer or upscale;
3. 衣着大多是量身订做和优质高档的。
4. Can choose between private or public education without relying on scholarships;
4. 能够在私立和公立学校教育之间做选择,而不必考虑奖学金问题。
5. Able to afford a new or used vehicle as one chooses;
5. 有能力随心所欲地支付一台全新或二手汽车。
6. Social security plus a pension or 401k
6. 有能力缴费足额的社会保险金和养老保险金。
Once upon a time jobs in retail sales had been sufficient for working class lifestyles, but not middle class; good manufacturing and skilled trade jobs once provided middle class lifestyles as did public employment such as teaching or public works.
Retail employment, domestic employment (maids, housekeeping, yard work, landscaping) never provided a middle class lifestyle unless one worked multiple full time jobs, say, and both parents did so.
Self employment can yield the middle class lifestyle but often requires years of working 60 or more hours a week to do so. Examples include restaurant owners, yard work company owners, home improvement businesses, lawyers (yes that is a long hours worked profession),hairdressers, musicians, doctors (another long hours worked profession actually), accountants or book keepers.
Was it the “MBA philosophy of maximizing share holder income” attributed to Harvard Business School and others that lead to such greed in corporate leadership, increasing differential in incomes so that CEOs can live like the aristocracy of pre-revolutionary France, and slash and burn profit taking as to render both the working class income and lifestyle and middle class in danger of extinction?
One is tempted to quote Louis the XIV who is reported to have said
After me, the deluge!!!