
标签: 假球 实验室 数据 | 发表时间:2011-10-25 20:59 | 作者:chanhui2000 Aaron Xu

译者 chanhui2000

Electronics giant Sharp has begun a series of international scientific studies of football fan behaviour during the 2012 European Football Championships. The FanLabs concept aims to turn the traditional focus of analysis away from what's happening on the pitch -- where there is no shortage of Opta stats to be found -- to find out what makes the fans tick. Are English fans more passionate than the Germans? Are the Italians more laid back than the Poles? It even aims to answer the age-old pub argument between two supporters of who is more of a fan than the other.


A two-fold approach was revealed last week at a launch in Alicante. Firstly, an app with a sister website uses a series of questions to place you within a matrix of fan behaviour, based on the twin variables of "optimism" (your emotional support of the team) and "commitment" (your tangible demonstration of that support), with a fan scoring highly on both dubbed a "12th man"' and its polar opposite, "the Sightseer".


Collating this data will then enable individual and collective pan-European comparisons of fans and their friends, and also which nation boasts the most committed and optimistic fans -- Sharp claims this will be the largest ever fan survey conducted. Pleasingly, I came out exactly as a battle-hardened England supporter should -- fairly low on optimism and high on commitment, earning a place in the "Reliable Realist" camp. If only our players were reliable and our media realistic; we might actually win something.


The more eye-catching part, however, is the second element -- the FanLab truck. In it, during the finals, eight supporters of each team in every match will undertake biometric analysis. The selected fans will be monitored during the action to gauge their reactions, utilising Neurosky EEG headsets. These pieces of kit monitor eight different frequencies of brain activity, with particular combinations of each indicating a different emotion. For example, high amounts of Beta-wave activity compared to the others is indicative of a high level of attention. The numbers don't lie and this aims to show exactly what is going on in the fan's head -- if you don't really care that much, this apparatus will out you as a fake fan, so any Johnny-come-latelies who suddenly take an interest when we unexpectedly reach the semi-finals (we won't) had better lie low when the truck rolls into town.


In its early stages, there was clear evidence of emotions running high amongst the Spanish fans who were the Lab's guinea pigs and subtle differences of brain activity when visually similar things occurred -- for example, anger at a miss elicited a different emotion to anger at a foul committed against their team. Plans are underway to further develop the technology in time for the finals by adding audio analyses, heart rate counts, and skin conductivity measurements; similar to those used in lie detectors. In addition, the raw data is likely to be released into the public domain, so that other researchers can dig for hidden patterns and make their own conclusions.


The plan is for the app to be a dynamic tool; by asking questions throughout the tournament, it should be possible to observe how fans' optimism will rise and fall. A Rooney red card may make England's supporters lose heart; a kind group draw may reverse that (the Spanish could probably lose half their first team, enter a "group of death" and still feel pretty confident).


In addition, it should cast light on the perennial question of what it actually means to be a fan -- the English glorification of demonstrable commitment (traveling to away games makes you more of a real fan) may be a parochial notion. Football is a world game, and perhaps to be a true fan for everyone else lies in never losing hope no matter how bad the situation, rather than clocking up the air miles to Poland and Ukraine.


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- Aaron Xu - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
译者 chanhui2000. Electronics giant Sharp has begun a series of international scientific studies of football fan behaviour during the 2012 European Football Championships.


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