- o - 译言-每日精品译文推荐瑞银集团的一份报告显示了有关中国奢侈品消费的几项数据:. 去年,全球奢侈品消费额的50%都来自亚洲新兴市场,其中,中国占大多数. 中国人在奢侈品上的消费可能比美国人和欧洲人加起来都还要多. 亚洲新兴市场贡献了奢侈品消费增长额中的60%. 欧洲奢侈品消费的50%,美国奢侈品消费的15%均来自于亚洲新兴市场国家的游客.
译者 炫耀至极
The size of China's luxury boom is absolutely incredible. Here are some facts based on a UBS report:
Last year emerging Asia accounted for around 50% of global luxury sales, most of which came from China. The Chinese probably spent more on luxury than the Americans and Europeans combined.
1. 去年,全球奢侈品消费额的50%都来自亚洲新兴市场,其中,中国占大多数。中国人在奢侈品上的消费可能比美国人和欧洲人加起来都还要多。
Emerging Asia accounted for 60% of luxury growth.
2. 亚洲新兴市场贡献了奢侈品消费增长额中的60% 。
Tourists from emerging Asia account for half of luxury sales in Europe and 15% of sales in the U.S. Most of these tourists came from China -- over 50 million of them last year.
3. 欧洲奢侈品消费的50%,美国奢侈品消费的15%均来自于亚洲新兴市场国家的游客。其中,大部分游客都来自中国。去年,中国有超过5000万人出国旅游。
Thus luxury is another industry that is screwed if China crashes. Happily UBS's Eva Quiroga says there are no signs of a slowdown. For instance:
Top European luxury companies reported around 41% year over year growth in emerging Asia for the third quarter Watch exports to China were up 47% in September Hong Kong malls reported booming traffic during the Golden Week holiday China's millionaire and billionaire population is soaring.