- Misia M - 译言-每日精品译文推荐来源Slide Show: Mark Twain’s ‘Advice to Little Girls’ by Vladimir Radunsky | NYRblog | The New York Review of Books. 很难想像马克·吐温的作品《给小女孩的一些建议(Advice to Little Girls)》会给读者什么样的奇怪印象.
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It is difficult for us to imagine what a strange impression Advice to Little Girls, a children’s story by Mark Twain, must have had on its audience when it was written in 1865 and eventually published as part of The 30,000 Dollar Bequest and Other Stories.马克·吐温在1865年写下《给小女孩的建议》,这篇儿童故事最终被收录在《三万元遗产及其它故事》中出版。现在我们很难想像当时的读者该有多诧异!
American children’s literature in those days was mostly didactic, addressed to some imaginary reader—an ideal girl or boy, upon reading the story, would immediately adopt its heroes as role models. Twain did not squat down to be heard and understood by children, but asked them to stand on their tiptoes—to absorb the kind of language and humor suitable for adults.因为那时的美国儿童文学大多还是说教式,目标受众为某个虚幻的读者——某个理想化的男孩或女孩,假定情境是他或她在看完故事后会立刻把里面的主角奉为榜样。我们的马克没有蹲着给小孩儿讲故事,而是要他们踮起脚尖——踮起脚尖去汲取成人化的幽默与语言方式。
The unexpected idea to illustrate Twain’s text came from the editor Bianca Lazzaro of Donzelli Editore in Rome, who also translated the text in to Italian. I still feel envious that she originated it because I’m always trying to find unusual or provocative subjects for my children’s books.比安卡·拉扎罗在罗马的唐泽利出版社当编辑,马克·吐温的这篇文章由她译成罗马文,还新鲜地配上插图。一直以来我都在搜寻让人眼前一亮的主题来包装我的少儿书单,自然很是艳羡安卡拉的配图创意。
Trying to follow Twain’s style, I wanted to make something along the lines of a scrap-book or an album that you could buy in any paper-goods store at the time. Children used these small albums to paste in various curious objects, or for drawing, or just for doodling.为契合作者风格,这本书的装帧我想遵照剪贴薄或相册的样式,就是随便一家纸品店都有卖的那种。孩子们用这些小小的剪贴薄画画,贴各种奇怪的东西,或纯粹乱涂。
The only missing elements in the design of the book are stains and dog-ears, but I hope those will come with time.