
标签: 我所 代码审查 | 发表时间:2012-02-20 15:41 | 作者:logix

译者 logix

One of the most life-altering events in my move from academia to industry was the discovery of code reviews. This is pretty standard fare for developers in the "real world", but I have never heard of an academic research group using them, and had never done code reviews myself before joining Google.


In short: Code reviews are awesome. Everyone should use them. Heck, my dog should use them. You should too.


For those of you not in the academic research community, you have to understand that academics are terrible programmers. (I count myself among this group.) Academics write sloppy code, with no unit tests, no style guidelines, and no documentation. Code is slapped together by grad students, generally under pressure of a paper deadline, mainly to get some graphs to look pretty without regard for whether anyone is ever going to run the code ever again. Before I came to Google, that was what "programming" meant to me: kind of a necessary side effect of doing research, but the result was hardly anything I would be proud to show my mother. (Or my dog, for that matter.) Oh, sure, I released some open source code as an academic, but now I shudder to think of anyone at a place like Google or Microsoft or Facebook actuallyreading that code (please don't, I'm begging you).


Then I came to Google. Lesson #1: You don't check anything in until it has been reviewed by someone else. This took some getting used to. Even an innocent four-line change to some "throw away" Python script is subject to scrutiny. And of course, most of the people reviewing my code were young enough to be my students -- having considered myself to be an "expert programmer" (ha!), it is a humbling experience for a 23-year-old one year out of college to show you how to take your 40 lines of crap and turn them into one beautiful, tight function -- and how to generalize it and make it testable and document the damn thing for chrissakes.


So there's a bunch of reasons to love code reviews:


Maintain standards. This is pretty obvious but matters tremendously. The way I think of it, imagine you get hit by a truck one day, and 100 years from now somebody who has never heard of your code gets paged at 3 a.m. because something you wrote was suddenly raising exceptions. Not only does your code have to work, but it also needs to make sense. Code reviews force you to write code that fits together, that adheres to the style guide, that is testable.


Catch bugs before you check in. God, I can't count the number of times someone has pointed out an obvious (or extremely subtle) bug in my code during the code review process. Having another pair of eyes (or often several pairs of eyes) looking at your code is the best way to catch flaws early.


Learn from your peers. I have learned more programming techniques and tricks from doing code reviews than I ever did reading O'Reilly books or even other people's code. A couple of guys on my team are friggin' coding ninjas and suggest all kinds of ways of improving my clunky excuse for software. You learn better design patterns, better approaches for testing, better algorithms by getting direct feedback on your code from other developers.


Stay on top of what's going on. Doing code reviews for other people is the best way to understand what's happening in complex codebase. You get exposed to a lot of different code, different approaches for solving problems, and can chart the evolution of the software over time -- a very different experience than just reading the final product.


I think academic research groups would gain a lot by using code reviews, and of course the things that go with them: good coding practices, a consistent style guide, insistence on unit tests. I'll admit that code quality matters less in a research setting, but it is probably worth the investment to use some kind of process.


The thing to keep in mind is that there is a social aspect to code reviews as well. At Google, you need an LGTM from another developer before you're allowed to submit a patch. It also takes a lot of time to do a good code review, so it's standard practice to break large changes into smaller, more review-friendly pieces. And of course the expectation is you've done your due diligence by testing your code thoroughly before sending it for review.

  需要记住有一个社会要素和代码审核同等重要,在Google,你在被允许提交任何补丁之前需要得到另一个开发者的LGTM(译者注:"look good to me")。当然一次优秀的代码审核也是相当耗费时间的,因此需要有一定标准把大的修改变成许多小修改,生成更多友好的代码片段。最好的预期是你在提交给代码审核前,自己已经尽职的完成了测试。

Don't code reviews slow you down? Somewhat. But if you think of code development as a pipeline, with multiple code reviews in the flight at a time you can still sustain a high issue rate, even if each individual patch has higher latency. Generally developers all understand that being a hardass on you during the review process will come back to bite them some day -- and they understand the tradeoff between the need to move quickly and the need to do things right. I think code reviews can also serve to build stronger teams, since everyone is responsible for doing reviews and ensuring the quality of the shared codebase. So if done right, it's worth it.


Okay, Matt. I'm convinced. How can I too join the code review bandwagon? Glad you asked. The tool we use internally at Google was developed by none other than Guido van Rossum, who has graciously released a similar system called Rietveld as open source. Basically, you install Rietveld on AppEngine, and each developer uses a little Python script to upload patches for review. Reviews are done on the website, and when the review is complete, the developer can submit the patch. Rietveld doesn't care which source control system you use, or where the repository is located -- it just deals with patches. It's pretty slick and I've used it for a couple of projects with success.

  “OK,Matt,我相信了。我该如何加入代码审核的行列呢?” 很高兴有人问这个问题,我们在Google内部使用的这个工具的开发者不是别人,正是Guido van Rossum,他大方的发布了一个叫做Rietveld的类似系统,作为开源的代码。基本上,你在AppEngine上安装了Rietveld,每个开发者使用一些python脚本发布补丁,审查者工作也是在站点上,当审查完成后,开发者的提就能够提交他们的补丁。Rietveld系统并不关心你用什么资源控制系统,或者你的代码仓库在哪里,它只处理补丁程序。这真是太聪明了,我使用它完成了两三个成功的项目。

Another popular approach is to use GitHub's "pull request" and commenting platform as a code review mechanism. Individual developers clone a master repository, and submit pull requests to the owner of that repository for inclusion. GitHub has a nice commenting system allowing for code reviews to be used with pull requests.

  另一个流行的方式就是使用GitHub的"pull request"功能和评论平台作为代码审查的机制。独立开发人员克隆一个主代码仓库,然后提交"pull requests"给代码仓库的所有者。Github有很好的评论系统允许人们通过"pull requests"进行代码审查

I was floored the other day when I met an engineer from a fairly well-known Internet site who said they didn't use code reviews internally -- and complained about how messy the code was and how poorly designed some pieces were. No kidding! Code reviews aren't the ultimate solution to a broken design process, but they are an incredibly useful tool.


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This is pretty standard fare for developers in the "real world", but I have never heard of an academic research group using them, and had never done code reviews myself before joining Google..


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“通过一次真正彻底地代码审查(code reviews),仔细阅读你的代码,找出问题,这是我知道的最好的方式去检测早期的bug,但是他们很少去这样干过. 某种意义上是因为他们花了大量的时间去写好代码,但是我认为主要是因为绝大部分 程序员害怕其他人审查自己的代码. 作为专业的程序员我们要克服阻力,如果你不愿意别人阅读你的代码,然后只是按照自己的意愿写,如果其他人没法读懂它,又怎能让别人使用呢.

代码审查(Code Review)清单

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代码审查可以帮助提高代码质量,避免由于代码习惯而造成的 bug. 下面列出的这些要点因该可以作为大部分代码审查的指导,如果是 Java 应用的话,这些建议应该被视作最佳实践. Javadoc 应该在每一个类和方法中添加. 如果是修复某个 bug,应该添加 bug ID. 走捷径的方法或者复杂的逻辑要有解释.


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提示:如果您在阅读器里点击订阅本站的文章链接时发现有一个中转页,这说明你的订阅地址有误,本站的订阅地址(RSS)是:. http://www.aqee.net/feed/,请及时纠正. 事实上,今天的我们正是从这种一直坚持探索的漫长道路上走出来的. 我们尝试各种技术、方法和工具,直到我们走到今天的成就(但这并不是说我们就此停步).


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每当从各种公司听到他们正在尝试自动化部署/测试的事情,我都非常关注,但通常会很吃惊,他们很少会考虑去实行代码审查制度. 看到这种情况,我通常想问: 如果代码没有经过其它人的审查,你如何知道你要测试的是什么. 这答案(如果有的话)通常是捏着手指头说 有几个人在做代码审查或“正在考虑中”. 不论你采用什么形式的测试过程,什么形式的部署过程,没有代码审查——game over.


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看着很多人做代码审查重点审格式和命名,制定的代码规范也主要偏重代码格式和命名,我真想骂一句操蛋,这真是浪费时间又解决不了问题. 此篇文章就是骂完操蛋后奋笔快速敲下来的,有不妥之处请大家谅解. 一、目的:为啥要花费时间要搞人工代码审查. 1、有些问题是工具检查不出来的,需要人工审查. 2、有些问题是不希望花大代价来发现、或者上线后才知道.