
标签: 成功 卓越 | 发表时间:2012-03-08 22:56 | 作者:litfresh

译者 litfresh

Great employees are reliable, dependable, proactive, diligent, great leaders and great followers... they possess a wide range of easily-defined—but hard to find—qualities.


A few hit the next level. Some employees are remarkable, possessing qualities that may not appear on performance appraisals but nonetheless make a major impact on performance.


Here are eight qualities of remarkable employees:


1. They ignore job descriptions. The smaller the company, the more important it is that employees can think on their feet, adapt quickly to shifting priorities, and do whatever it takes, regardless of role or position, to get things done.

1. 不局限于职责。 公司越小,员工的“敏捷性”越重要。为了完成公司的目标,可以迅速调整大脑里的”弦儿”,优先处理紧急的事情,并且抛开职责和职位的限制撒开膀子干。

When a key customer's project is in jeopardy, remarkable employees know without being told there's a problem and jump in without being asked—even if it's not their job.

当VIP客户的项目MIP(Major incident)时,这些卓越的人莫言便晓难关已至,并义无反顾的抛开职责所别跳进解决难题的团队。

2. They’re eccentric... The best employees are often a little different: quirky, sometimes irreverent, even delighted to be unusual. They seem slightly odd, but in a really good way. Unusual personalities shake things up, make work more fun, and transform a plain-vanilla group into a team with flair and flavor.

2. 有一些“不同寻常”。 最好的员工,总是有点“不寻常”:乖僻,有时会无礼,甚至以异于泛泛之流为乐。他们看上去有那么点古怪,但不是变态那种… 正是这种不寻常的性格,像离心力一样让他们把事情做的更好,工作更有乐趣,同时也把平淡乏味的工作环境调剂的充满灵性和色彩。

People who aren't afraid to be different naturally stretch boundaries and challenge the status quo, and they often come up with the best ideas.


3. But they know when to dial it back. An unusual personality is a lot of fun... until it isn't. When a major challenge pops up or a situation gets stressful, the best employees stop expressing their individuality and fit seamlessly into the team.

3. 适可而止。 独特的性格能带来很多乐趣,但不是在任何场合都傻乐呵。当接到重要的任务或者工作紧张时,这些聪明的家伙就不那么特立独行,而是按照角色准确的融入到团队当中了。

Remarkable employees know when to play and when to be serious; when to be irreverent and when to conform; and when to challenge and when to back off. It’s a tough balance to strike, but a rare few can walk that fine line with ease.


4. They publicly praise... Praise from a boss feels good. Praise from a peer feels awesome, especially when you look up to that person.

4. 公开称赞。 来自老板的表扬让人感觉很好。来自同事的赞许让人感觉真是帅呆了,被自己敬佩的同事称赞,那就更酷了。

Remarkable employees recognize the contributions of others, especially in group settings where the impact of their words is even greater.


5. And they privately complain. We all want employees to bring issues forward, but some problems are better handled in private. Great employees often get more latitude to bring up controversial subjects in a group setting because their performance allows greater freedom.

5. 私下解决矛盾。 我们都希望员工遇到问题能提出来,但有的问题最好还是私底下解决。因为表现使然,好员工在会议中总有更大的空间来提出有争议的话题。

Remarkable employees come to you before or after a meeting to discuss a sensitive issue, knowing that bringing it up in a group setting could set off a firestorm.


6. They speak when others won’t. Some employees are hesitant to speak up in meetings. Some are even hesitant to speak up privately.

6. 万马齐喑时,敢于建言。 有些员工开会时发言总是犹犹豫豫。甚至有的人私下说话也是这样。

An employee once asked me a question about potential layoffs. After the meeting I said to him, “Why did you ask about that? You already know what's going on.” He said, “I do, but a lot of other people don't, and they're afraid to ask. I thought it would help if they heard the answer from you.”


Remarkable employees have an innate feel for the issues and concerns of those around them, and step up to ask questions or raise important issues when others hesitate.


7. They like to prove others wrong. Self-motivation often springs from a desire to show that doubters are wrong. The kid without a college degree or the woman who was told she didn't have leadership potential often possess a burning desire to prove other people wrong.

7. 喜欢证伪。 自我激励经常源自一种对怀疑自己的人证伪的渴望。没有文凭的新人,被人诟病没有领导力的女性,大多拥有一种烈火般希望证明自己的渴望。

Education, intelligence, talent, and skill are important, but drive is critical. Remarkable employees are driven by something deeper and more personal than just the desire to do a good job.


8. They’re always fiddling. Some people are rarely satisfied (I mean that in a good way) and are constantly tinkering with something: Reworking a timeline, adjusting a process, tweaking a workflow.

8. 爱“鼓捣”。 有些人总是不满于现状(当然不是消极的那种),经常改改什么:修改日程,调整流程,变更工作流。

Great employees follow processes. Remarkable employees find ways to make those processes even better, not only because they are expected to… but because they just can't help it.


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