
标签: 转载文章 | 发表时间:2012-06-20 14:17 | 作者:人月神话
参考: https://www.ebayopensource.org/wiki/display/TURMERICDOC/Turmeric+Documentation+Overview


该平台包括设计时及运行时工具。运行时工具包括核心组件,策略、服务、监控子系统及管理控制台。存储服务、Eclipse开发者工具以及WSDL文档工具则列在设计时工具箱之中。Turmeric的一个独特的功能是,用户可以选择本地绑定(local binding),从而完全省去序列化及反序列化的工作。

核心组件是服务、消费者以及代码生成等组件的运行时平台。它为其他的协议处理器提供了集成点(Integration Point)。服务端(SPF,Service Provider Framework)和客户端(SIF,Service Invocation Framework)平台可通过配置文件及请求/响应处理器进行扩展。




Turmeric is a comprehensive, policy-driven SOA platform that you can use to develop, deploy, secure, run and monitor SOA services and consumers. It is a Java based platform, and follows the standards (WSDL, SOAP, XML, JSON, XACML,  etc.). Eclipse plugins help with the development of services and consumers. Other important features include:

  • Various Quality of Service (QoS) features such as authentication, authorization, and rate limiting, which you control by defining respective policies.
  • Monitoring capabilities.
  • A Repository Service that enables service registration and governance.
  • The Type Library, which provides the ability to define and manage reusable schema type definitions across services, and hierarchically organizes them.
  • The Error Library, another useful capability that lets you define and re-use error definitions across services.
  • Local binding, which lets you locally bind services to consumers as a deployment time option, for optimization, without loss of any generality or changing code.

The Turmeric platform is highly extensible and customizable. For example, you can easily plug in additional protocol processors, data formats, handlers and various other capabilities. The platform is also highly optimized for large-scale environments. eBay uses this platform internally. Most parts of it are now open source, replacing functionality dependent on commercial products with equivalent, open-source implementations. It also has new package names to match the open-source spirit. This is the first version of the open-source release of Turmeric, and might have some rough edges, so please provide feedback and contribute as you see fit.
What does the Turmeric platform include?

Service Provider Framework (SPF) Architecture

SOA Service Server-side processing starts from the Framework Servlet.

  • The Framework Servlet (SPFServlet) is the servlet entry point for the  Turmeric Service Provider Framework.
  • SPFServlet constructs the MessageContext for the request.  (1)
  • It then passes the context to the controller of the provider framework, Server Message Processor.  (2)
  • The Server Message Processor manages the provider framework flow by first executing the inbound pipelines with all its attached handlers. (3). 
  • Then the control dispatches the call to the service implementation. (4)
  • The service implementation performs the business logic and returns the response object in message context. (5)
  • The Server Message Processor then passes the control to outbound pipeline line. (6)
  • HTTPServletResponseTransport sends the response back to the caller. (7, 8, and 9)
  • Both in the inbound flow and the outbound flow, appropriate protocol processors, if any, intercept the handle the message protocol- specific aspects.

备注:可以看到对于入口的消息,出口的消息分别会被in pipeline和out pipeline接管。接管作用类似对整个消息流的AOP横切。在pipeline上可以进行日志和实例记录,访问控制盒授权等相关工作。由Proxy服务转到原生服务在Server Message Processor完成。

Service Invocation Framework (SIF) Architecture

Service Invocation Framework (SIF) provides APIs and the client-side runtime  for invoking SOA Services that publish their interface through a WSDL (Web Services Description Language):

  •     Primarily available as Java API.
  •     Supports XML over SOAP (the standard protocol to access WSDL based services).
  •     You can use other data-bindings such as JSON, NV, Fast Infoset for better performance.

The following diagram and the subsequent explanation provides an overview of SIF: 

  • SIF API is exposed through the framework class Service, which for a client represents an instance of access to a given service.
  • When you invoke a service operation either through Service.invoke(...) or  through Service.createDispatch(...).invoke(), (1) the request call flow is routed through the Client Message Processor. (2)
  • The Client Message Processor first runs the outbound pipelines by executing all configured handlers. (3)
  • It then forwards the request to the Request Dispatcher. (4)
  • The Request Dispatcher typically passes the request to the Transport. (5)
  • The Transport, based on the type of transport, now calls the appropriate serializer if serialization is required, and then routes the request to the appropriate service endpoint. (6)
  • When the response is received, Client Message Processor again runs the inbound pipelines and the response is then routed back to the client that invoked the request. (7, 8, 9, 10)
  • Both in the inbound flow and the outbound flow, appropriate protocol processors, if any, intercept the handle the message protocol-specific aspects.

备注:可以看到Transport factory在末端,实现序列号和反序列号相关操作。并实现相应的路由和Proxy代理操作。对于序列化和反序列化相关架构参考下面。

Serialization and Deserialization Architecture

  • The Turmeric Serialization/Deserialization module is highly customizable and extensible.
  • Using the Serialization Factory and Deserialization Factory, you can plugin any data format.
  • The interactions to the core runtime itself are preformed through these uniform interfaces.
  • Tumeric uses the JAXB interface for many data formats, but format-specific stream readers and writers are plugged in underneath.
  • Using JAXB for your interface is not mandatory; that logic is completely self-contained in the respective factories.
  • Many formats like XML, JSON, NV, and FastInfoSet are supported, and you can easily add more, such as Avro or ProtoBuf.

备注:Turmeric的序列化和反序列化模块具有高度的可定制性和可扩展性。Turmeric使用序列化工厂类,可以插件式的加入对任何数据格式的支持。Turmeric使用JAXB接口支持XML, JSON, NV, and FastInfoSet等多种数据格式。

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