从硅谷看外面的世界,震惊~ ——Quora问答
译者 大力姑娘
46 Answers
Susan Wu, I live in SF, Paris and Australia.
1020 votes by Raghav Aggarwal, Kamil Altintasoglu, Eeshan Malhotra, (more)
1. 50 Shades of Grey grew to 35 million 'users' more quickly than Instagram did.
1. 小说《五十度灰》达到三千五百万“用户”的速度比Instagram还快。
2. Most of Silicon Valley is focused on building products for the top 1% of the world's population. Most of the world needs solutions to problems we rarely talk about, in areas like health care, agricultural production, sustainable construction, citizen activism and empowerment, childhood education, affordable transportation, supply chain optimization, community solidarity and efficacy, etc. And I'm not solely referring to base of the pyramid topics (like clean water access), either. The average "middle class" citizen outside the US doesn't have as much luxury to indulge in existential crisis and loneliness.
2. 硅谷中绝大部分人都只专注于为世界1%的人口提供服务的产品。 而真正世界上绝大多数人都面临的问题我们却从不谈论,例如卫生保健,农业生产,可持续建设,公民积极性和赋权,儿童教育,负担得起的交通,供应链优化,社区团结和功效,等等。我指的也不单单是金字塔最底层人面临的问题(比如说清洁水供应)。就连美国以外的所谓“中产阶级”其实也什么机会享受存在危机,享受孤独吧。
3. Most of the world is not 16-29 year old males. There's a whole range of perspectives that go underrepresented in Silicon Valley. There are a lot of women out there. Older folks. Also, it might be hard to imagine, but there are a lot of kids not growing up on video games.
3. 世界上除了16-29岁之间的男性以外还有其它人类的好吗?硅谷也不能代表全世界啊。硅谷之外还有女人啊,老人啊这些生物的。再说,也许你很难想象,不过还是有挺多小孩不是伴随电脑游戏成长的。
4. Given the above two points, the emergent 'morality' of the products Silicon Valley creates can be limited and not particulalry reflective of much of the world's compass. All products inherit the values of their creators and have a sort of corresponding 'morality.' When you create an algorithm, it's optimizing for something -- it might be that you think "saving time" is a value worth optimizing for. Or it could be that what you're trying to optimize for is quantity (quantity of access, of distribution), which can often come at the cost of quality and depth of interaction. Or like most of us who are successful Americans, we automatically assume that our stance on individual rights and belief in the individualistic survival of the fittest / the elite will rise are "ideal" or "optimal.". Another example is our cultural bias towards the "cult of the celebrity.". And we tend to measure success by economic output.
4. 基于以上两点,硅谷创造的产品从道义上讲用途极其有限,而且没有反应全世界人民的需要。所有产品都带有创造者的烙印,只具有相应的“道义”。当你创造了一种算法,它会优化某种东西——也许只是你认为“节省时间”是一件值得优化的事。也可能你想要优化的实际上是质量(供应质量,或分配质量),但是这通常以数量和交互的深度为代价。也许我们跟大多数所谓成功的美国人一样,自动地认为个人权利,适者生存的想法是理想的,优化的。另一个例子是社会对“名人崇拜”的偏见。而且我们总是以经济地位来衡量一个人的成功。
These assumptions aren't necessarily true or as relevant or perhaps ideal for a large part of the world, yet we often imbue the products we create with these values.
I'm not saying any of this is good or bad, it's just worth thinking about. What are the values you are imbuing your product with? Do they fit into your vision of the future? Be thoughtful not only about all of the stuff we talk about openly (design, business model, user interaction, hiring and culture) but also be thoughtful about this stuff too.
5. And what other people say here is true:
Houses that cost over $1 million are rare, even in other wealthy countries. Most people's friends are not millionaires. Most people don't know people who have retired at age 35.
Most people have never heard of Instagram, Square, Dropbox, AirBnB.
大多数人从未听说过Instagram(图片分享应用),Square(移动支付), Dropbox(在线存储应用),AirBnB(旅行房屋租赁社区,被称为住房中的Ebay).
Most people don't live on Coke or organic green tea drinks.
Most people don't "calendar in" their friends.
多数人不使用Calendar in(状态栏日历)应用。
Most people don't follow the stock performance of Zynga/Facebook and pepper their daily conversations with who has raised what, or how much startup X was acquired for. Probably they are too busy following cricket scores!
The models for success are not solely limited to being a college dropout genius or being an MIT/Stanford grad.
Most people don't feel inadequate if they don't know how to code.
Being emotionally expressive or emotionally sensitive is a virtue in some parts of the world.
41+ Comments • Post (45) • Thank • 2 Aug
Anon User
301 votes by Kirtika Ruchandani, Ben Roth, Wray Rives, (more)
Women are about half the population.
7+ Comments • Post (1) • Thank • 1 Aug
Wray Rives, CPA CGMA
89 votes by Lancelot Lachartre, Liz Altmaier, Eeshan Malhotra, (more)
In the US there are over 9 non-tech related old school startup businesses for every tech startup.
1+ Comments • Post • Thank • 1 Aug
Anon User
70 votes by Ryutaro Yokoyama, Elliott Hanks, Delos Chang, (more)
Talking about Quora largely results in confused glances (it is sort of a Silicon Valley Fight Club)
Same for reddit, Digg, etc.
Big Data Borat is not the new Dilbert.
Big Data Borat不是新的呆伯特。
You will receive looks of confusion rather than awe when talking about your participation in Y Combinator, 500 Startups, Thiel Fellowship, etc.
当你说起你参与了Y combinator, 500 startups, Thiel Fellowship(都是风险投资公司和创业孵化器)什么什么的时候,人们的表情更多的是迷茫,而不是赞叹。
People will start asking about the basis for growth rather than getting tremendously souped about your claims of 1000000% YoY
Snack Food, Candy, and Sodas are seldom free
While folks read the Steve Jobs bio, they largely haven't tried to embody/imitate it to reconstruct their persona to mirror Isaacson's Steve Jobs
"Design" is on a significantly lower pedestal.
Uhhh, What on Rails – never seen that!
3 Comments • Post • Thank • 1 Aug
Amanda Fristrom, anthropologist gone writer
72 votes by Bill McDonald, Eddie Xue, Eeshan Malhotra, (more)
If you say "Y Combinator" to anyone in the real world, they would think you are talking about something odd from a sci-fi show.
你跟人说Y combinator(风险投资公司), 多数人会觉得哦这是科幻电影里的什么东西吧。
A lot of people don't mind having a boss.
No one knows who "Rovio" is, but everyone knows about Angry Birds.
Angels are heavenly beings who bring messages from God. Not capital.
Life will, in fact, continue without a single additional Social Media platform. People are OK with this.
No one knows how to spell "Entrepreneur"
"Traffic" in most of the rest of the world means you have to wait through a stoplight two rounds. Not that it takes you 4 hours to go 20 miles on a freeway.
Pitching can also refer to Baseball.
Pitching (高尔夫)也可以指垒球。
You can be social without collecting Business Cards. Really, I promise. I know it's hard. But you can do it.
Outside of business, people think Silicon Valley has something to do withPlastic Surgery (silicon ... silicone ...), especially after finding out it's inCalifornia.
Seed stage means you will get a real plant after some sun and water.
Many think entrepreneurs are "crazy" and are going through a "phase" in life they will "snap out of"
4+ Comments • Post • Thank • 2 Aug
Ben Daniel, Ahhhh you know
52 votes by Amanda Fristrom, Wray Rives, Eva Glasrud, (more)
Companies outside the valley actually make money.
Comment • Post • Thank • 2 Aug
Venkatesh Rao, civilized person
41 votes by Meredy Amyx, Alex Silverman, Terrence Yang, (more)
Wow, this question is breaking all sorts of records for being a snark and ironic self-flagellation magnet. Almost by definition, all answers are from SV or people like me who might as well be from SV, since non-SV people don't Quora much.
So my candidate answer (speculative of course, but I think a good guess since I nominally live outside SV and meet humans every day): non Silicon Valley people are NOT snarky about Silicon Valley, and generally appreciate the region for what it contributes to the world, more than the residents themselves do.
Self-absorption does not imply self-importance. Most SV types I know are far more anxious and cynical about their value than they need to be. Relax guys (and gals... all 7.2 of you): you aren't entirely useless. You're NOT just solving first-world problems. Your bubble ISN'T that bad (NYC is far worse).
You're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it, non-SV people LIKE you.
4+ Comments • Post • Thank • Sat
Anon User
37 votes by Lancelot Lachartre, Phil Darnowsky, Russell Barber, (more)
Most people use Internet Explorer and are afraid of updating it because they are sure it will break what they are used to.
A Business Model is not a luxury.
3 Comments • Post • Thank • 1 Aug
Amir Memon
42 votes by Anon User, Adisa Nicholson, Aneesa Memon, (more)
Software engineers are seen as fully replaceable commodities outside of SV. "just hire a guy from India" they say.
The outside world thinks amazon.com, Facebook, google, etc are "just websites"
Microsoft is still glamorous.
A Mac is a toy.
1 Comment • Post (1) • Thank • 3 Aug
Anon User
27 votes by Pranav Jawale, Wray Rives, Maia Bittner, (more)
Being polite and having good manners can be more important than being smart.
In tech social circles, being rude or arrogant is more acceptable than other places.
Comment • Post • Thank • 2 Aug
Flo Menevis, Entrepreneur gone insane
25 votes by Wray Rives, Rodrigo Tello, Bill McDonald, (more)
Entrepreneurs outside Silicon Valley don't start companies with 1 Million of cash. They exit at that price.
1+ Comments • Post • Thank • 2 Aug
Daniel Sharp, former hero
18 votes by Terrence Yang, Amanda Fristrom, Eva Glasrud, (more)
Outside SV:
A huge number of functioning people are over thirty.
Sushi is exotic.
Few houses cost > $1 million.
2 Comments • Post • Thank • 2 Aug
Vi Tran, I love startups
16 votes by Anon User, Phil Larson, Icaro Vazquez, (more)
Some people have never heard of Airbnb
4+ Comments • Post • Thank • 1 Aug
Liz Pullen, Sociologist, Ethnographer
20 votes by Anon User, Kartik Talwar, Bill McDonald, (more)
Some people have jobs that are only 40 hours a week. They arrive at work early in the morning and leave before dinner.
1+ Comments • Post • Thank • 3 Aug
Jeff Kibuule, Mobile App Developer
18 votes by Anon User, Adisa Nicholson, Kat Tanaka Okopnik, (more)