public class SortTest<E extends Comparable<E>> {
public ArrayList<E> quicksort(ArrayList<E> arraylist) {
ArrayList<E> ret = null;
if (arraylist == null || arraylist.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
subquicksort(0, arraylist.size() - 1, arraylist);
ret = arraylist;
return ret;
public void subquicksort(int begin, int end, ArrayList<E> arraylist) {
ArrayList<E> ret = null;
if (begin < end) {
// by default,use the first item of the array as the pivot
E pivotkey = arraylist.get(begin);
// i is the monitor of the current left-side item
int i = begin;
//j is the right-side monitor
//why set j as "end+1" not end?
//because in the coming snippet:
//while (j > begin && arraylist.get(--j).compareTo(pivotkey) >= 0)
//If we do not do like that way,like,we use j++ instead,we will get
//the wrong index afterward.
int j = end + 1;
while (true) {
//We can look over the items that are smaller than pivot and
//let the i come to item that is bigger than pivot.
while (i < end && arraylist.get(++i).compareTo(pivotkey) <= 0)
//It's just like the last sentence
while (j > begin && arraylist.get(--j).compareTo(pivotkey) >= 0)
if (i >= j) {// let the j be the position for the pivot
} else {
swap(i, j, arraylist);
//the j th item still stores the value smaller than pivot.
swap(begin, j, arraylist);
subquicksort(begin, j - 1, arraylist);
subquicksort(j + 1, end, arraylist);
public void swap(int i, int j, ArrayList<E> arraylist) {
E temp;
temp = arraylist.get(j);
arraylist.set(j, arraylist.get(i));
arraylist.set(i, temp);
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