
标签: jquery 无限滚动 插件 | 发表时间:2013-06-19 22:14 | 作者:goodfav





原文地址: http://www.goodfav.com/15-awesome-jquery-infinite-scrolling-plugin-showcase-1279.html

DIY jquery 无限滚动 – MORE INFO


A jQuery plugin that provides a basic mechanism for triggering more results to be loaded when the bottom of the page is reached.

Infinite Pages – MORE INFO / DEMO (Premium)


Infinite Pages was designed for displaying large pieces of HTML data in more manageable chunks. When the reader reaches the end of the page, the script loads more content. It implements an ‘infinite scroll’ mechanism to load data, so the reader doesn’t have to load enourmous amounts of text / images onto the page all at once. This ensures a more comfortable reading experience for the user. Infinite Pages works by ‘paginating’ your data, and then feeding that data to the user ‘on demand’. This technique is known as ‘lazy loading’, and is becoming more and more common on the internet. An example of infinite scrolling is Google Images, where content is loaded as requested by the user.

Create Infinite Scroll Effect Using jQuery – MORE INFO


This tutorial will teach you how to code an infinite scrolling effect on your website using JavaScript.

infini_scroll – MORE INFO


“infiniScroll” was written as a jQuery plugin. It works for blog posts but will work for anything where you scroll to get more data. Just like Twitter.com, Facebook status messages, etc. Instead of paginating items, the plugin allows you to keep on scrolling. Such system works on posts and tweets but they can also be applied on leaderboards, portfolio items, anything where you want to load subsequent elements.

jquery-esn-autobrowse – MORE INFO


This plugin adds automatic ajax loading of page content when the user scrolls the page, with built-in browser cache.

Infinite Ajax Scroll, a jQuery plugin – MORE INFO


Infinite Ajax Scroll is an open-source jQuery plugin that turns your existing pagination into an infinite scrolling one, with ease.

jQuery ScrollPagination – MORE INFO


jQuery ScrollPagination plugin has been developed by Anderson Ferminiano for studying purposes. You can however, use it in any way you want on your projects for free, as long as you maintain the credits.

Twitter-style triggered infinite scroll – MORE INFO


This plugin aims to progressively enhance your page. Your navigation/pagination elements should be present in the HTML for non-js users, but the plugin will utilize those links to build out a more rich browsing experience.

Load Content While Scrolling With jQuery – MORE INFO


This Ajax auto content loading can very be handy in almost every project. It loads the extra content once you reach the bottom of the page.

Screw – A jQuery Plugin – MORE INFO


Screw, from scroll + view, is a jQuery plugin which loads HTML as a user scrolls the webpage. Screw will help you save bandwidth by only loading content as it is scrolled into view. Screw can also be used to create continuously scrolling, bottomless pages where content is appended to the bottom as the user scrolls.

Endless Scroll – MORE INFO


Endless Scroll not only helps you build highly customizable infinite scrolling effects, it also offers features not commonly seen. Such features include: The ability to up-scroll and prepend content to the beginning of the page; The ability to limit the number of available ‘pages’, i.e. data truncation; and and there are more exciting features in the works, including SEO-friendly URLs!

jScroll – MORE INFO


jScroll is a jQuery plugin for infinite scrolling, written by Philip Klauzinski. Infinite scrolling; also known as lazy loading, endless scrolling, autopager, endless pages, etc. is the ability to load content via AJAX within the current page or content area as you scroll down. The new content can be loaded automatically each time you scroll to the end of the existing content, or it can be triggered to load by clicking a navigation link at the end of the existing content.

Infinite scroll – MORE INFO


This plugin aims to progressively enhance your page. Your navigation/pagination elements should be present in the HTML for non-js users, but the plugin will utilize those links to build out a more rich browsing experience.

jQuery onScrollBeyond and scrollExtend plugins – MORE INFO


The scrollExtend plugin is designed to automatically load new content at the bottom of the screen (by appending to a DOM element) when the user scrolls beyond the element, much like Facebook does with their status updates. The existing infinite scroll plugin was primarily designed to integrate with WordPress, which didn’t really suit my purposes.

Unlimited Scroll using the Twitter API – MORE INFO



作者:goodfav 发表于2013-6-19 22:14:05 原文链接
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现在,最热门的网站分页趋势之一是jQuery的无限滚动(也即瀑布流). 如果你碰巧观察Pinterest的网站,如Facebook,Twitter和deviantART的,你会发现无限滚动的动作,当旧的内容自动加载,当你到达页面底部的. 这将鼓励访客的网站停留更长的时间,并进一步阅读的网站提供更多相关的内容,无需用户任何操作自动.

jquery 插件

- - JavaScript - Web前端 - ITeye博客
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[原]jQuery ListBox Plugin(ListBox插件)

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转载请注明作者(think8848)和出处(http://think8848.cnblogs.com). 未经作者同意,请勿擅自修改本文内容. 这两天项目中要用到类似于ListBox的功能了,本以为有很多jQuery插件,没有想到的是,居然没有搜到好用的,咋办呢,自已动手丰衣足食吧,于是花了一个晚上的时间做出来一个,上效果图:.


- We_Get - 博客园-首页原创精华区
因为项目中需要用到图表生成,所有Google了下,找到了这个插件,顺带写了个DEMO. 先上三个图,分别是曲线、柱状、扇形. 图表中的数据纯属于DEMO的测试数据,没有实际用意. 第一步,下载并且引用JS包(highcharts.js),theme顾名思义是放皮肤的. 可以下载DEMO逐一试试就知道效果怎么样了,上图就应用了两个样式.

jquery Dialog - 弹出窗插件

- Bloger - 博客园-首页原创精华区
    分享几个jquery Dialog弹出窗插件.     1)Zebra_Dialog是一个可灵活配置的对话框jQuery插件,大小只有4KB,要求jQuery 1.5.2+支持. 可用于替换JavaScript原始的“alert” 和“confirmation”对话框. 这个插件使用jQuery Plugin Boilerplate构建.

jQuery 插件autocomplete 应用

- Bloger - 博客园-首页原创精华区
  项目中有时会用到自动补全查询,就像Google搜索框、淘宝商品搜索功能,输入汉字或字母,则以该汉字或字母开头的相关条目会显示出来供用户选择, autocomplete插件就是完成这样的功能.   autocomplete官网 : http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-autocomplete/ (可下载jQuery autocomplete插件).


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插件的概念大家并不陌生了,插件可以很方便我们进行代码开发,大大节约了我们的开发时间. 以前我用jquery都是自己洗一大把的代码,复用性不高维护也不方便. 因此自己学着开发了2个简单的jquery插件. 下面先看下jquery插件的分类. jQuery开发分为两种:. 类级别你可以理解为拓展jquery类,最明显的例子是$.ajax(...),相当于静态方法.

jQuery 绘图插件:jqPlot

- - 我爱水煮鱼
jqPlot 是一个 jQuery 这个 JavaScript 框架的绘图插件, jqPlot 能够产生很多漂亮优雅的线图和条形图. 默认最优设置,非常易于使用. jQuery 绘图插件:jqPlot. 使用 jqPlot 基本可以控制图表的每一个部分,如网格的背景,字体和大小,等等,并且 jqPlot 自己本身也有插件支持系统,所以它可以很容易扩展新的图表类别和选项.