在微软CEO萨提亚·纳德拉上台之后,其推行的“移动为先,云为先”战略似乎也让微软对待产品服务的态度变得更加开放了. 早前发布的Office For iPad、近日发布的Office For iPhone、Office For Android Tablet都是一个个活生生的例子. 不过这样的开放性态度同样也被扩展到开发者和开发产品中.
The LLDB debugger is conceptually similar to the native Windows debugging tools in that it is a low level and command live driven debugger. Part of the reason the .NET Core team chose the LLDB debugger was for its extensibility points that allowed them to create the SOS plugin which can be used to debug .NET core applications.
摘要:好消息,微软负责Visual Studio部门的公司副总裁Jason Zander发表博客,宣布Visual Studio 2012和.NET Framework 4.5现在已经可以下载,同时提供MSDN订户、付费版本、试用版和免费Express版. 此外,他还列举了升级到Visual Studio 2012的十二大理由.