- sugar - 译言-每日精品译文推荐来源The power of the humans mind !. 只有聪明人才看的懂 (点击右上角“上下对照”,可看答案,其实大家都不需要看吧 :)). 简直不敢相信我居然明白我在读什么. 人类的大脑具有非凡的力量,剑桥大学一份研究显示,一个单词具体的字母排序并不重要,最重要的是只要第一个字母跟最后一个字母排在正确的位置.
来源The power of the humans mind !
译者Edward Tung
only smart people can read this
只有聪明人才看的懂 (点击右上角“上下对照”,可看答案,其实大家都不需要看吧 :))
Couldnt beleieve that I could actually understand what I was reading.The phenomenal power of human mind,according to a reasearch at Carbridge University,it doesnt matter in what order the letters in a word are,the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place.The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without a problem.This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself,but the word as a whole.amazing hun?yeah and I always thought sleeping was important!If you can read this pass it on!