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Dismantling the Space Shuttle Program
NASA's Space Shuttle program continues to wind down, with only two more launches planned -- the final one taking place in June (if funded). NASA Administrator Charles Bolden recently announced four facilities where shuttle orbiters will be displayed permanently in New York, California, Florida, and Washington, D.C. At Kennedy Space Center in Florida, Launch Pad 39B, originally designed for the Apollo program and later customized to support the Space Shuttle, is currently being taken apart in preparation for future missions with new, post-shuttle launch systems. Space Shuttle Discovery -- which landed for the final time last month after having flown 39 missions, traveling 148,221,675 miles -- now sits inside Orbiter Processing Facility-2, as it's inspected, disassembled, and prepared for its new life as a public exhibit. Collected here are some images of the 29-year old program's last days. [27 photos]
美国宇航局(NASA)正逐渐放慢航天飞机计划的发展脚步,至今还剩下两个发射计划--最后一次预计在6月份(如有资金资助)。NASA局长查尔斯·博尔登(Charles Bolden)最近宣布这些航天飞机将永久性陈列在纽约,加利福尼亚,佛罗里达和华盛顿四处。在佛罗里达的肯尼迪航天中心,原本为阿波罗计划设计后来又被改装用来支撑航天飞机的38号发射台,现在正在被拆解准备用在未来新的航天飞机发射后(原文应改为“shuttle post-launch”)系统中。发现号航天飞机--z直到上个月最后一次着陆已经飞行了39次,航行148,221,675英里--如今放置在OPF-2仓库(译者注:Orbiter Processing Facility-2,NASA在肯尼迪航天中心的三个大型飞机维修库之一)内,经过检查和拆解后,已准备用它作为公共展品。下面的照片记录下这一历时29年的项目最后的日子。
1 Space shuttle Discovery's forward reaction control system (FRCS), which helped steer the shuttle in orbit, sits atop a transporter in Orbiter Processing Facility-2 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Next, the FRCS will be shipped to a maintenance facility at White Sands Space Harbor in New Mexico, where additional inspections will be performed and its components made safe to go on public display. The transition and retirement processing is expected to help rocket designers build next-generation spacecraft and prepare the shuttle for display. Photo taken on March 3, 2011. (NASA/Jim Grossmann)
1 佛罗里达NASA肯尼迪航天中心OPF-2机库内,发现号航天飞机中用来控制航天飞机进入轨道的前向感应控制系统(FRCS)被放置在运输机上。接下来,FRCS将被运到新墨西哥州白沙太空港的维修厂做进一步检测使它的零件能够安全用于公众展示。这一转移和退役工作有望对火箭设计师建造下一代航天器有所帮助,且为展览做好准备。摄于2011年03月03日。 (NASA/Jim Grossmann)
2 In this Wednesday March 9, 2011 photo released by NASA, space shuttle Discovery lands at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., completing its 39th and final flight. (AP Photo/NASA, Bill Ingalls)
2 本周三2011年03月09日,NASA公布了这张照片,发现号航天飞机完成它第39次也是最后一次飞行后,着陆在佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角的肯尼迪航天中心。
3 Red spray paint marks the spot where the nose landing gear of space shuttle Discovery stopped after it landed at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, Wednesday, March 9, 2011. A marker will be placed in the runway to mark the final spot where Discovery ended its career as the world's most flown spaceship. (AP Photo/Stan Honda, Pool) #
3 2011年03月09日星期三,发现号航天飞机在佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角的肯尼迪航天中心着陆,图片中红色喷漆标记着机头起落架的位置。跑道上将放置一个标志物标记发现号这一世界飞行最长的航天飞机职业生涯的终点。
4 The left spent booster from space shuttle Discovery's final launch is seen floating on the water's surface while pumps aboard the Freedom Star, one of NASA's solid rocket booster retrieval ships, push debris and water out of the booster, replacing it with air to facilitate floating for its return to Port Canaveral in Florida. After the spent boosters are processed, they will be transported to Utah, where they will be refurbished and stored for later use, if needed. (NASA/Ben Smegelsky) #
4 发现号航天飞机最后一次发射时的左废弃助推器正飘浮在水面上,NASA一艘名为“自由星”的固体燃料火箭助推器回收船用泵抽出助推器内的碎片和水并抽入空气使它漂浮起来,运回佛罗里达州的卡纳维拉尔港。废弃助推器经过处理后将被运往犹他州翻新储存以备不时之需。
5 Photographers gather near near the towway to capture space shuttle Discovery as it is towed from the Shuttle Landing Facility to Orbiter Processing Facility-2 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Discovery touched down on Runway 15 at 11:57 a.m., bringing an end to its 39th and final spaceflight mission, STS-133. (NASA/Kim Shiflett) #
5 佛罗里达周NASA肯尼迪航天中心,摄影师聚集在曳船道附件抓拍发现号航天飞机从着陆设置拖曳到OPF-2机库的过程。发现号完成它第39次也是最后一次航行任务STS-133后,于11:57分着陆在15号跑道上。
6 Space shuttle Discovery's tail fin clears the hangar door of Orbiter Processing Facility-2 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Inside the processing facility, Discovery will be prepared for future public display. Photo taken on March 9, 2011. (NASA/Kim Shiflett) #
6 佛罗里达周NASA肯尼迪航天中心,发现号航天飞机的垂直尾翼正通过OPF-2机库大门。在这里,发现号将为未来的公共展览做准备。图片摄于2011年03月09日。
7 Thousands of NASA Kennedy Space Center employees stand side-by-side to form a full-scale outline of a space shuttle orbiter outside the Vehicle Assembly Building on March 18, 2011. The unique photo opportunity was designed to honor the Space Shuttle Program's 30-year legacy and the people who contribute to safely processing, launching and landing the vehicle. (NASA/Kim Shiflett) #
7 2011年03月18日,数以千计的NASA肯尼迪航天中心员工在航天器装配大楼外围成一个航天飞机的等比例轮廓。这次罕见的拍摄是为了纪念航天飞机计划30年来的成就,以及那些为飞机安全工作、发射和着陆做出贡献的人。
8 At NASA's Kennedy Space Center, media learn about the transformation of Launch Pad 39B from Jose Perez-Morales, NASA's Launch Pad 39B senior manager. Starting in 2009, the structure at the pad was no longer needed for NASA's Space Shuttle Program, so it is being restructured for future use. The new lightning protection system, which was in place for the October 2009 launch of Ares I-X, will remain. (NASA/Jim Grossmann) #
8 在NASA肯尼迪航天中心,NASA第39B号发射台高级管理人员在为媒体介绍39B发射台的变革。2009年起,NASA航天飞机计划就已经不需要这个发射台,目前按照未来应用进行重建。2009年10月为Ares I-X 发射任务新安装的避雷系统将被保留。
9 A large crane dismantles a level of the fixed service structure (FSS) on Launch Pad 39B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The structure was designed to support the unique needs of the Space Shuttle Program. The new design will feature a "clean pad" for rockets to come with their own launcher, making it more versatile for a number of vehicles. (NASA/Kim Shiflett) #
9 佛罗里达周NASA肯尼迪航天中心,一个大型吊车正在拆卸39B号发射台的固定支撑结构(FSS)。该结构原先是按航天飞机计划的支撑需求专门设计的。新的设计方案为每个火箭的发射器上配备了一个“清洁台”,使其能适用于各种不同的航天飞机。
10 A crane dismantles another section of the fixed service structure on Launch Pad 39B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Work to remove the rotating service structure (RSS) also continues at the pad. (NASA/Kim Shiflett) #
10 佛罗里达周NASA肯尼迪航天中心,一个吊车正在拆卸39B号发射台固定支撑结构的另一部分。拆除旋转服务结构(RSS)的工作仍在继续。
11 At NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, the rotating service structure on Launch Pad 39B is seen being dismantled on October 18, 2010. (NASA/Frankie Martin) #
11 2010年10月18日,佛罗里达周NASA肯尼迪航天中心,39B号发射台的旋转服务结构正在被拆除。
12 Rubble begins to build as the rotating service structure on Launch Pad 39B is dismantled at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida on October 22, 2010. (NASA/Jack Pfaller) #
12 2010年10月22日,佛罗里达周NASA肯尼迪航天中心,39B号发射台的旋转服务结构被拆解成碎石。
13 A tunnel beneath Launch Pad 39B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida runs from the blast-resistant "rubber room" to the pad perimeter. (NASA/Kim Shiflett) #
13 佛罗里达州NASA肯尼迪航天中心39B号发射台下,一条从防爆“橡胶室”到发射台周围的隧道。
14 A tunnel beneath Launch Pad 39B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida leads to the blast-resistant "rubber room." The room is a steel dome floating on rubber isolators and was used as an escape route during the Apollo Program in case of an emergency. It has since been abandoned by astronauts, but throughout the years nature found its way inside, including raccoons, snakes, birds and even a bobcat and opossum. (NASA/Kim Shiflett) #
14 佛罗里达州NASA肯尼迪航天中心39B号发射台下,一条通往防爆“橡胶室”的隧道。这个“橡胶室”是一个悬浮在橡胶隔振器上的钢制拱顶,在阿波罗计划期间曾被用作紧急逃生通道。如今宇航员们早已弃之不用,但这些年却有不少动物不知从哪钻了进来,可以在里面发现浣熊、蛇、鸟,甚至还有一只山猫和负鼠。
15 A steel door, similar to a bank vault door, leads to the blast-resistant "rubber room" beneath Launch Pad 39B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. (NASA/Kim Shiflett) #
15 佛罗里达州NASA肯尼迪航天中心39B号发射台下,一个类似银行保险库大门的钢制门,里面就是防爆“橡胶室”。
16 Empty fire blanket holders, surrounded by a circle of chairs at the center of the abandoned blast-resistant "rubber room" beneath Launch Pad 39B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. (NASA/Kim Shiflett) #
16 佛罗里达州NASA肯尼迪航天中心39B号发射台下,防爆“橡胶室”中心有一些早已空空如也的消防毯盒,周围围着一圈椅子。
17 A spent shuttle solid rocket booster is moved into Hangar AF at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, where it will be cleaned. After these spent boosters are processed, they will be transported to Utah, where they will be refurbished and stored for possible future use. (NASA/Jack Pfaller) #
17 一个废弃航天飞机固体燃料火箭推进器正被运进佛罗里达州卡纳维尔角空军基地的AF机库内进行清理。之后将被运往犹他州,在那里翻新、储存已被不时之需。
18 Shuttle Atlantis' three main engines take center stage to the banners commemorating the orbiters that served the Space Shuttle Program. (NASA/Kim Shiflett) #
18 图中亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机的三个主引擎放在一堆横幅的中央,以此纪念它航天飞机计划所做的贡献。
19 Crews in Orbiter Processing Facility-2 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida remove space shuttle Discovery's right-hand inner heat shield from engine No. 1. The removal is part of Discovery's transition and retirement processing. (NASA/Kim Shiflett) #
19 佛罗里达州NASA肯尼迪航天中心,OPF-2机库内工作人员正从1号引擎上拆除发现号航天飞机的右内隔热板。这是发现号转移和退役处理工作的一部分。
20 Crew members in Orbiter Processing Facility-2 begin to remove space shuttle Discovery's forward reaction control system (FRCS), which helped steer the shuttle in orbit. The FRCS used hypergolic fuel and oxidizer, which were purged from Discovery after its final spaceflight. (NASA/Jim Grossmann) #
20 机组人员开始拆除发现号航天飞机上用来控制航天飞机进入轨道的前向感应控制系统(FRCS)。FRCS使用的自燃燃料和氧化剂在最后航行之后已被清洗干净。
21 Technicians complete the removal of main engine No. 3 from space shuttle Discovery using a specially designed engine installer on a Hyster forklift. (NASA/Jim Grossmann) #
21 技术人员用Hyster叉车上专门设计的引擎装卸工具从发现号航天飞机拆除了3号主引擎。
22 Crews remove space shuttle Discovery's forward reaction control system, preparing it to be be shipped to a maintenance facility at White Sands Space Harbor in New Mexico, where additional inspections will be performed and its components made safe to go on public display.(NASA/Jim Grossmann)22 工作人员拆除了发现号航天飞机的前向感应控制系统,准备运到新墨西哥州白沙太空港的维修厂做进一步检测,以确保它的零件能够安全用于公众展示
23 In Orbiter Processing Facility-2 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center crew members remove space shuttle Discovery's right-hand inner heat shield from engine No. 1. (NASA/Kim Shiflett) #
23 在NASA肯尼迪航天中心OPF-2机库内,机组人员正从发现号航天飞机的1号引擎上拆除右内隔热板。
24 Space shuttle Discovery's forward reaction control system, is hoisted away from Discovery before additional inspections will be performed and its components made safe to go on public display. (NASA/Jim Grossmann) #
24 从发现号航天飞机上拆卸下的前向感应控制系统正被举起,在进一步检测并确保它的零件的安全性之后,将被用于公众展示。
25 A crew member in Orbiter Processing Facility-2 removes space shuttle Discovery's right-hand inner heat shield from engine No. 1, part of Discovery's transition and retirement processing. (NASA/Jack Pfaller) #
25 OPF-2机库内,机组人员从1号引擎上拆除下发现号航天飞机的右内隔热板,这是发现号转移和退役工作的一部分。
26 Space shuttle Discovery's forward reaction control system is settled onto a transporter at NASA's Kennedy Space Center on March 22, 2011. (NASA/Jim Grossmann) #
26 2011年03月22日,NASA肯尼迪航天中心,发现号航天飞机的前向感应控制系统被固定在一个运输机上。
27 Main engine No. 1, which was removed from space shuttle Discovery, is transported from Orbiter Processing Facility-2 to the Space Shuttle Main Engine Processing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The removal was part of Discovery's transition and retirement processing. (NASA/Jack Pfaller) #
27 佛罗里达州NASA肯尼迪航天中心,从发现号航天飞机上拆卸下来的1号主引擎,正由OPF-2机库运往航天飞机主引擎处理库。拆除工作是发现号转移和退役工作的一部分。
