《权力的真谛:用尊重影响他人》第一章 权力与影响(二)
来源【图书试译】the Power Principle:Influence with Honor (II)
《权力的真谛:用尊重影响他人》第一章 权力与影响(二)
作者 Blaine Lee 译者 Justice
第一章 权力与影响(二)
No matter how frustrated you may feel, there is always a way out. In every situation that arises, we choose to be powerful or powerless. It may not always feel like it, but it is a choice. And there are consequences for these choices in terms of the results that we get, and the subsequent increase or decrease in our power and influence. If we choose powerlessness, it is often because we doubt there is any other option. Powerless choices can lead to lose/win relationships, irresponsibility, stagnation, immobility, and despair. In this book I will show you that powerlessness need not be a part of your life. Even those among us who seem to have no power can become very powerful.
Based on interviews and my own research, I've characterized what I call the power process, which describes the dynamic relationship between people as they attempt to influence each other.
The power process starts with you. From my perspective, when I look at power and the choices that people make, it seems like it all starts with you. When I say you, I'm thinking about you in some very specific ways -- your skills, your future, your past, and your character. When you encounter a new situation, you've got a certain skill set. You may have sought out that situation or it may have come to you unsolicited. The skills that you have enable you to do the job. Your skills are the things that you can do right now in the present.
In addition to the skills that you have, you have a capacity to develop or acquire new talents and gifts. Your capacity has to do with the skills that you will have in the future. You have a lot of potential, a lot of possibilities within you.
You also have a history. Your history is a record of where you have been and what you have done. You have dealt with people in certain ways, ways that have resulted in various outcomes with them in the past. You may have found that even with new assignments people already have feelings and ideas about you. Perhaps they've heard something about you; your history has preceded you. You may carry that history and its effects with you for a long time. Sometimes our history feels like ankle irons. It keeps us from being effective right now because of something that happened in the past.
Sometimes we have to outlive our history. You might have read The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The heroine of the book, Hester Prynne, was caught in adultery and confessed without naming her partner. Beyond her public humiliation and ostracism, as a part of her punishment she had to sew a large letter "A," to represent the word "Adulteress," on all her clothing. She was made to do this so that everyone in the community would know what kind of person she was. Well, she outlived it. She raised her daughter as a single parent. She lived a quiet life as best she could, working for others and giving back to the community in small ways. Because of the service she rendered, the compassionate giving that she came to be known for, little children growing up a decade later in that community asked their parents if the prominent "A" on her clothing stood for "Angel."
In addition to our history, we also have character. Character is what we are. You have an internal set of beliefs, motivations, desires, and principles that are manifested by your behavior. Together they comprise your character. Leadership, power, and influence are about what you are and what you can do, your capabilities and your character. They're both important. But what you are speaks so loudly, the saying goes, others often can't hear what you are saying.
Your character, your present skill, your capacity to develop and acquire new skills in the future, and your history of living all combine to make up what you bring to new situations. Periodically you will find yourself in a situation that requires you, with your present and future capabilities, character, and history, to influence other people to accomplish something. When you come to such a situation and especially when other people are involved, you have a choice. A problem is looming large, an opportunity is on the horizon, and you have a choice. "Problems are opportunities in work clothes," Henry Kaiser said. Perhaps most opportunities come disguised as problems.
Whatever the challenge, we have a choice. Will we choose one of the three types of power, or will we choose to be powerless? Powerful or powerless? That is the fundamental choice we make over and over and over again in life. Will we choose to act or be acted upon? If we choose to be powerful, which path to power will get us the results we want most? You might ask yourself, "What power base will I operate from, or will I choose to be powerless?" If other people are involved, you may be a formal or informal leader, or just a member of a group. In any case, you are in a position to determine and select a base to operate from to accomplish your purposes. The wise leader recognizes that a real leadership choice is made when you choose a power base. "Which power base will I operate from?" The more accurate question is, "What power base can I operate from?"
When we doubt our ability to affect others or make things happen the way we want, we back away from situations assuming there is nothing we can do. We choose to be powerless. There are many reasons we may feel this way. We might be ignorant of possibilities and alternatives. We may be frozen emotionally, unable to respond. We might get trapped in our circumstances genuinely believing there is no other way. If, however, we choose to act, even if we are acting in less than optimal ways, we choose to be powerful rather than powerless.
When we are afraid that nothing else will work, or that we won't make the deadline, or that others might not respond, we often resort to coercive power, or the power to do something to someone. We're afraid of failure, so we scare others into cooperating with us. We may threaten them, punch them, punish them, or do anything necessary to achieve immediate compliance.
When we use coercive power, we are able to control others' behavior, but only as long as we force them. If we remove the threat, they no longer need to follow our wishes. Though we might get the immediate result we desire, the long-term result can only be negative. Those we force may become unable to act on their own, and instead wait for direction from us. They may also resent us for our methods and seek to sabotage or undermine our efforts.
Sometimes we move beyond force and use bargaining to get what we want. Utility power is based on what you can do for me and what I can do for you. It is the power to do something for someone. Together we decide what is fair and we make a deal. The deal may be that you pay me to do a job for you, or that I trade you something I have for something I want. Our deal is constantly up for grabs as we check to see what other options we have. Maybe you find someone better qualified to do the job, maybe I decide I no longer need what you have.
I believe that the majority of adult interactions fall into this category. Utility power works. It gets short-term results. The downside is that utility power disappears when you no longer have what I want. As long as I am getting what I want from you, and I think what I have to give in exchange is fair, we have a deal. When it is no longer fair, according to either party, the relationship ends or may revert to coercive power Utility power dissipates. If the scales are tipped, an otherwise honest person might decide to do something against the other person (or company or country) to "even the score." Utility power is centered on independence as each person tends to look out for their own interests.
Principle-centered power is based on honor extended to you from others and by you to others. This leads to influence that lasts over extended periods of time and can even outlive the person from whom it emanates. Principle-centered power leads to the wonderful relationships we experience with close associates, family members, and friends. When people honor each other, there is a trust established that leads to synergy, interdependence, and deep respect. Both parties make decisions and choices based on what is right, what is best, what is valued most highly. There is control with principle-centered power, but it is internal; it is self-control. Principle-centered power encourages ethical behavior because followers feel free to choose based on what they want most, what they want in the long term, rather than what they merely want now.
You can develop principle-centered power in your life. With it you can become more influential than you may have thought possible. In ways that will endure and perhaps extend beyond your lifetime, you can be as powerful and influential in the lives of others as the most important people in your life have been in yours. Good and important things may happen as your influence spreads. But you may be surprised at who needs to change to make this happen, and how these changes occur. It is a puzzle to some people that their influence increases as their honor increases. But it does. Honor is power. It is not appearance or manipulation, clever words or egotistical desires that bring about this change. It is something deeper.
You can probably think of someone who had this type of power in your own life, someone who had a positive, significant influence on you. I ask participants in my seminars to identify someone like this. I ask them to report who it was, what this person had done, how this person made them feel about themselves, and how they feel about this person today. Here are typical responses:
My first boss treated me in such an honest, respectful, caring way I felt valuable, as if I was making an important contribution. I felt I was worth something, that I was important to the operation of things. He showed me how to do things that I had never done before and acknowledged my efforts and accomplishments. I would have done anything for him.
My mother was always interested and supportive. She gave advice carefully and without judgment. She encouraged my creative endeavors and cared about my well-being. I felt I could do anything I set out to do. She consistently gave me unconditional love -- that was her greatest gift.
My mentor gave me freedom to manage, showed respect for my opinions, encouraged my creativity, and gave me opportunities. She made me feel positive about myself, more confident. I ended up feeling that I made major contributions to our company's success. I had great respect for her integrity. Because of her confidence in me, and her respect for my opinions, I took on more responsibility and she ended up with more time to do the things she wanted to do.
My grandmother loved me. She cared for me, taught me her values, encouraged me, and raised me. I felt cared for. Her willingness, love, and hard work to help me through a very difficult time in my young life was given freely, without question, with no strings attached.
I have file drawers filled with positive, grateful personal comments like these. I am no longer surprised when I hear people describe this incredible power that exists because of how someone treated them at some time in their life. In "A Psalm of Life," the poet Henry Wads-worth Longfellow teaches us, "Lives of great men all remind us we can make our lives sublime, and, departing, leave behind us footprints on the sands of time." These men and women left an influence that could last well beyond their lifetimes and will not be erased or diminished with time.
I want you to believe that you can achieve what you want most by creating principle-centered power with other people. I want you to cultivate the hope that by conducting your life with honor, you can get long-term results that are worth achieving. I have that hope in me. I have shared the principles in this book with thousands of people, with couples and companies, in live seminars, conferences, workshops, and retreats all over the world. And I have learned from those I have taught. I have not mastered these principles -- mastery is a lifelong quest and I am still on the journey. I am learning, as a consequence, that we can do better and be better in our interactions with the people we care about.
The world has many needs, causes, projects, and problems. Our families, our companies, our communities, and our nations need building. People who operate from a base of principle-centered power can make a tremendous positive difference. Today, more than ever, we need to influence with honor.