
标签: 世界 巧克力 圣地 | 发表时间:2011-07-23 13:51 | 作者:yanx516 志坚

来源The world’s top choc spots

The world’s top choc spots


Flanders, Belgium


Belgians love chocolate almost as much as they love beer – which is to say, a lot. And it’s not just any old chocolate: the Belgians are proud of quality and innovation, and Flanders in particular boasts some of the planet’s finest and most imaginative chocolatiers. Look out for Hans Burie’s flamboyant creations in Antwerp and Laurent Gerbaud’s Orient-inspired offerings in Brussels. Both Bruges and Brussels boast museums where you can learn more about the history and production of chocolate.

比利时人对巧克力的喜爱就像他们热爱啤酒一样,非常喜欢!不仅仅任何一种传统的巧克力:比利时人以质量和创新而引以自豪,佛兰德斯尤其盛产地球上最好的最充满想象力的巧克力品牌。安特卫普的Hans Burie有浮华的巧克力,布鲁塞尔的Laurent Gerbaud有东亚风味的巧克力。布鲁日和布鲁塞尔都有很多博物院,你可以了解更多巧克力的历史和制作。



Next time you munch a bar of Dairy Milk, think of Tetteh Quarshie. Who? The man who planted the first cacao seeds in Ghana, germinating the agricultural industry that made Ghana the primary cocoa exporter for most of the 20th century. You can visit Ghana’s first cocoa plant at Quarshie’s farm, and learn about chocolate production at the Tafo Cocoa Research Institute near Koforidua.

下次再吃Dairy Milk巧克力时,想想Tetteh-Quarshie.这是谁?他第一个在加纳种植可可树,并形成农业生产,使加纳在20世纪大部分时间成为可可的主要出口国。你可以在Quarshie的农场参观加纳第一个可可种植场,在 Koforidua附近的Tafo可可研究院学习巧克力产品的知识。

Southern Belize


In the beginning there was the pod, and the pod was good… Way before Columbus got lost on his way to the East Indies, the Maya and Aztecs of Central America were tucking into xocolatl and kukuh – bitter, spiced drinks concocted from cacao beans. Today, the cacao growers of Belize’s southern Toledo district have received a new lease of life thanks to Green & Black’s chocolate, whose Maya Gold bars are based on the ancient kukuh recipe. Arrange to visit a plantation to see the plants, taste fresh-picked beans and experience chocolate as ‘pod’ intended – through the Toledo Cacao Growers Association (if you’re able to plan it, get there for the cacao festival, on from 20-22 May 2011).

最早有一个豆荚,豆荚很好。。。在哥伦布去找东印度路上迷路之前,中美洲的玛雅人和阿兹克特人大口喝着xocolatl 和kukuh——从可可豆里提炼出来的又苦又辣的饮料。今天,GREEN&BLACK 的玛雅金巧克力是以古老的kukuh秘方为基础的,多亏了GREEN&BLACK巧克力, 伯利兹南部 Toledo 地区的可可种植者重获崭新的生活。在Toledo可可种植联盟,你可以这样安排行程,去农场看可可树,品尝刚摘的可可豆,体验巧克力作为“豆荚”的本意,(如果你计划去那里,每年的2011年5月20-22日可以去那里参加可可节)



Purists know that the rarest and finest of the three varieties of cocoa bean is the criollo – chocolate snobs lovingly describe its lingering aftertaste as featuring vanilla, caramel and nuts. Venezuela, and specifically the Paria Peninsula – known as the ‘Chocolate Coast’ – is the origin of the most sought-after criollos, chuao and porcelana. The best are grown on small family-run farms, such as Hacienda Bukare, which you can visit (and where, more importantly, you can get samples!).

纯粹主义者知道最稀有最好的三种可可豆是Criollo,自认为懂巧克力的人深情的形容吃过它之后唇齿留香回味的感觉就像香草、焦糖、果仁一样。委内瑞拉,尤其以“巧克力海岸”而闻名的Paria Peninsula ,是最受欢迎Criollo的起源地。最好的可可豆都出自家庭农场, 比如Hacienda Bukare,你可以去那里参观。(最重要的是你可以从那获得一些可可豆样本)

Bournville, Birmingham, England

英国 伯明翰的Bournville

It’s not quite Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory (where are the Oompa-Loompas?), but Birmingham’s Cadbury World feeds the need in us all to drool over big vats of brown liquid loveliness and watch naked bars whizz through wrapping machines. Take the tour, taste the goods and go wild in the World’s Biggest Cadbury Shop. Yum.

它不是威利旺卡的巧克力工厂(奥柏一伦柏人在哪里?),但是伯明翰的吉百利巧克力工厂满足了我们的欲望,望着大桶的液体巧克力流口水,并能看到巧克力块包装的流水线过程,去那游览吧 ,品尝美味并在世界上最大的吉百利商店里疯狂吧!

Turin, Italy


Ever since Duke Filiberto introduced the sweet Aztec drink he’d discovered on his conquistadoring in the late 16th century, the city’s been mad for all things cocoa. Chocolate shops are numerous (and top-notch) along the grand boulevards and piazzas. Pop into Guido Gobino’s emporium (Via Cagliari, 15b) for a true taste of Turin – the man is a master of the gianduja, a sensational hazelnut-chocolate combo that’s been the culinary symbol of the city since its invention in 1867. Turin’s three-week chocolate festival, CioccolaTò, is held every March.

自从16世纪晚期Duke Filiberto引进了他征服途中发现的甜阿兹特克饮品,这个城市就对所有跟可可的相关的食品疯狂着迷。巧克力商店不计其数的分布在林荫大道和广场中。快走进 Guido Gobino的商场(经由卡利亚里,15b) 品尝一下都灵的纯正味道,都灵人是gianduja ,一种非常好的榛仁巧克力,自从它在1867年被创造以来就成为都灵美食的代表。为期三周的都灵巧克力节CioccolaTò在每年3月举办 。



This compact nation has the highest per-capita chocolate consumption in the world, and has spawned some of the most famous makers: Lindt, Nestlé, Suchard and Toblerone all call Switzerland home. For factory fun visit the Nestlé-Calliers site near Gruyères (free samples included!), or for handmade pralines and top truffles try one of the Sprüngli outlets – the company has been crafting cocoa since 1836.

这个袖珍小国的人均巧克力消费在全世界最高,这里出现了很多著名的巧克力制造商:瑞士莲( Lindt),雀巢( Nestlé), Suchard and Toblerone都称瑞士为家。可以去Gruyères 附近雀巢总部的巧克力工场玩,(有免费的巧克力),或者去Sprüngli的零售店 (这家公司从1836年起开始制作手工巧克力)试着手工制作榛仁巧克力和松露巧克力。

Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA


Welcome to the self-declared Sweetest Place on Earth! This chocolate-scented town, HQ of the Hershey’s empire, is a US institution and has spawned a whole resort of chocothemed entertainment. Sip choc martinis in a Hershey-themed restaurant and slap your picture on a chocolate bar at Hershey’s Chocolate World before being smeared with therapeutic cocoa at the Hershey’s Chocolate Spa. Sweet.


Grenada, Caribbean


Drive from Grenada’s capital St George’s through the misty, monkey-swung highland forests of Grand Etang National Park and you’ll eventually reach remote Hermitage St Patrick’s – home to arguably the best chocolate in the world. The minuscule Grenada Chocolate Company produces award-winning bars and cocoa in the most ethical fashion: beans are grown, picked, processed and packed in the onsite factory-cum-family-abode; the electricity is solar-powered and the business a local cooperative, directly benefiting those on the doorstep.

从格林纳达的首府圣乔治驱车穿过Grand Etang 国家公园迷雾重重的、猴子到处跳跃的高地森林,你最终将到达遥远的Hermitage St Patrick’s——这里可以认为是世界上最好的巧克力所在地了。极少的格林纳达巧克力公司生产优等的巧克力和可可粉采用最环保的方式:可可豆的生长,采摘,加工,包装都在一起,工厂附带的家庭营业方式,电力来自太阳能,商业是当地合作方式,直接让当地人受惠。

Paris, France


Chocoholics, you’ve found your heaven. First, check out the top-end goods – a visit to one of Robert Linxe’s Maison du Chocolat stores will start you drooling. Then stop for refreshment at a chocolate cafe before booking in at the Lenôtre Culinary School for a cocoa cooking-class. And, if you’ve timed your trip at the right time, sample the chocolate demonstrations, fashion shows and sculptures of the Salon du Chocolat festival.

巧克力狂热分子们,你们找到你们的天堂了。首先,检查下你的财物——去Robert Linxe的Maison du Chocolat 商店开始你的欲望之旅,在 Lenôtre 烹饪学校预定巧克力调制课堂之前先在巧克力咖啡店来份茶点吧。如果你把行程安排的恰到好处,去Salon du 巧克力节体验巧克力展览,还有巧克力时装秀和巧克力雕塑。



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- 志坚 - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
来源The world’s top choc spots. And it’s not just any old chocolate: the Belgians are proud of quality and innovation, and Flanders in particular boasts some of the planet’s finest and most imaginative chocolatiers.


- wonder laura - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
 加拿大 渥太华——  巧克力自助餐. In a setting reminiscent of a European stately home, Sutton Place Hotel’s Fleuri Restaurant plays host to an all-you-can-eat chocolate buffet.


- 蓁 - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
来源Chocolate Heaven In Lviv(Lviv的巧克力天堂). 今天我们有机会去参观一个甜食爱好者和喜欢做巧克力礼物的人们的真正天堂. 如果你很想吃甜食却又不能马上跑出去买一些的话,那建议你还是不要看这些照片了. Lviv 巧克力工坊是一个美妙的地方. 它的一楼环抱一间巧克力屋和一间咖啡店,在那儿人们可以享受咖啡和热巧克力.


- scaoen - Lohasly 乐活杂志
快到情人节了,正好来说说巧克力,这两者是如何关联在一起的就不想考证了,而且也说不清楚. 3000年前玛雅人发现可可树并用其果实制成饮料的时候肯定想不到巧克力能变成示爱的礼物. 18世纪的瑞典植物学家林奈把可可树的学名定为Theobroma cacao,前个词Theobroma是希腊文,意思就是“神的食物”,神大都是有爱的吧,那么神的食物自然也是有爱的食物,这么歪说一下倒也通.


- Yu - 玩意儿
很有趣的方式啊,将气球吹好后将巧克力抹上去,然后等凝固后,放掉气球的气就形成了巧克力碗了. 本文原始链接:


- hao - 博闻网 
这些令人惊讶的山峦位于菲律宾的保和省. 最近的研究表明这一区域有1776座类似的山丘. 我不十分确定它们被命名为巧克力山脉的原因,但是毫无疑问的是,他们确实如巧克力般诱人. 这种奇异的地理构造是吸引游人们来保和省的重要原因. 山丘高度一般在30米到50米之间,最高的有120米. 在雨季,这些让你惊叹的地理构造又披上了绿色的植被,更加美不胜收.


- Mengge - 科学松鼠会
无论电影还是现实,失恋的人总是抱着巧克力大吃大嚼,反而恋爱中的人吃得都不多,这是不是因为恋爱本身就够甜蜜的,不需要再往里兑巧克力了. 差不多,因为恋爱的人光靠“爱着”就能在脑子里自行产生吃巧克力的感觉. 美国斯坦福大学医学院的Sean Mackey教授对15名正在热恋中的男女进行了一系列测试. 在实验中,这些人手握一个会让他们逐渐感到疼痛的物体,同时研究人员给他们看自己恋人和其他人的照片,并通过核磁共振记录大脑活动.


- chelsh - 文怡心厨房
 8月DIY课程    明天发布9月份免费课. 奶昔应该怎么做-------巧克力香蕉奶昔. 巧克力奶原料:牛奶300ml  鲜奶油30克  香草豆荚1/8根  牛奶或咖啡巧克力40ml  黑巧克力40克. 香蕉奶昔原料:香蕉80克  牛奶120ml   细砂糖10克. 份量:(600ml的杯子,约1杯).


- Aaron Xu - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
蛋黄 2个份(两个鸡蛋的份量,下同).  オレンジジュース  大さじ2. 1.チョコレートは細かく刻み、湯煎で溶かします. 1、将巧克力切碎,用开水溶化. 2.ボールにバターを入れてクリーム上に練り、粉砂糖を2~3回に分けて白っぽくなるまですり3.混ぜ、卵黄と(1)を加えて混ぜます. 2、在碗里放入黄油和奶油,将其搅拌,红砂糖分2至3次放入,搅拌至完全变白为止.

『女摄影师』Alena Zhandarova,矢车菊茶与巧克力

- 10247966445737274056 - Leica中文摄影杂志
“矢车菊茶与隐藏的巧克力”是女摄影师Alena Zhandarova的一个私人拍摄项目,在这个项目中,23岁的摄影师以一个女孩的视角来记录自己的生活,形成一个非常特别的,唤起每个人青春记忆的故事,我们非常喜欢其中透出的一种只能在20岁的人身上看到的好奇心. “这是一个关于一个女孩子的生活态度的图片故事,每一张照片都记录下一个不同的状态,就好像一张地图,让她在回首的时候,可以清楚看到自己是如何一点一滴变成现在的样子.