
标签: 中国教育 创造力 | 发表时间:2011-07-03 20:46 | 作者:tchch143 JimQ

来源How China Kills

Nowadays people may admire China’seconomy, but not Chinese creativity. Chinese architecture and art, music andmovies are derivative, and many a Chinese enterprise is merely a carbon copy ofan American one. China’s bestschools may produce the world’s best test-takers, but the United States’ best schools producethe world’s most creative talent.


In his book The Social Animal, David Brooksoutlines the four-step learning process that teaches students to be creative:knowledge acquisition (research), internalization (familiarity with material),self-questioning and examination (review and discussion), and the ordering andmastery of this knowledge (thesis formulation and essay writing).


However, this isn’t a linear process,Brooks points out, which means that the learner ‘(surfs) in and out of hisunconscious, getting the conscious and unconscious processes to work together –first mastering core knowledge, then letting that knowledge marinate playfullyin his mind, then wilfully trying to impose order on it, then allowing the mindto consolidate and merge the data, then returning and returning until somemagical insight popped into his consciousness, and then riding that insight toa finished product.’


The processwas not easy, but each ounce of effort and each moment of frustration andstruggle pushed the internal construction project another little step,’ DavidBrooks continues. ‘By the end, (the learner) was seeing the world around him ina new way.’


But what permits our brains to turn a chaoticsea of random facts and knowledge into an island of calm understanding? Believeit or not, it’s our emotions that permit us ultimately to become creativethinkers. In his book The Accidental Mind, the neuroscientist David J. Lindenexplains how emotions organize our memories:

但是,是什么让我们的大脑将随机事实和知识的混沌之海,变成平静的认识之岛呢?信不信由你,是我们的情感让我们最终成为有创造力的思想者。大卫·林登在他的著作《意外的想法》(The Accidental Mind)中解释了情感是如何组织我们的记忆的。

In our lives,we have a lot of experiences and many of these we will remember until we die.We have many mechanisms for determining which experiences are stored (wherewere you on 9/11?) and which are discarded (what did you have for dinnerexactly 1 month ago?). Some memories will fade with time and some will bedistorted by generalization (can you distinctly remember your seventeenth haircut?).We need a signal to say, “This is an important memory. Write this down andunderline it.” That signal is emotion. When you have feelings of fear or joy orlove or anger or sadness, these mark your experiences as being particularlymeaningful…These are the memories that confer your individuality. And thatfunction, memory indexed by emotion, more than anything else, is what a brainis good for.’


What this means is that memories areultimately emotional experiences, and that effectively learning must involvethe learner emotionally. The very best US schools are seen as such because theyinspire their students to be curious, interested, and excited; China’s verybest schools gain their reputation by doing the opposite.


Thinking is the conscious effort ofapplying our memories to understand a new external stimulus, and creativity isasserting individual control over this process to create a synthesis betweenmemory and stimuli. In other words, thinking is really about applying previousemotional experiences to understand a new emotional experience, whilstcreativity is the mixing of old and new emotional experiences to a create anentirely new and original emotional experience.


The best US education institutions endowstudents with creativity by providing a relaxed and secure learning environmentin which students share in the refined emotional experiences of humanity byreading books and developing the logic necessary to share in collectiveemotional experiences through debate and essay writing. A dynamic learningenvironment allows students at many US schools to feel joy and despair,frustration and triumph, and it’s these ups and downs that encode the creativelearning process into our neural infrastructure and make it so transformative.


A Chinese school is both a stressful andstale place, forcing students to remember facts in order to excel in tests.Neuroscientists know that stress hampers the ability of the brain to convertexperience into memory, and psychologists know that rewarding students solelyfor test performance leads to stress, cheating, and disinterest in learning.But ultimately, the most harmful thing that a Chinese school does, from acreativity perspective, is the way in which it separates emotion from memory bymaking learning an unemotional experience.


Whatever individual emotions Chinesestudents try to bring into the classroom, they are quickly stamped out. As I havepreviously written, from the first day of school, students who ask questionsare silenced and those who try to exert any individuality are punished. Whatthey learn is irrelevant and de-personalized, abstract and distant, furtherremoving emotion from learning.
If anyemotion is involved, it’s pain. But the pain is so constant and monotonous(scolding teachers, demanding parents, mindless memorization, long hours ofsitting in a cramped classroom) that it eventually ceases to be an emotion.


To understand the consequences of Chinesepedagogy, consider the example of ‘Solomon Shereshevskii, a Russian journalistborn in 1886, who could remember everything,’ whom David Brooks writes about inThe Social Animal:

为了理解中国教学法的后果,让我们考察一下俄国记者所罗门·舍雷舍夫斯基(Solomon Shereshevskii)的事例吧,他出生于1886年,能够回忆起所有事情。大卫·布鲁克斯在《社会动物》中这样描述他:

In oneexperiment, researchers showed Shereshevskii a complex formula of thirtyletters and numbers on a piece of paper. Then they put the paper in a box andsealed it for fifteen years. When they took the paper out, Shereshevskii couldremember it exactly…Shereshevskii could remember, but he couldn’t distil. Helived in a random blizzard of facts, but could not organize them into repeatingpatterns. Eventually he couldn’t make sense of metaphors, similes, poems, oreven complex sentences.’


Shereshevskii had a neural defect thatprohibited his brain from prioritizing, synthesizing, and controlling hismemories to permit him to formulate an understanding of self and the world.Like many a Chinese student today, he could experience, but he could not feel.


Chinese schools are producing a nation ofShereshevskiis, students with photographic memory and instant recall, but whocan never be creative.









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