做喜欢的事情时 要警惕七种错误

标签: 错误 | 发表时间:2011-09-08 16:52 | 作者:carlasun shaopeng

译者 carlasun

There’s a lot of talk about finding and following ones passion these days, and for a good reason. More and more people are realizing that they don't want to spend a big chunk of their lives doing something they hate.

However, there are a lot of stupid mistakes that people make when it comes to trying to follow their passion. I made most of them and figured out what stands in the way of most people living the life they desire is their own internal fear and mind ghosts.

The good thing about this is that those processes can be changed, but it often won't be comfortable, so most people decide to stick with what's familiar, and you know where that path leads, don’t you?

Scan through these and let me know your thoughts. I think if you can avoid these, you will significantly reduce the amount of time it takes for you to live the life you truly desire.


The number one thing is perfection. There will (almost) never be a time where the stars align and everything will be perfect in your life so that you can go after your passion.

Now, you don't have to quit your job and jump straight into following your passion. You can take things one step at a time, and see how everything develops.

Wanting things to be perfect is just another excuse for putting off your dreams.


    2.感觉迷茫 不知所措
Being overwhelmed is extremely normal when you're beginning to follow your passion. I'd even go as far as to say that if you're not overwhelmed, you aren't pushing yourself enough. So when you find yourself being overwhelmed, it's just a sign that you are heading in the right direction.

Whenever we learn something new, there will be a time where it doesn't make sense, and it seems like all hope is lost. After a while, the information will have been taken up by your brain, and everything will start making much more sense.


Your heart knows what your passion is and what your next step is. When you listen to your heart it just feels right when you find the path that's perfect for you.

Most people have forgotten how to follow their hearts, because they've been taught to be logical in school and shut out any hunches or intuitive messages. This doesn't mean that you have to be psychic or a superhero; it just means that you trust your own internal signals more.

4.Too Much Logic

    4.太多逻辑 过分理智
One of the biggest obstacles to trusting your heart is your mind. Your mind craves logic, and it wants proof and guarantees that everything will work out. I'm sorry to say this, but there are no guarantees. The only way you will succeed is to be determined and know that you will get there if you don't give up.

This doesn't mean that you have to scrap the logical part of your mind, because it's extremely useful when used in the right circumstances.

5.Keep it Fun

Most of all, remember to enjoy the process. When you start doing something new, it's easy to swim in fear and wallow in overwhelm. But the truth of the matter is that you are here to have experiences and explore the possibilities that life has to offer you.

It won't all be a walk in the park, but that's good, because if it was easy, you would never grow as fast as you could.

6.Lone Wolf

    6.独来独往 独孤求败
Find people that are on the same path as you, and also find a coach or someone that can mentor you and help you avoid the most common mistakes that most people make.

It's tough to go about this on your own, because as you may have already realized, there are a lot of obstacles that will pop up on your path.

Having someone there to support you and help you will significantly improve your chances of success. In the end, however, if there’s a way you can guarantee your success, it is to be determined.


    7.锲而不舍 金石可镂
Like I mentioned above, determination is what will get you through the tough times. And that is exactly why it's so important that you find something that you're extremely passionate about. Find something that you would do for free.

When you do this, you will be determined to keep going even when things seem to be going in the wrong direction. You also have to remember that when you are heading towards a goal, you may feel like you're off course most of time. But like an airplane, you will tweak your course as necessary, and you will end up in the right destination as long as you keep moving forward.


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