
标签: 中年 发福 裤子 | 发表时间:2011-09-09 22:54 | 作者:Andie 3g

译者 Andie

For many middle-aged men, the idea that they can still fit into the same size trousers as when in their twenties is a badge of honour.


Sadly, however, it seems they are being encouraged in this belief by high street stores indulging in what has been called ‘manity sizing’.


Research shows that the waistbands on the trousers sold by leading fashion chains are far more generous than the labels suggest.


In some cases, it can be as much as two inches wider than the figure stated.


The vanity sizing ploy has long been used by women’s fashion chains. But now names such as Marks & Spencer, Debenhams and the big supermarkets have all been found to offer waist sizes on men’s trousers that are significantly larger than stated.

这种虚示尺寸的策略已经被长期应用于女性时尚连锁店。但现在, Marks&Spencer,Debenhams等大型超市在男士裤子上标注的尺寸都要比实际腰围小很多。

However, the policy means there is no longer any reliable standard sizing, which makes trying on clothes something of a guessing game, even a chore.


Research by body shape experts Alvanon shows that more than half of British men – 52 per cent – feel the clothes provided on the high street do not match their body shapes.


Alvanon chief executive Janice Wang said: ‘People are frustrated and confused by the different sizes and fits they find on the high street.

Alvanon董事长Janice Wang说:“人们在主街上找到尺寸不同却又都合身的衣服,这让他们感到非常沮丧和迷惑。

‘Shoppers say they can’t find something on the racks that will fit without some kind of alteration.


‘At the same time, even clothes that are said to be the same size can differ.’


Historically, men have gone to extremes in a vain attempt to avoid moving up to trousers with a bigger waist.

Generally, this means wearing them so low that the belly can spill over the top, while some are turning to control underwear, vests and pants, designed to slim down fatty bulges.



Some, such as Simon Cowell or Michael Winner, go the other way with high waistbands which can look equally bizarre.

一些商场,比如Simon Cowell和Michael Winner,走另外一条路线,把裤子设计为高腰,但同样看上去很怪异。

A study suggests the supermarkets are the worst offenders when it comes to ‘manity’ sizing.


Both Tesco and Asda were selling trousers with two inches extra girth.


A pair of 36in waist suit trousers at Marks & Spencer were at least 37.5in wide when checked with a measuring tape. There was a similar tactic at Debenhams, Next, and Topman, which apparently added up to an inch to the waistline.


Overall, 28 out of 50 garments checked were found to be larger than on the label; seven were at least one-and-a-half inches bigger.


Mintel’s chief trend analyst, Richard Cope, said shoppers – both men and women – are increasingly irritated about the failure to offer honest sizes.

Mintel的首席潮流分析家Richard Cope说道,不管男性还是女性,消费者对这些不真实的尺寸都越来越反感。

‘Shoppers quite reasonably expect 32 inches to mean just that,’ he said. ‘They are becoming increasingly frustrated to discover their sizes vary from fashion brand to fashion brand and from item to item.’


The retailers insisted there is no deliberate attempt at ‘manity’ sizing.


They suggested a fashion to wear trousers low on the waist, coupled with subtle changes in the manufacturing process, are to blame.


Gap said waist widths on cotton trousers, such as jeans, may be larger to allow for shrinkage of up to half an inch on the first wash.


M&S said there could be small differences because of the style, fabric and general fit, while Debenhams said sizing is ‘not an exact science’.


The Arcadia group, which owns Burton, Topman and Bhs, pointed to variations that result from the manufacturing process.


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