
标签: 等待 | 发表时间:2010-08-30 00:08 | 作者:news 奥斯汀Outman
1. Ramp up your networking. Join LinkedIn and Plaxo, and ask for recommendations from current and past coworkers. Use Twitter to update the world on your current projects as well as network with other like-minded individuals. Look for local networking groups, and start attending them。

  提升你的关系网 加入LinkedIn和Plaxo,向当前和过去的同事征求建议。利用Twitter更新你目前计划的范围,扩大与其他志同道合个人的联系。寻求当地的网络群体,并加入进去。

  2. Prepare for success. Consider registering a web site in your name. You can then create a professional-sounding email address that will encourage people to visit your web site. Get a professional photograph taken. This is for your web site, your advertising, or anything else that you will be doing to promote your image as a serious professional. Order your own business cards in your name with your web site and business number. Basic business cards can be obtained for a very reasonable rate at Vista print. If you don't want your cell phone ringing with business calls at work, consider a Skype In number, which will cost you just $60 a year。

  做好成功的准备 考虑以你的名字注册一家网站。这样,你就能创建一个给人印象深刻的职业电子邮件地址,并能鼓励人们访问你的网址。拍一张职业的照片。这将为你的网址,你的 广告,或任何其它你所能做的提升自己职业形象的事情做准备。定制印有你的姓名、网址和公司电话号码的自己的名片。基本的名片能够在Vista print获得非常合理的速度。如果你不想让手机在上班的时候收到业务电话,就考虑使用Skype In号码,每年只需花你60美元。

  3. Expand your skill set. If you’re in the right career, critically examine where you may be lacking in experience or qualifications. If you’re weak at giving presentations, now is the time to join Toastmasters. This will improve your public speaking ability and eventually add solid achievements to your resume. Upgrade your credentials. Is there a certification of some sort that you can achieve? Perhaps it is time to consider finishing your MBA。

  扩展你的技能   如果你有份合适的职业,那么,就精确地审视你可能缺乏的经验或资格。如果你不善表达,那么,现在就该加入Toastmasters。这将有助于提高你在公 共场合讲话的能力,也将为你的简历添上实在的业绩。升级你的文凭。看看你能获得哪种证明。也许是考虑完成你的MBA的时候了。

  4. Start thinking of yourself as who you want to become. Rather than being a banker who paints as a hobby, you are an artist who supplements your income with your banking job. This inner psychology is very important to realizing your dream. If you always think of your dream as something you’ll be doing in the future, there’s a good chance it will always remain in the future. Claim it as your reality now, and that will encourage you to take action. If you’re in the habit of thinking it and believing it, doing it becomes much easier。

  开始把自己看做你想做的那种人 与其做个银行家,而把绘画当成业余爱好,不如把自己当做靠银行的工作增加收入的艺术家。这种内心的暗示对实现你的梦想很重要。如果你总是把梦想当成将来要 做的事,那么,它很可能永远留在将来。现在就宣称你的梦想就是现实,这样会激励你采取行动。如果你常常考虑自己的梦想,而且习惯了相信梦想,实现梦想就会 更容易。

  5.Do something to earn money outside of your current job. Consider consulting or selling your creations. Having an outside income helps take the sting out of a miserable work situation. Working in a job that is a bad fit can be a demoralizing experience. Earning a second income is a consistent reminder that you are able to earn money apart from your main source of income. You may eventually find that you can turn your secondary income into a full-time business。

  做点挣外快的事情 考虑做做咨询或出售你的创意。挣外快有助于使讨厌的工作令人愉快。做一件不适合的工作可能是令人泄气的经历。挣到额外的收入会不断地提醒你,你能从主要收入来源之外挣到钱。最终,你也许就会发现自己可以将产生第二收入的工作转变为全职事业。

  6.Post a visible reminder that this job is only temporary. When I once worked in a job I hated, I helped bide my time by hanging a reminder on my bulletin board that said, “This is only temporary. De-invest。” Now this was a home office, so I had freedom over my environment. However, I would suggest you post something at work that will symbolize this concept for you. It could be a phrase like this abbreviated in a way that only you will understand. For example, if you want to become a novelist, post an image of your dream home office or the front cover of a book. Make sure this is in a location where you will see it frequently; every time those stressful moments at work arise, you’ll have this reminder: This is only temporary. I will not be doing this forever。

  醒目地标示这只是一个临时工作  当我做令自己讨厌的工作时,我等待时机的方式就是在电子告示牌上挂上提示:“这只是临时的。完全是投资。”这是一个家庭办公室,因此我能自由布置自己的工

  作环境。不过,我建议你在工作时为自己发个邮件,把这个理念传达给自己。你可以发送一个只有自己明白的像这样的短语。比如,如果你想成为一名作家,就发送 一个你想象中的家庭办公室图像或一本书的封面。要保证把它显示在你能经常看见的地方。每次在工作中感受到压力增强时,你都会得到这样的提醒:这只是临时 的。不会永远如此。

  7.Get busy in your off-work time. There are two halves to achieving a new reality: You must have time to dream, and you must take action. Give yourself time for creative visualization daily. Note ideas that come, and keep a record of these. Make a rule that you spend X amount of time daily taking action on your dreams. Artists produce artwork. Writers write. If you are not taking action, you will not achieve your dream。

  在没上班的时候就开始工作  要想获得一种新的现实有两部分:你必须有时间梦想,你必须采取行动。给自己时间,创造形象化的每一天。关注并记录下出现的想法。形成每天花若干时间采取实 现梦想的行动的习惯。艺术家创作艺术作品。作家写作品。如果你不采取行动,就不会实现梦想。

  8. View your current job as paid practice for your future dream job. Even in a miserable job, you have a wealth of opportunities to polish your skills. Have a boss who’s a hothead? This is your time to get paid to practice dealing with difficult people. Read about neuron linguistic programming (NLP), and give it a try. Find ways to streamline the processes at work. How can you be more efficient in dealing with email and phone messages? How can you better manage your time? Build good habits now that you will take with you when you leave。

  把目前的工作看成为未来梦想的工作付出的实践  即使在一个令人厌恶的工作中,你也能获得提高技能财富的机会。你的老板是个性急的人吗?这正是你练习与难相处的人合作的机会。看看《神经语言学设计 (NLP)》,并付诸实践。想办法把工作流程合理化。如何才能更高效地处理电子邮件和电话留言?如何能更好地安排时间?现在就养成好习惯,等你离开的时候 你可以带走这个好习惯。

  9.Maintain a satisfactory job performance, but de-invest emotionally. This one takes practice, and meditation helps with this. Keep in mind that this job is temporary, so it is not worth your losing sleep over. Practice not engaging with people who try to push your buttons. Think of yourself as working for yourself, not for the company. Do your best to stay below the radar by making sure you are performing satisfactorily, but as much as possible, reduce work-related activities that consume your energy but have little to no return on investment。

  保持一个令人满意的工作表现,不过不要全身心地投入进去。 这需要练习,深思也有助于此。牢记这是个临时的工作,因此不值得你失眠。练习不要与试图触动你的人交战。想象自己在为自己工作,而不是为公司工作。努力做 到表现令人满意,而不引人注意,不过,尽力而为即可,减少消耗你的精力又几乎没有任何投资回报的与工作有关的活动。

  10.Get a life outside of work. This is vital to biding your time in a job you hate. When you have an active social life outside of the office, it becomes so much easier to tolerate mundane or stressful work. A balanced life helps to keep things in perspective。

  争取获得工作以外的生活 这是在你痛恨的工作中等待良机的关键。 当你在办公室以外获得了积极的社会生活,忍受平淡或充满压力的工作就变得非常容易了。和谐的生活有助于保持对事物的洞察力。

  Employing all of these techniques will help reduce stress while you wait until the appropriate time to change jobs. By taking these steps you retain your sense of dignity and worth as well as prepare for success in your future work。



Joke of Today

Cow Giving Birth

    A man was helping one of his cows give birth, when he noticed his 5-year-old son standing pie-eyed at the fence, soaking in the whole event.

    The man thought, "Great... he's 5 and I'm gonna have to start explaining the birds and the bees. No need to jump the gun - I'll just let him ask, and I'll answer."

    When everything was over, Dad strolled over to his son and said, "Well Willie, do you have any questions?"

    "Just one," gasped the pie-eyed lad. "How fast was that calf going when he hit that cow?"

作者: 每日英语    |   下载每日英语    |   捐赠每日英语

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