
标签: 安托万 阿尔诺 思维 | 发表时间:2011-07-26 18:11 | 作者:不喜开封菜 Roy

来源Antoine Arnauld: Precision of thought is essential to every aspect and walk of life

Antoine Arnauld 1612–1694  Precision of thought is essential to every aspect and walk of life Last-born son of a lawyer who fathered twenty children, Arnauld became a theologian, logician and philosopher. He collaborated with both Nicole and Pascal, on their famous The Art of Thinking, which later became known as ‘the Port Royal Logic’ or sometimes just ‘The Logic’. He is also remembered as the author of several of the replies to Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, gaining in the process a reputation as an intellectually rigourous and perceptive critic, and bringing attention to the problem now known as ‘the Cartesian circle’.   Like Descartes, Arnauld is a firm rationalist. In The Art of Thinking, he proclaims that the main aim of logic is to inculcate clear thinking. Thus he writes, ‘nothing is more to be esteemed than aptness in discerning the true from the false. Other qualities of mind are of limited use, but precision of thought is essential to every aspect and walk of life. To distinguish truth from error is difficult not only in the sciences but also in the everyday affairs men engage in and discuss. Men are everywhere confronted with alternative routes – some true and others false – and reason must choose between them. Who chooses well has a sound mind, who chooses ill a defective one. Capacity for discerning the truth is the most important measure of minds.’ .   The Art of Thinking consists of four parts corresponding to the principal operations of the mind: conceiving, judging, reasoning and ordering. Conceiving and judging imply a knowledge of language, since it is concepts and propositions, essentially linguistic items, that are conceived and judged. Reasoning is a higherlevel function of conceiving and judging, required when the concepts that form a proposition are not sufficiently clear for a judgement to be made. Finally, ordering is a mental activity which reflects the method of the new inductive sciences. .   Arnauld accepts the general tenets of Cartesian thought. In line with Descartes’ ontological dualism, Arnauld commits himself to the idea that speech is part of the material world and bound by its laws, but thought, belonging to the essence of the mind, is not so constricted. This leads to a distinction in Arnauld’s work between grammar on the one hand, which belongs to speech; and logic, which belongs to the realm of thought. In the four-fold classification of the Logic, Arnauld places logic itself firmly within the faculty of reason, but insists that reasoning is merely an extension of judging. .   This idea is important for it reflects one side of a foundational debate concerning the status of logic. Is logic, as Arnauld would have it, merely a tool of clear thinking in order to aid rhetoric, or does it reflect universal laws of thought that correspond to reality? This latter view, to which Arnauld and the Port Royal logicians were hostile, holds that there are three laws of thought that are necessary principles for any rational creature, even God. These are the law of non-contradiction, the law of identity, and the law of the excluded middle. These state respectively that a proposition cannot be simultaneously asserted and denied; that if A is identical to B, then anything that is true of A is also true of B; and that every proposition is determinately either true or false. Modern developments in both logic and physics (quantum physics) have cast doubt on the universality of at least two of these so-called laws, giving support to the Port Royals’ contention that logic is merely the refinement of clear thinking in aid of argumentation, or rhetoric..

阿尔诺出身于一个律师家庭,他是父亲的20个子女中最小的儿子。阿尔诺后来成为神学家、逻辑学家和哲学家。他与Pierre Nicole、帕斯卡一同编写了《思维的艺术》一书,即后来人们所熟知的《波尔·罗亚尔逻辑》或《逻辑》。另外,他还因为对笛卡尔的《第一哲学沉思》进行回应而为人们所知。在回应笛卡尔的过程中,他被人们评价为“思维严谨而敏锐的批评家”,他还发现了现在我们成为“笛卡尔循环”的问题。








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来源Antoine Arnauld: Precision of thought is essential to every aspect and walk of life. He collaborated with both Nicole and Pascal, on their famous The Art of Thinking, which later became known as ‘the Port Royal Logic’ or sometimes just ‘The Logic’.


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