来源Shooting guard ratings - ESPN
In the NBA world AM (After Mike), the debate about the league's best shooting guard isn't so clear-cut.
Kobe Bryant's got the rings and an MVP, but Dwyane Wade is beloved by the stats geeks (and has one blinged-out finger himself). And what about Ray Allen, the all-time 3-point leader? Or Manu Ginobili and Monta Ellis, two cat-quick guards who can fill it up with ease?
Monday, we looked at the top point guards on the NBA scene, and ESPN Insider's Chris Palmer ranked his top five. Second up on our position-by-position 5-on-5s this week are, appropriately, the 2-guards. Palmer made his picks. Now here's ours, featuring your responses sent in via Facebook and Twitter:
周一,我们讨论了NBA的控球后卫们,ESPN的Chris Palmer选出了他心中的5佳,那么现在我们5-on-5又开始了,这次是得分后卫。Palmer已经做出了他的选择,我们则根据大家在facebook,twitter上的反应:
1. Who's the best shooting guard in the NBA today?
Kevin P. Boudreau, via Twitter: D-Wade. Who else produces on the court and recruits two of the game's best players to come play with him?
Kevin P. Boudreau, via Twitter:D-韦德。还能有谁能如他这般在场上无所不能呢?
Hayes Davenport, Celtics Hub: Dwyane Wade. The argument for Kobe Bryant is, like Kobe himself, losing its effectiveness. Wade's a slightly better scorer, a hugely superior rebounder and a marginally better passer and defender. It's not a huge surprise that he'd surpass Kobe at this point in their respective careers. What is a huge surprise is that Kobe has somehow become the more likable one.
Hayes Davenport, Celtics Hub: 德维恩韦德。也许有人会说科比布莱恩特,但这样的观点就像现在的科比自己那样,缺少效力。韦德确实是一个更好的得分手,能更出色地抢篮板,也更能传出好球和更顽强的防守。其实韦德能够在此刻超越科比并不令人惊讶,而真正让人惊讶的是科比变得如此这般没有杀气。
Ryan DeGama, Celtics Hub: Wade gets the slightest of nods over Kobe, because he does more of his damage in the kill zone these days, while Bryant lingers on the perimeter. Wade's also more consistently capable on defense simply because he's got fewer miles on his odometer.
Dan Feldman, Piston Powered: Wade. He earns the slight edge over 15-year veteran Kobe Bryant, who no longer has the energy to defend at an elite level or play as much as Wade does. When you're among the best in the game, minutes played matter. Kobe spends too much time on the bench, which hurts the Lakers, so Wade takes the top spot.
Ryan DeGama, Celtics Hub:韦德稍稍超越了科比一点,因为他在禁区内的表现比科比更好,而科比却更喜欢在远程投射。韦德而且在防守端上也能更持续地做的出色。
Dan Feldman, Piston Powered:韦德。他已经渐渐超越科比布莱恩特这位NBA15年的老兵了。后者不能像原先那般充满活力地打出精英级别的防守了,或者说没能有韦德做的更多。当你在众多优秀选手中选择,比赛时间也是需要重点考量的。科比在板凳上呆的时间太长了,这也影响到了湖人整体,所以韦德应该是现在最棒的。
Noam Schiller, Hardwood Paroxysm: From a purely statistical standpoint, Wade leapfrogged Kobe for the SG lead back in the 2008-09 season. In the two seasons since, Kobe's body has done nothing but deteriorate and his game has sagged out to the perimeter. As great as Bryant is, he can no longer match the physical force that is Wade on both ends of the floor.
2. Who's the most underrated shooting guard in the NBA?
Tyler Harford, via Facebook: Easy: Manu Ginobili. He has a few rings on his fingers and still possesses the explosion to the hoop he's always had, but Manu is still left off many people's basketball radar.
Noam Schiller, Hardwood Paroxysm:从纯数据上来考量,韦德从2008-09赛季开始就在SG位置上超越了科比。在这两个赛季中,科比的身体除了变得更糟糕外,没有其他变化。而且他的比赛也越来越远离篮筐。一个像科比这样伟大的球员,他再也不能像韦德这样在攻防两端打出侵略性了。
Tyler Harford, via Facebook: 很简单,马努吉诺比利。他已经拥有了自己的总冠军戒指,而且能够一如既往的攻击篮筐,但他还是没能被大多数人所关注。
Hayes Davenport, Celtics Hub: Now that Kevin Martin is very famous for being underrated, Tony Allen takes his spot here. Not even for his defense, which is gradually being recognized as league-best for a guard. What's underrated is Allen's offense: His shot selection has sufficiently improved to make him a high-efficiency scorer, and that's a rare find for a superb perimeter defender.
Hayes Davenport, Celtics Hub: 现在凯文马丁因为被低估而出了名,而托尼阿伦又取代了他的位置。这不仅仅是因为他的防守,这一点已经逐渐地被联盟中认可为是后卫中数一数二的。他被低估的还有他的进攻,他在进攻选择上的进步已经让他成为一名非常高效的得分手,这对于一位中远距离防守人来说是难能可贵的。
Ryan DeGama, Celtics Hub: Manu Ginobili. It's not that we don't appreciate him, it's that we don't appreciate him enough. He's still a dangerous scorer from all over the floor, his defense remains a plus, and he played a career-best 80 games at age 33. Plus, he's one the league's best ugly-game players.
Ryan DeGama, Celtics Hub: 马努吉诺比利。并不是我们不欣赏他,而是我们对于他的这种欣赏还远远不够。他对于每支球队来说仍旧很危险,另外他的防守也能给加不少分。而且他在33岁的时候打出了职业生涯最佳的80场比赛。还有,他是联盟中最棒的带去比较“脏”的球员之一。
Dan Feldman, Piston Powered: Eric Gordon. If he weren't playing with the NBA's breakout superstar, Blake Griffin, maybe Gordon would've gotten more credit. I guess averaging 22.3 points, 4.4 assists and 2.9 rebounds per game, mixed with stellar defense, isn't enough, though. If Gordon keeps producing like this, people will eventually notice. They definitely will if he improves, which very well could happen.
Dan Feldman, Piston Powered: 埃里克戈登。如果他不是和NBA超级新星布雷克格里芬一起打球,也许他会得到更多的出手机会。我相信人们终究会注意到他的。大家都会注意到他,只要他不断地提升自己,而这也真的极有可能发生。
Noam Schiller, Hardwood Paroxysm: Kevin Martin has a reputation as a lottery-team dweller, a stat chaser and a terrible defender. I think even he would concede the latter, but the first two are neither reasonable nor reality-based. Mini-Mart is one of the best scorers in the game, capable of scoring from literally anywhere, and should be treated as such.
Noam Schiller, Hardwood Paroxysm:凯文马丁一向被认为是乐透球队的首选,一名出色的攻击手和糟糕的防守人。我认为及时他会承认后者,但是前面两项既不合情又不合理。小马丁绝对是联盟中出色的得分手,应该来说可以从任何地方得分,他应该得到大家的关注。
3. Who's the most overrated shooting guard in the NBA?
Reece Whitaker, via Facebook: Monta Ellis. He averaged 24 points per game, but by taking 1,611 shots from the field. The offense he plays in helps pad his offensive stats and he does not play any defense.
Reece Whitaker, via Facebook:蒙塔埃利斯。他场均能得到24分,但却要有1611次出手。他的进攻确实还有一些帮助,但他从不防守。
Hayes Davenport, Celtics Hub: At a position rife with bloated contracts and empty scoring, Joe Johnson still remains the least deservingly rated. He made the All-Star team, but by season's end he probably wasn't a top-10 shooting guard. Low shooting percentages and his team's highest usage rate, even with two better options on the floor.
Hayes Davenport, Celtics Hub: 在这个位置上所流行的大合同无得分的状况,乔约翰逊仍旧绝对是榜上有名。他进入了NBA全明星赛,但在赛季结束时,他甚至不能排进得分后卫的前10名。很低的投篮命中率和场上的超多的出手次数,甚至同时在场上有两个更好的选择。
Ryan DeGama, Celtics Hub: Monta Ellis. He's 11th in the league in usage rate, but only 43rd in player efficiency rating. The undersized Ellis is nobody's idea of a defensive stopper and still makes $11 million a year. Good luck Mark Jackson (or Doug Collins or whoever else ends up with him).
Ryan DeGama, Celtics Hub:蒙塔埃利斯。他是联盟中排名11位的出手者,但却只拥有第43位的效率。这样小个子的埃利斯绝对不是人们心中合适的防守球员,但却还拿着1千100万的薪水。祝你们好运吧,马克杰克森(或者Doung 科林斯不管是谁终结埃利斯的时代的那个人)。
Dan Feldman, Piston Powered: Richard Hamilton. Hamilton's production began slipping a few years ago, but his reputation hasn't yet. He's a malcontent off the court and only plays well on it when he's completely focused. That doesn't happen enough anymore. Bulls and Celtics fans, calm down. Hamilton isn't the answer to your prayers.
Dan Feldman, Piston Powered: 理查德汉密尔顿。汉密尔顿的效率在几年前就开始下降了,但是他的声望并没有随之下降。他对球队表示不满,却只能在自己专心的时候才能打出高水准。这种情况发生的够多了。公牛和凯尔特人的球迷们,请你们冷静下来。汉密尔顿并不是你们所期待的那个人。
Noam Schiller, Hardwood Paroxysm: Monta Ellis' raw numbers seem impressive, but he takes way too many shots to score the points he scores, and his pace-adjusted, per-minute numbers are mediocre across the board. If he's your go-to-guy all night long, your offense will not do well. I'd rather see him in a sixth-man role, and he's certainly nowhere near All-Star candidacy.
Noam Schiller, Hardwood Paroxysm:蒙塔埃利斯的号码也许让人们印象深刻,但是他占据了太多的出手次数但还是只能得这些分,还有他的节奏调整能力和效率都只能算是联盟中的中等水准。如果他是你队伍中的首选得分手的话,那么你的球队在进攻上一定会出现问题。我宁愿看到他出现在第六人的位置上,那么他一定会成为全明星的有力竞争者。
4. Who's the most promising shooting guard in the NBA?
Mark A. Conn II, via Facebook: Paul George. He's 6-foot-8, is extremely athletic, has range, can take you off the dribble and his defense on D-Rose in the playoffs was probably second to only LeBron. He has got tremendous potential. You could see him in a dunk contest and/or a 3-point shootout very soon.
Mark A. Conn II, via Facebook:保罗乔治。他有6英尺8的身高,而且身体天赋极高,可以进行连续防守,这点我们从季后赛他防守D-罗斯中就可以看到他仅次于LBJ了。他有着无限的潜能。你会在扣篮大赛或者说三分球赛中看到他。
Hayes Davenport, Celtics Hub: Eric Gordon. Maybe he's been in the league too long to be up-and-coming, but he's still only 22: less than three months older than Blake Griffin. Gordon's going to be a great scorer for a long time, and his defense continues to improve. There's also the fact that shooting guard is the weakest position for young players in the game.
Hayes Davenport, Celtics Hub: 埃里克戈登。也许他在联盟中混迹了这么久,不太可能有什么发展了,但是他还只有22岁,只比布雷克格里芬大了不到3个月。戈登会成为一个超级得分手的,而且他的防守也在不停地进步。这也是个事实,对于年轻球员来说得分后卫始终队伍中最薄弱的一环。
Ryan DeGama, Celtics Hub: Eric Gordon. Injuries and Blake Griffin dunks overshadowed the continued improvement of Gordon, who is going to be an elite scorer in this league sooner or later. The questions are around whether the rest of his game will rise to that level.
Ryan DeGama, Celtics Hub: 埃里克戈登。伤病和布雷克格里芬的灌篮遮蔽了戈登的进步,他迟早会成为这个联盟中一个超级得分手,而问题是他的球队能否达到这样的一个高度。
Dan Feldman, Piston Powered: Eric Gordon. Not only is Gordon the NBA's most underrated shooting guard, he has the potential to get much better. He's improved each year he's been in the league, and it's only a matter of time until all his skills -- outside shooting, penetrating, defending and passing -- come together at once.
Dan Feldman, Piston Powered:埃里克戈登。他不仅仅是这个联盟中最被低估一个,他还有着无限的未来。他自从进入联盟以来一直都有在进步。而且所有的一切--外线投射,突破,防守和传球都将会达到高水准,这只是时间问题。
Noam Schiller, Hardwood Paroxysm: Despite my affection for 2010 draftees Evan Turner and Paul George, your man here is Eric Gordon. EG was one of many players to make huge strides after his Team USA experience last summer, and he complements his extraordinary inside-outside scoring game with an aggressive defensive mentality, solid court vision and an adorable baby face.
Noam Schiller, Hardwood Paroxysm: 尽管我很喜欢2010的选秀伊万特纳和保罗乔治,但这个问题的答案是埃里克戈登。他是在经历了上届美国国家队之后取得巨大进步的一个。他现在在内外线进攻的同时,还为自己找到了防守重点和稳定的比赛的节奏还有一张可爱的娃娃脸。
5. Who's the best shooting guard of all time?
Drew Lazor, via Twitter: Is this an experiment to see how many people incredulously respond that there is no option other than MJ? If so, count me as one of them!
Drew Lazor, via Twitter: 这是一项用来测试有多少人会毫不迟疑的选择迈克尔乔丹的测试吗?如果是的话,那么算上我一个吧。
Hayes Davenport, Celtics Hub: I spent a lot of time on this question because when you look back on the history of the league, there are some pretty strong candidates: Jerry West, John Havlicek, Kendall Gill. But at the end of the day, I asked myself, "Which of these guys would I want on my team?" So I'm going to say Michael Jordan.
Hayes Davenport, Celtics Hub:我花了很多的时间来思考这个问题,因为当你回头看整个联盟的历史的时候,有那么如此强悍的候选者们:杰里韦斯特等等。但是最后我问了自己一个问题“你最希望哪个家伙出现在你的球队里?”所以我决定要说迈克尔乔丹。
Ryan DeGama, Celtics Hub: Michael Jordan. If he had come of age in the 'oughts, instead of the dynasty-dense 1980s, MJ might have run off 10 titles. If you had to put your life in the hands of one guy, in one game, would you pick anyone but Jordan as your proxy?
Ryan DeGama, Celtics Hub: 迈克尔乔丹。如果他来到现在,而不是那个王朝密集的80年代,MJ很可能已经拿下10座奖杯了。如果将你自己的生命注入一场比赛中,你除了乔丹还会选择谁来做你的代表呢?
Dan Feldman, Piston Powered: Michael Jordan. ESPN's editors allow me 60 words to explain my choice, but I think I'll stop here. If you don't understand this one, you've stumbled to the wrong web page.
Dan Feldman, Piston Powered:迈克尔乔丹。ESPN的编辑允许我用60个词来说明我的选择,但是我觉得没这个必要了。如果你连这个都不能理解的话,那我只能说你点错了网页了。
Noam Schiller, Hardwood Paroxysm: Unlike my answer to best current shooting guard, I have to assume this one goes relatively smoothly with all parties, with the best player of all-time conveniently being a shooting guard. As is the case most of the time, Michael Jeffery Jordan takes this round.
Noam Schiller, Hardwood Paroxysm:并不像我选择现役最好的得分后卫那样,我不必假设这个球员和其它位置上最好的球员的组合会是怎么样的。对于这个问题一直都只有--迈克尔乔丹这唯一的一个答案。
