
标签: 时代 猫屎咖啡 | 发表时间:2011-02-13 19:56 | 作者:Lineker raphael

来源Kopi Luwak: The World\'s Most Expensive Coffee  - Photo Essays - TIME

The secret ingredient of this unique coffee comes from the dung of Asian Palm Civets

努瓦克咖啡(Kopi Luwak)是世界上最昂贵的咖啡,这种独特咖啡的神秘配方来自于亚洲狸猫(Asian Palm Civets)的粪便

Coffee Maker


Gourmands the world over savor the flavor of the coffee known in Indonesia as Kopi Luwak. The coffee gets its taste from coffee berries that the luwak, a kind of civet consumes and then excretes in its stool.
Kopi Luwak: The World's Most Expensive Coffee<br />The secret ingredient of this unique coffee comes from the dung of Asian Palm Civets


Berry Picking


Wayan Dira, above, and his wife, Sari Artini, have nine civets that they have spent the last two years cultivating.
Kopi Luwak: The World's Most Expensive Coffee<br />The secret ingredient of this unique coffee comes from the dung of Asian Palm Civets


Sorting Stool


The beans do not get digested by the civets, thus making it possible for farmers to collect them. Here, Wayan Dira collect the excrement so that the coffee beans can be processed.
Kopi Luwak: The World's Most Expensive Coffee<br />The secret ingredient of this unique coffee comes from the dung of Asian Palm Civets


Dung Blend


Coffee beans mixed with the dung dry out in the sun before being thoroughly washed and lightly roasted.
Kopi Luwak: The World's Most Expensive Coffee<br />The secret ingredient of this unique coffee comes from the dung of Asian Palm Civets


Raw Materials


Since its rise in popularity, many enterprising families have set up processing in their backyards. A lot of the beans come from small, independently owned farms.
Kopi Luwak: The World's Most Expensive Coffee<br />The secret ingredient of this unique coffee comes from the dung of Asian Palm Civets


Gourmet Coffee


Wayan inspects the roast coffee beans. Unlike heavily roasted coffees, Kopi Luwak is roasted lightly with beans ranging from cinnamon color to medium, giving it a unique taste.
Kopi Luwak: The World's Most Expensive Coffee<br />The secret ingredient of this unique coffee comes from the dung of Asian Palm Civets


Rich in Flavor


Freshly roasted beans are poured on the floor.
Kopi Luwak: The World's Most Expensive Coffee<br />The secret ingredient of this unique coffee comes from the dung of Asian Palm Civets


Taster's Choice


The beans are put into a grinder.
Kopi Luwak: The World's Most Expensive Coffee<br />The secret ingredient of this unique coffee comes from the dung of Asian Palm Civets


Bagging Beans


The beans are bagged and packaged.
Kopi Luwak: The World's Most Expensive Coffee<br />The secret ingredient of this unique coffee comes from the dung of Asian Palm Civets


End Product


Kopi Luwak can sell for upward of $227 a pound. Its largest markets are in Japan and South Korea. The taste has been described as "unique, mild, and smooth with a hint of dark chocolate and secondary notes of earth and musk."
Kopi Luwak: The World's Most Expensive Coffee<br />The secret ingredient of this unique coffee comes from the dung of Asian Palm Civets









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