
标签: 美国 留学生 家书 | 发表时间:2011-09-01 20:27 | 作者:w.w.d. 白肥

译者 w.w.d.

Dear Mom and Dad,


Things are going well here in China.  The food here is especially wonderful and I’ve lost a good deal of weight because it doesn’t tend to stay down for very long.  I’ve been buying my meat from a street vendor down the road, who I think might be a little crazy.  Every time I try to ask him what part of the cow the meat comes from he just smiles and barks like a dog.  Maybe Chinese people just have a weird sense of humor!


I’ve been seeing a girl named Candy that I met at massage parlor in Beijing, and she’s very nice.  She doesn’t speak much English but in the little bit that I do understand she says she’s very excited about going to America, although I don’t know when she plans to visit.  She’s been very tired lately, and sometimes she gets sick in the morning.  I tell her that it might be because of all the strange food she likes to eat at odd times of the night, but I’m not sure she understands because she usually just responds by rubbing her tummy and smiling.  In any case, I hope she feels better before she goes to the States.


China has many inexpensive things to buy, like shoes, jackets, and even passports!  I traded in my boring old passport and bought one that’s much more pleasing to the eye.  It’s orange and blue and has lots of funny little stickers in it instead of the plain ink stamps that they gave me at the airport, and it only cost me 50 dollars!


I don’t know if you know this but opium is actually legal here, and a very nice guy from Australia offered me as much as I wanted if I let him grow his marijuana plants (Which I guess is legal as well) on my balcony.  I often have visits from the local police, who say that there is a tax for living in my neighborhood.  They are very nice but most of the money that you gave me has run out, and they say that if I can’t pay them I will have to move to a neighborhood called Jay La.  I’ve asked some of the locals about this place and they say that it’s very dangerous, but my Australian friend said that he could help me find work carrying backpacks into Laos.  Apparently Laos has a severe shortage of backpacks!

    你们知道吗,鸦片在这里的合法的。而且一个很友好的澳大利亚人给我鸦片,想要多少就要多少,只要我让他在我的阳台上种他的大麻(我估计这也是合法的吧)。当地的警察经常找上门来,他们说住在这里是要交税的。他们很友好,不过你们给我的钱差不多都用完了,而他们说如果我不交税的话就只能搬到一个叫Jay La的街区去。我问了一些本地人,他们说那是个危险的地方。不过我的澳大利亚朋友说他可以帮我找到一个背着背包去老挝的工作(泽注:“金三角”的一部分就在老挝)。很明显老挝背包严重短缺!

I’m going to a party at Tiananmen Square today for the Dali Lama’s birthday (or maybe it’s something else, but I know it has something to do with the Dali Lama) and they’re going to be giving out lots of free Tibet!  I’m not sure what that is, but all the foreigners here are very excited about it so it must be very nice.  Apparently the Chinese people don’t like it very much-or at least whenever I bring it up they change the subject- so I guess that’s why they’re giving it out for free.


I met an American guy that works for Google yesterday, and he was bent out of shape about something or another.  Apparently he had fallen down a set of stairs and was covered in scrapes and bruises, so I took him back to my apartment to clean him up.  The police came by to collect the neighborhood tax when he was there and were seemed very happy to see him there.  I left him in my apartment this morning but he wasn’t there when I got back.  Maybe the police helped him with whatever he was having trouble with.


Well I have to go now, Candy’s old boss is here and they seem to be having some sort of argument so I better attend to that.  Can’t wait to see you when I get back!  Hope all is well!






P.S. I got a refund on my return ticket and bought a much cheaper one that connects       through Somalia, but I’ve been told it might take a bit longer so I might be arriving a few days late.


Disclaimer:  Don’t worry Mom and Dad, I’ve never met anyone who calls herself Candy, I still have my passport, and I’ve never smoked opium.

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