
标签: 旅途 健康 贴士 | 发表时间:2011-09-04 22:06 | 作者:Shophen Tina

来源6 Tips for Healthy Eating when Traveling

There are so many benefits of travel. Seeing exotic places, meeting interesting people, experiencing things you just don’t get at home. And of course, finding new taste sensations (chilli fried grasshoppers with lime anyone?).


Even traveling for work can be fun. Takeoffs and landings. Fancy (and not so fancy) hotels. The security of a corporate credit card. Traveling to places that the average tourist wouldn’t ever think to visit.


But being away from home and our routines can mean it’s more difficult to look after ourselves.Thankfully, it is possible to minimize the damage.


Here are 6 tips to help you stay healthy on the road.


6 Tips for Healthy Eating when Traveling.


1. Try self catering.

1.         试着自己做饭

We all know that home cooking tends to be more healthy than restaurant food or room service. So making the occasional meal yourself when you’re on the road can help. You don’t need to be staying somewhere with kitchen facilities. Impromptu picnics on your hotel room floor can be great fun.


My favorite healthy traveling meal is to head to the local supermarket and pick up some washed mixed salad leaves, a can of tuna or other fish and a lemon. I’m also a big fan of canned chickpeas, drained and tossed with a little lemon juice and pre-grated Parmesan cheese – just makes sure you choose a self opening can. I also love sprouted legumes with lemon juice, avocado and almonds.


2. Pack some healthy snacks.

2. 随时备一些健康的零食

Roasted almonds or other nuts are my go-to snack, but pack whatever works for you. This is for peace of mind so if you get stuck, you won’t have to resort to greasy fast food.


3. Be prepared to develop some new habits.

3. 要时刻准备养成一些新的习惯

One of the things I love about travel is the chance to break away from daily routines and form some new ones. On a recent trip to New York, I started taking yoga classes most days, something that isn’t available where I live.


On the food side of things, I found I was sleeping later and going out for brunch rather than my usual early breakfast.


4. Embrace eggs for breakfast.

4. 早餐中要有鸡蛋

Breakfast in cafes, restaurants and hotels can be a wonderful experience. Take the time to seek out places known for putting on a good spread to make sure you’re getting your protein in the mornings.


If you’re not aware of the benefits of eating eggs for breakfast, this post will shed some light.


5. Sampling a little is better than going without.

5. 少量为足,总比什么都没有强

Being a slave to your diet isn’t a fun way to travel. After all, part of the joy of visiting new places is to experience the culture, including the food.


My philosophy is to try a little of everything but not over-indulge. Aim to have the experience but not use it as an excuse to go crazy.


6. Remember the 80/20 Rule.

6. 牢记这80/20规则

If you’re trying to be 100% healthy all the time, it can make life on the road much more stressful and make you want to give up all together.


Instead, remember that as long as you’re eating well most of the time, you’ll still be getting MOST of the benefits. A few pastries or chocolate here and there isn’t going to be the end of the world.










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