
标签: 相信 口香糖 健康 | 发表时间:2011-10-18 14:00 | 作者:Doubledaisy Xiaochuan

译者 Doubledaisy

Dentists who recommend that patients chew sugar-free gum after meals may need to rethink their advice, after scientists found the habit could actually erode teeth.


A study review in the British Dental Journal found there is a 'hidden risk' in sugar-free products that are promoted as 'tooth friendly'.


A team, from the universities of Boston, Helsinki and Souther Nevada, examined the role of sugar substitutes used in products to tackle tooth decay.


They found there was an 'unrecognised risk of acidic flavouring in sugar-free candies and beverages.'


They said a group of substitutes of sugar alcohols or polyols including xylitol and sorbitol can reduce the risk of cavities.


However, they also increase mouth acidity which erodes dental enamel - the tooth's hard protective coating. This is especially true if they contain fruit flavourings.


Researcher Dr Sok-Ja from Boston University, said: 'The term sugar-free may generate false security because many people may automatically believe that sugar-free products are safe on the teeth.'

  来自波士顿的研究员 Sok-Ja 博士说:“长期以往,无糖产品会变成不安全的防护产品,因为很多人自然而然地相信无糖产品对牙齿很安全。”

The team added that sugar-free food and drinks were unlikely to promote weight loss with many containing up to half of the calories of full-fat products.


Writing in the review, Are sugar-free confections really beneficial for dental health?, they said: 'As the use of sorbitol and xylitol containing products increases, the public should be educated on the hidden risk of dental erosion due to acidic additives, as well as the adverse effects of gastric disturbance and osmotic diarrhoea.


'Especially in sugar-free products, these adverse effects may be more insidious because the public has blind confidence that they are oral health friendly.'


They concluded that further clinical trials were needed in the area.


In a commentary on the findings, Stephen Hancocks, editor in chief of the BDJ, said there was a 'minefield of confusion for the patient who is trying his or her very best to comply with healthy choices and a complex labyrinth of communication for the professional in attempting to convey practical advice.'

  在这项研究报告的评语中,英国牙科杂志的主编Stephen Hancocks说,很多乐意听从有益健康建议的患者面对的是一个模糊且有潜在危险的问题,同时那些试图给出实用建议的教授又存在着复杂难解的沟通问题。

A spokesperson for the chewing gum company Wrigley, said: 'Scientific studies, including the report in the British Dental Journal, are all clear that chewing sugar free gum provides many oral health and dental benefits by stimulating the production of saliva.


'Unless people are chewing an excessively large amount of sugar free gum every day, they shouldn't worry about the issues raised in the report, such as the potential for a laxative effect or the calorific content.'


Commenting on the findings, the British Dental Association’s Scientific Adviser, Professor Damien Walmsley, told Mail Online: 'This research reminds us of the importance of exercising caution when consuming acidic fruit-flavoured foods, even if they are sugar-free, as excessive use of these outside meal times may increase the risk of developing tooth erosion.

  英国牙医协会科学顾问,Damien Walmsley教授告诉Mail Online:“这项研究提醒我们警惕牙齿锻炼的重要性,当食用酸性糖果味食物时,即使是无糖的,如果在饭后过度食用会增加牙齿受侵蚀的风险。”

'Chewing sugar-free gum after meals can reduce the risk of dental decay, but if you also want to avoid dental erosion it is important not to pick the fruit-flavoured varieties.


'It is also important to brush your teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste, waiting an hour to do so after meals, and to visit your dentist regularly.'


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