
标签: 财富 | 发表时间:2011-09-13 13:29 | 作者:寂静河流 austin

译者 寂静河流

4 Simple Steps to Financial Success


      By Mr. Self Development on Apr 18, 2009 in Finances, Success

 By Mr. Self Development on Apr 18, 2009 in Finances, Success

Dear Mr. Self Development,

尊敬的Self Development先生,

How do you achieve financial success?  




    Great question; here are 4 steps that will bring you financial success, enjoy:


1. Become an Expert – In order to become financially successful, you must become an expert doing something. If you look at any financially successful person, they have an area of expertise. Donald Trump is an expert on real estate, Michael Jordan is an expert on basketball, Bill Gates is an expert in computers, Tony Robbins is an expert motivator, Tiger Woods is an expert golfer, Brad Pitt is an expert actor, Tyra Banks is an expert model, and Warren Buffet is an expert investor; you get the point. The greater your expertise, the greater your potential for financial success.

    1. 成为一个专家。如果想发财的话,你必须在某个方面成为专家。看看那些经济成功人士,他们都在某一方面有所擅长。唐纳德·特朗普是不动产专家,迈克尔·乔丹是篮球专家,比尔·盖茨是计算机专家,安东尼·罗宾是激励专家,泰格·伍兹是高尔夫专家,布拉德·皮特是个表演专家,泰拉·班克斯是个模特专家,沃伦·巴菲特则是个投资专家;你领会到关键了吧。你越擅长某方面,你发财的潜力越大。

    If you’re not currently an expert at something, you need to change that; you should develop at least one area of expertise in your lifetime.


    It would make sense to become an expert doing something you enjoy. Why? Because you’ll become an expert much faster, and you’ll enjoy the process.


    Your expertise should incorporate your uniqueness. You have unique experiences and perspectives that can never be duplicated, use this to your advantage.


    If you really want to increase your earning potential, strive to become the best in your area of expertise.


    How do you become an expert? You’re going to have to “put-in-the-time,” there are no short-cuts or elevators to becoming an expert; you have to take the stairs. They say it takes approximately 10,000 hours of training to become an expert, so get started today!


    2. Create Socially Perceived Value From Your Expertise – When I said you have to become an expert doing something, I didn’t mean doing anything. Your expertise must have socially perceived value. In other words, “people must value your expertise.” If you are an expert at saying the alphabets backwards, it probably won’t make you rich.

    2. 从你的专长中创造社会认知的价值——当我说你必须在某方面成为专家的时候,我并不是指任何方面。你的专长必须具有社会认知的价值。换句话说,“人们要认为你的专长具有价值。”,如果你擅长倒背字母表的话,这种专长可能并不能给你带来财富。

    Your expertise should aim to fill a social need, such as entertainment, fashion, business, informational, etc. You could start a clothing line, become a CFO, become a public speaker, write a book, or open a jewelry store.


    The point is, “people must value your expertise,” so much so that if you didn’t exist their lives would be inconvenienced. How do you know if people value your expertise? They talk about it, they tell their friends about it, they are excited about it; …they feel it can not be duplicated.


    3. Promote Your Value – At this point, you’ve become an expert and created value. Now it’s time to tell the world about the value you’ve created, and inform them as to how they can benefit from it. You need to “get-out-there” and become your own best marketer. If you’ve written a book, schedule an interview with almost anyone who will take you. Don’t overly limit your market. There are people who ONLY want your service or product. As an example, the only time in my life that I ever watched basketball is when Michael Jordan was playing, I was drawn to his expertise. When he stopped playing, I stopped watching. There are people who only want to learn from you, they will only listen to you. So let as many people as you can learn about your unique product or service.

    3. 宣传你的价值——在此阶段,你已经是一个专家了而且创造出了价值。现在是把你创造的价值告诉世界的时候了,而且还要告诉他们如何才能从中获益。你需要“从中走出去”并做你自己最好的销售人。如果你已经写了一本书,那就策划一个同几乎所有会接纳你的人进行的面谈。不要过分限制你的市场。会有人仅想要你的服务或产品的。举个例子,我一生中观看篮球比赛仅仅是迈克尔·乔丹的比赛。我被他的专长吸引了。当他不再打球之后,我就不再看篮球比赛了。会有人仅想要从你这里学习的,他们将只关注你。所以尽你所能,让尽量多的人来知悉你独一无二的产品或服务吧。

    The truth is, you can have an awesome product, but if know one knows about it, it doesn’t do anyone any good. I can think of some great books that I’ve read, books that others would have gladly paid for, they just didn’t know about them. The singer David Cook, from the American Idol television show, said that he only sold 1,000 records the year prior to going on American Idol. Three months following the release of his next album, after leaving the American Idol tour, he sold over one million records. Was he a “thousand times” the singer after leaving American Idol, probably not, but a “thousand times” the people knew about him.


    You need to passionately share what you believe in, but don’t fake it. If you’re not passionate about marketing your product, you need to find out why. Maybe you don’t truly believe in the value it gives to other people. If you don’t truly believe in its value, don’t sell it to anyone else!


    4. Deliver Your Created Value to the Marketplace for a Reasonable Fee - So now you’re an expert, you’ve created a valuable product or service, and people are excited about the benefits your service can bring into their life.

    4. 把你创造的价值提供到市场上以获得一个合理的费用——现在你是一个专家了,你已经创造了一个有价值的产品或服务,而且人们为你的服务带给他们生活的好处而激动。

    The next step is to consistently deliver that value for a reasonable market price (this step may be done in conjunction with step #3). You can do this step via your publisher, if you’ve written a book, via the World Wide Web if you have a product, or via a physical store, to name a few options.


    If you’re truly an expert, and you’ve created genuine value that people are aware of, delivering the goods for a reasonable fee will be the easiest task, so have fun!


    Thank you for reading mrselfdevelopment.com where every article expands your mind, increases your faith, and changes your life.


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