- wayne31415 - 译言-每日精品译文推荐作者:(美) 安布罗斯·毕尔斯 《荒诞寓言》. “儿子,”一个老父亲对他桀骜不驯的儿子说,“脾气暴躁会让你做许多错事. 当你下次发脾气的时候,答应我,不要冲动行事. 然后,他的老父亲用拐杖狠狠地教训了他一顿. 当他数到七十五的时候,他很扫兴地看着他的老父亲走进一辆出租车扬长而去.
译者 花の雪
Father and Son
"MY boy," said an aged Father to his fiery and disobedient Son, "a hot temper is the soil of remorse. Promise me that when next you are angry you will count one hundred before you move or speak."
作者:(美) 安布罗斯·毕尔斯 《荒诞寓言》
翻译: 花の雪
No sooner had the Son promised than he received a stinging blow from the paternal walking-stick, and by the time he had counted to seventy-five had the unhappiness to see the old man jump into a waiting cab and whirl away