- 林子 - 译言-每日精品译文推荐You could read a book written by a genius, the kind of book in which they describe in detail their process for being brilliant.. 你可以阅读一本天才写的书,书里事无巨细、详细描述了他如何一步一步的成为天才.
译者 hznick
You could read a book written by a genius, the kind of book in which they describe in detail their process for being brilliant.
You could follow every step, beginning with A, and work your way through Z.
You could hold your brush the same way they hold theirs.
You could eat the same foods, wear the same clothes, visit the same places.
And you’ll still never do what they do, because you’re not them.
But wait before you hang your head, because the thing you must consider is that no matter how brilliant that genius may be, they could never do what you can do.
They couldn’t do it even if they followed your every step, or held their brush the same way you hold yours, or ate the same foods, or read the same books, or visited the same places.
They couldn’t do it because they’re not you.
The world doesn’t need another Picasso. We already had one. What the world needs is you, doing what you do best the very best you can. That’s all that’s being asked of you.
Sure, you can learn a few tricks here and there, but you’ll have to make those tricks your own. Sure, you can study how others have succeeded, but you’ll still need to succeed in your very own way.
There’s no such thing as generic, plain label creativity.
Go ahead. Read that book and a dozen others if you like. It never hurts to learn. But when you’re through, mix and match the parts that work for you, discard the ones that don’t, and add a few tricks of your own.喜欢看成功学的畅销书就只管去看。开卷有益,学东西总是对的。但是看完这些书,要取其精华,弃其糟粕,根据自己的情况做取舍,并把自己总结的经验补充进来。