译者 seez_franco
This 'Sugar Daddy' Dating Guru Wants To Put The Financial Part Of Dating Out In The Open
《Business Insider》生活版 2011年10月20日讯
作者 Meredith Galante
译者 seez_franco
According to Brandon Wade, CEO and founder of SeekingArrangement.com, all relationships, regardless of whether they start on the internet or in a bar, are monetary exchanges in some respect.
SeekingArrangement.com网站创始人及首席执行官布兰登•韦德(Brandon Wade)表示,不论是网络空间里的机缘巧合还是现实生活中的酒吧邂逅,所有恋爱关系从某些方面来看都是金钱交易。
His website, a matchmaking service for "Sugar Daddies," just makes those exchanges a little more transparent.
摄影 Julie Zeveloff/Business Insider
"SeekingArrangement is like a sociology project that touches on anthropology," said Wade, who started the site in 2006. "People don't want to come out and say 'Women like men with money,' but it's true. Think back to when men were hunters. The man who was the most successful hunter also got the most women. Women are looking for men to take care of them."
After spending hours writing emails to women on other dating sights and receiving no response, Wade decided to create his own site that he could tout some of his own best qualities: caring, generous, and rich.
Unlike most dating websites, where men outnumber women, the Sugar Babies on SeekingArrangement outnumber Sugar Daddies 10 to 1. The average age of a Sugar Baby is 25 and the average age of a Sugar Daddy is 36. There are also a handful of Sugar Mommies and Male Babies on the site, which just hit a million members.
Instead of just filling in their favorite foods and past times, members are required to provide their net worth, physical description, and what type of allowance they are willing to provide to a Sugar Baby.
Women fill in the same information, but say what sort of compensation they expect.
摄影 Julie Zeveloff/Business Insider
"I know with the feminist movement, women might go crazy hearing this, but women like to be treated well and not go dutch on a bill," Wade said. "Here we are just being honest up front. The more honest you are on your profile, the more success you will have."
In terms of dating advice, Wade said that to truly be successful in your search for love it's best to be on several dating sites at once.
And in terms of relationships, it's best to be honest about how the relationship can be "mutually beneficial." He's even written a book about it.
As for the future of SeekingArrangement.com, Wade hopes it becomes more of a social networking site for people to meet.
The site has also expanded beyond the internet and started hosting mixers where prospective Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies can meet in person.
"On the site you can share your dating and life goals," Wade said. "If you don't find love, you find other things like a person to invest in your business. People have come to the site to improve their lives."