
标签: 电子书 免疫 自白 | 发表时间:2011-10-24 11:57 | 作者:maystudio 橙子

译者 maystudio

I've never used an e-reader. There, I said it.
It's not that I don't like digital things. As you may have guessed, I blog. I also e-mail, go on Facebook, watch YouTube videos, shoot photos with a digital camera, research stuff on the web, "attend" online meetings in a chat room, do freelance editing and proofreading in a pixel way, write a weekly newspaper column on my computer, and recently authored a book I keyboarded in Microsoft Word.
Come to think of it, all those digital doings are one reason why I don't want to go the "e-route" for book reading. My eyes look at a screen enough hours in a day. After that, it's a relief to read novels printed on old-fashioned paper.


I also like the feel of print books and the way their covers look. Well, at least the way the better-designed covers look!


Then there's the pleasure of visiting my town's library or two independent bookstores to get novels. I might chat with employees at those three places. I might run into a friend, or a parent of one of my daughter's former classmates. And as I scan the shelves for particular titles, I might serendipitously spot other titles that intrigue me.
For instance, I decided to read Louisa May Alcott's Little Women for the first time last year. As I searched for that novel in the library's "A" row, I spotted a bunch of Margaret Atwood books and realized I had never read anything of hers besides The Handmaid's Tale. Soon, I rectified that mistake!
The same thing happened in the same library when I put my hands on Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, which led me to notice Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God and Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner. The 3-H Club!
I then had a yen to reread The Time Machine. While searching for it, I spotted a red-covered book called The First Men in the Moon. I knew that H.G. Wells (along with authors such as Jules Verne) was a sci-fi pioneer with 1890s novels such as The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds, but I had never heard of the 1901 Moon. It's now my favorite Wells book.
No single library contains as many novels as you can choose from for an e-reader. But I have so many titles on my to-read list (including dozens of great recommendations from HuffPost Books commenters!) that I can always find some of those titles on my local library's shelves. And if a bookstore doesn't have a novel I want, I can ask the store to order it. I also buy books online, but sparingly, because I prefer to patronize my town's brick-and-mortar retailers.
Some people continued to ride a horse-and-buggy after many other people switched to cars. Some radio listeners initially didn't buy TVs after many other radio listeners did. Maybe I'm one of those late-adopter types. And I realize e-readers have some advantages over dead-tree, attached to-each-other pages.
But at least for now, I'm sticking with print books. There, I said it.

相关 [电子书 免疫 自白] 推荐:


- 橙子 - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
你看,我写博客、发电邮、用facebook、上youtube看视频,用数码相机拍照、在网上搜索信息、参加线上会议,我的自由撰稿和校对工作也借由电子产品完成,每周还用电脑写我的专栏,近来写的一本书也是用微软Word敲出来的. Come to think of it, all those digital doings are one reason why I don't want to go the "e-route" for book reading.

电子书:The Art Of Community

- LiJunLe - Wow! Ubuntu
The Art Of Community 是由 Ubuntu Community Manager Jono Bacon 编写的一本关于如何构建开源社区的书籍. Jono Bacon 于 2006 年加入 Canonical,管理着世界范围内的 Ubuntu 开发者、贡献者及用户社区,有着丰富的开源社区运维经验.


- 定风波 - 爱范儿 · Beats of Bits
EPUB 是数字出版业的工业标准之一,重要性不言而喻. 2011 年,5 月 23 日 International Digital Publishing Forum(以下简称 IDPF)正式确定 EPUB3 标准. 与上一代 EPUB2 标准相比,EPUB3 带来很多非常重要的变化,这些变化会对数字出版业有怎样的影响.


- willian - Starming星光社最新更新
在StackOverflow上,有人要打算收集个免费电子书的列表,结果很快就有人分享了一个列表. 原帖的地址在http://stackoverflow.com/questions/194812/list-of-freely-available-programming-books(注意:有些连接可能会被墙掉).


- Marc - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
来源5 Reasons Why E-Books Aren’t There Yet. 对电子书你别无选择:它不只是一时风潮. 除非发生像日本剑道复兴那样引人注目的事件,否则它注定将成为纸质书籍21世纪的接班人. 有一些纸质书籍文化是电子书目前尚且无法(或者说至少很难)取代的. Amazon sparked the e-reader revolution with the first Kindle a mere three-and-a-half years ago, and it now already sells more e-books than all print books combined.


- raphael - 酷壳 - CoolShell.cn
在StackOverflow上,有人要打算收集个免费电子书的列表,结果很快就有人分享了一个列表. 原帖的地址在http://stackoverflow.com/questions/194812/list-of-freely-available-programming-books (注意:有些连接可能会被墙掉).


- Alex - 爱范儿 · Beats of Bits
Hart,“古登堡计划”发起人,2011 年 9 月 6 日去世,享年 64 岁. 从 1971 年 Hart 制作第一本电子书,启动“古登堡计划”开始到 2011 年,Kindle、Nook 流行,正好经过 40 年. 如今电子书阅读器、电子书变得越来越流行,在北京的地铁上,你会经常看见低头拿着 Kindle、Nook、iPad、汉王的人们.


- 李龑 - Solidot
加州伯克利分校的计算机科学家John Kubiatowicz教授说,每当有一本电子书下载进电子书阅读器,它的重量会略有增加. 当然,与实体书相比增加的重量是微不足道——如果4GB版Kindle的空间全部被电子书塞满,那么它的重量将会增加0.000000000000000001g,相当于一个小病毒,而3500本实体书的重量约等于2吨.


- 邑 - 科学松鼠会
失眠症的朋友常常千方百计为求一次高质量的睡眠而不可得,然而现实中,睡眠却往往成为最容易被我们普通人牺牲掉的生理活动. 加班工作、加班学习、一本好书、一部好剧,甚至欧冠的一场比赛都会让一个人不眠不休. 毕竟睡觉所花的时间未免太长,拿出一些来做别的事岂不痛快. 然而一时的痛快却时常带来麻烦:很多人都有熬夜过后头痛流涕、咳嗽发烧的感冒经历.


- cRabdanceR - 云风的 BLOG
这个想法是大约一个月以前细化的. 类似的想法我在 97 年就有,当时网络并不普及,我为之做了一个单机版的 DOS 小程序. 放在 cfido 上传播,以及放在个人网站上,有零星的几个用户. 我设想有这样一个工具,可以辅助我阅读英文小说,或是论文. 它不应该是一个简单的词典,我不喜欢在阅读时有过多的交互.