
标签: 创造力 | 发表时间:2011-10-24 22:53 | 作者:Shawn 帝王 人精

译者 Shawn 帝王

Creative people make things. They make adjustments. The whole point of making things in the first place is to create an opportunity to make them better.


The Second Time Around


You finish the first draft then circle back to the beginning. On your second trip through you look for things that need fixing and set about fixing them. You add things, rearrange things, polish and delete things.

在完成草案后,你回到开头把整个事情再理一遍。这一遍里你要看哪些地方需要改进并把它修整好: 有的要增加,有的要重排,有的要润饰,还有的要删除。

Leave and Return


And for a time, you may simply walk away. The ingredients are there; they just need to simmer and stew.


But leave yourself a reminder to return, because creative people always return. They return to their themes. They return to their causes. They return to their projects and dreams, and they make their adjustments. They bring new ideas, new inspiration, new information, and they toss them in the mix.


Back on Track


If you feel that things are somehow off track, you can always correct your course. There’s no need to abandon yourself.


Personally, I think this is the most exciting part of the journey. You have a much clearer vision of where you’re headed and with every adjustment you’re moving closer to your destination.


Rewrite, redo, and rearrange. Tinker, polish, and fine tune. Step back and allow yourself to be amazed. Your dream is taking shape before your very eyes.


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有创造力的人能够成功,因为他们善于做出调整. 他们做事的初衷是把事情做得更好. 在完成草案后,你回到开头把整个事情再理一遍. 这一遍里你要看哪些地方需要改进并把它修整好: 有的要增加,有的要重排,有的要润饰,还有的要删除. 有时,当思路在什么地方卡住了,山穷水尽,你就离开一下. 原料齐备,只是需要细煨慢炖而已.


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