译者 一盐姐姐
When his ship hit the iceberg on the night of April 14, 1912, J Bruce Ismay, President of JP Morgan's International Mercantile Marine, the company who owned the Titanic, helped to load the women and children into the lifeboats before jumping into the third-to-last boat to leave on the starboard side. He subsequently became, as a British headline put it, "The Most Talked-of Man in All the World." "The humblest immigrant in steerage," ran an editorial in John Bull, the newspaper of the working man, "had more moral right to a seat in a lifeboat than you." There are various other versions of Ismay's departure from the Titanic. Some witnesses believed he quietly slipped into in the first lifeboat to be launched, others say he fought his way through the crowds and gun-fire to squeeze onto the very last boat to leave. Ismay himself insisted that the deck was empty when he left the Titanic, that he saw no sign of the 1,500 people still remaining on the ship.1912年4月14日晚,泰坦尼克号撞上冰山。这艘船的所有者,JP摩根国际海运贸易公司的总裁J Bruce Ismay,在帮助妇女和小孩们登上救生船后,自己也跳进了位于右舷的倒数第三只救生船。这使他随后成为了“世上最受争议的人”——一家英国报纸的标题如是说。John Bull,一家工人阶级的报纸主编,评价道:“即使是一位三等舱的最卑微的移民,也比他更有资格获得救生舱的一个座位。”关于Ismay是如何从泰坦尼克号上逃脱的,流传着很多个版本。一些目击者认为他趁第一艘救生艇即将下水时偷偷溜了进去,一些则认为他从人群中挤到艇前,并以开枪相威胁,最终搭上了救生艇的末班车而离开。而Ismay自己则坚持他坐上救生艇的时候,泰坦尼克号的甲板上已经空无一人了,他对于那上面还有1500人完全不知情。
His survival was regarded as not only cowardly, but criminal. Ismay was revealed to have been the man responsible for limiting the lifeboats on the ship to sixteen (the Titanic was fitted with davits which could hold three times that number)--Why clutter the decks, he is said to have asked at planning meetings, when the ship is herself a lifeboat? He was known, on the day of the accident, to have been given by Captain E J Smith a Marconigram carrying an ice warning, which Ismay glanced at before absent-mindedly putting in his pocket. It was rumored that he had ordered the Captain to maintain the ship's speed as they entered the ice region, and following his rescue, Ismay admitted that he had not inquired into the number of people who had died nor into the state and condition of those who had survived. Messages he then sent to his New York office from the rescue ship, the Carpathia, suggested that Ismay was trying to avoid giving evidence at the American Inquiry. "Mr. Ismay cares for nobody," concluded the New York American. "He cares only for his own body, his own stomach, for his own pride and profit."获救的Ismay被认为是个懦弱的罪犯。人们发现,偌大的泰坦尼克号上只装备了16艘救生艇正是他的主意。而这艘巨轮上的吊柱本来完全可以承重三倍数量的救生艇。据说Ismay在泰坦尼克号的规划会议上曾经问了这么一句话:“这艘大家伙本身就是个大救生艇,既然如此,那为什么还要费神装那些小艇,弄得甲板上乱糟糟的呢?”人们后来发现,在事故发生的当天,船长E J Smith曾经给Ismay发了封电报,内含对冰山的警告;而Ismay只是瞥了一眼电报后便随手塞进了口袋。据传当船驶入冰山区域内时,Ismay命令船长保持原速前进。当他被解救时,Ismay承认他没有询问过这次事故的死亡人数,也没有关心过那些幸存者的状况。而他随后在救援船“卡佩西亚号”上发给纽约办公室的电报也显示了他曾试图避免给美国听证会提供证据。纽约人民认为:“Ismay先生对别人的死活无所谓。他只在乎自己的生命、自己是否能吃饱穿暖、以及能否得到荣誉和利益。”
The right to survive the Titanic depended on the passengers' status on the ship. Ismay's defense was that he was travelling neither as the captain nor as a member of the crew, but an ordinary First Class passenger and that he was therefore entitled to save his own life. His argument was weakened by the admission that he had not paid for his ticket, and by the revelation that he conducted himself on board as the ultimate authority. Ismay was, according to the British Inquiry into the Titanic, a "Super Captain."在泰坦尼克号上,是否具有存活的权利在于乘客本人的身份。Ismay辩称自己既不是船长,也不是船上的工作人员,而只是一个普通的一等舱乘客,因此,他有权利拯救自己。然而,当人们发现他既没有为船票付钱,同时又是以终身董事的身份登船时,他的这份辩解顿时显得苍白无力。根据英国听证会对泰坦尼克号的调查,Ismay当时是该船的“名誉船长”。
But Ismay wasn't the only passenger on The Titanic to be scrutinized for surviving: women, children, and lifeboat captains were also regarded as cowardly and irresponsible.
Here are nine ways that you could have survived the Titantic.
All images from How to Survive the Titanic, or The Sinking of J Bruce Ismay by Frances Wilson.
(所有图片均来自How to Survive the Titanic, or The Sinking of J Bruce Ismay, 作者 Frances Wilson.)
1. Be a Woman
1. 当个娘们儿
The law of the sea is women and children first.
CATCH: Given that women on land were currently campaigning for their suffrage, the fact that those at sea were happy to accept the privileges of inequality was seen by many as iniquitous. 'What do women want?' asked the press - 'Votes or Boats?' One newspaper suggested that 'henceforth, when a woman talks women's rights, she be answered with the word Titanic, nothing more. Just "Titanic." 'Real' women stood by their men, and the heroine of the night was Ida Straus who stayed on board with her husband of fifty years, the owner of Macy's Department store. "Where you go, I go," Mrs. Straus is reported to have said. When it became known that the same women who had allowed themselves to be handed into the half-empty lifeboats then refused to return to rescue the drowning bodies of the men who had shown such gallantry, the fairness of the fairer sex was further questioned. Mrs. Stuart White, a first class passenger who lived at the Waldorf-Astoria, then put the cat amongst the pigeons by stating that the women who went down seventy feet to float on a frozen sea had been braver than the "heroes" who stayed on board the "unsinkable" ship. "I do not think that there was any particular bravery," she said, "because none of the men thought it was going down."
评论:当今的妇女们一边在陆地上为争取参政权而游行,一边则高兴地接受了海上的“不平等待遇”,这让很多人觉得不可理喻。“女人们到底要啥?”一家报社发问道:“选票还是船票?”另一家报社则建议道:“从今往后,再有哪个女人谈到女权问题,我们就扔给她一句-'泰坦尼克号'。对,就这个词儿,别的啥也别说。”“与爱人患难与共的,才是‘真正的女人’。在泰坦尼克号沉没的那晚,Ida Straus成了当晚主角,她没上救生艇,而是与结婚50余年的丈夫-梅西百货公司的老板-一起留在了甲板上。”“你去哪里,我就去哪里。”据说她当时说了这么一句。而与此同时,那些被转移到救生艇上的女人,在艇上仍存有空位时,拒绝向那些先前帮助过她们的勇气可嘉的男人们伸出援手,而眼睁睁地看着他们沉入水中。在这一刻,两性的公平得到了更多的质疑。Stuart White女士住在Waldorf-Astoria豪华酒店,是一等舱旅客,她认为那些敢于坐在救生艇中,下降70英尺到达冰冷的海面上的女人们,可比那些呆在“永不沉没的巨轮”上的“勇士们”勇敢多了。”此言一出即引起了轩然大波。“我没觉得那些男士有什么特别的勇气”,她说:“因为当时没人相信这艘船会沉没。”
Of the 705 people who survived, 140 were women in First Class, 80 were in women in Second Class, and 76 were women in Third Class. Of the twenty-three female members of the crew, twenty survived.
2 Be a Child
CATCH: What constituted a child? Aged 12, children were able to leave school and begin work. Second Officer Lightoller tried to prevent 13-year-old John Ryerson from getting into a lifeboat with his mother. Mr. Ryerson, who would die that night, persuaded Lightoller that his son was a child and not an adult. "No more boys," the Officer was heard to mutter as he reluctantly allowed young John to leave the sinking ship.
评论:儿童的定义是什么?年满12岁就意味着能离开学校,合法地开始工作了。二副Lightoller曾试图制止13岁的John Ryerson随其母亲一同登上救生艇。注定不能幸免遇难的Ryerson先生劝说二副,坚持他的儿子还只是儿童,并未成年。最终二副不情愿地让步了。在孩子登船时,他嘟囔着:“下不为例。”
Of the 109 children on the Titanic 52 died, all from third class.
3 Disguise yourself as a woman
Edward Ryan, a third-class Irish passenger, put a towel over his head before stepping into a lifeboat. To prevent him from being detected, one woman threw a shawl over a passenger called Daniel Buckley who was hiding in her boat. Several men, including Ismay, were falsely accused of having dressed as women in order to save their lives.
Edward Ryan是一位三等舱乘客,他在跨进救生舱前,拿块毛巾在头上裹了一圈。Daniel Buckley躲在舱里,为了不让人发觉,一位女士在他身上盖了块披肩。还有一些男人,包括前面提到的Ismay,曾被误指证为男扮女装,以混入救生队伍。
CATCH: None. It later became a point of pride to say that you survived the Titanic because you were dressed as a woman.
图4 Be a Stowaway
4. 当个逃票的乘客
Stowaways stood a good chance of surviving because they were in the lifeboats already. Ismay shared his lifeboat with four Chinese stowaways who had been hiding beneath the cover.
图5 Man a lifeboat
The lifeboats needed men to do the rowing; if there was not an available member of the crew, a male passenger was required to do their duty.
CATCH: Accusations of cowardice still applied. Major Peuchen, a Canadian passenger who volunteered himself to man a boat because he was an experienced yachtsman, was afterwards maligned. One taunt that circulated about Peuchen was that, "he said he was a yachtsman so he could get off the Titanic, and if there had been a fire, he would have said he was a fireman."
图6 Travel first-class
6 .出行要坐头等舱
While all the women in First Class, except those few who chose to stay with their husbands, survived, a blind eye was turned to the morality of the 56 other men in First Class who (apart from Ismay) had found their way into the lifeboats. Ismay shared his boat with an American First Class passenger called William E Carter, who was not called as a witness at the US Inquiry and whose survival was never questioned.除了个别自愿和丈夫一起留在甲板上的女士们,所有乘坐头等舱的女人都幸存了下来。人们起初并没有注意到,除了女人,那些头等舱的56位男乘客(Ismay不算在内)也通通坐进了救生艇。Ismay的艇中同伴有一位叫William E Carter的男士,他也是头等舱乘客。在美国进行的听证会上他并未作为证人出席,同样,他是如何幸免于难的,这个问题也没有人追究过。
CATCH: William Carter's wife and two children were apparently still on board when he left the ship; Mrs Carter later divorced her husband on grounds of deserting his family while they were on the Titanic.
Of the 175 First Class men on board, 118 died.
图7 Follow orders
7 遵照指令
Survival was legitimate if you had been ordered by an Officer to get into a lifeboat.如果官员们能让你上救生艇,那此举就是合法的。
CATCH 1: It was unclear to the passengers who had the authority to issue such an order. Ismay was apparently ordering passengers of both sexes into the lifeboats, but as no one knew who he was they ignored him.
CATCH 2: Being given permission to survive left you with a sense of responsibility. The Titanic's barber swore on oath that he had seen Ismay being 'practically thrown' into a lifeboat by Chief Officer Wilde, a claim Ismay vehemently denied despite the fact that it would exonerate him from accusations of cowardice. Ismay preferred to be branded a coward than to be seen as the appointed spokesman for the disaster.
图8 Be American
8 当个美国人
"Be British, my boys, be British," Captain Smith reminded the shipload of international men and women. Recent research has shown that being British - in other words, letting the ladies go first and not pushing in a queue - meant that the British men on board were 7% less likely to survive, while the more assertive American male was 8.5% more likely.
图9 Go down with the ship
9 随船一同下沉
The only legitimate way to survive the Titanic was to have initially gone with the ship. After loading the lifeboats on the port side, Second Officer Lightoller had taken a dive from the rapidly sinking vessel and been drawn, by a rush of water, to the wire mesh of a giant air shaft on which he became glued by the pressure of the sea. A blast of hot air from the shaft then blew Lightoller back to the surface of the water. He was pulled under again, this time resurfacing by a up-turned lifeboat. Holding a piece of rope, he floated alongside the boat until one of the ship's giant funnels fell, missing him by inches and causing both Lightoller and the raft to be flung fifty yards clear of the ship. He balanced on the boat all night until being rescued.
CATCH: Lightoller's survival was seen by no one, except his own wife, as heroic. He was subsequently treated by the inquiries as a stooge of Ismay, who expected him to defend the White Star Line. Having spoken up for his employer, Lightoller was neither thanked nor promoted by the company. He had been used, he later said, as a scapegoat.
Thirty men survived the Titanic by straddling Collapsible A.一号救生艇上有30人因跨坐在船边而获救。
