中美合拍电影《21岁派对》目前正在临沂取景。临沂市委书记张少军称将为影片拍摄提供最好的服务。美国Relativity Media主席称临沂是美妙之城,他非常盼望能在这里拍摄。目前網友已經給該公司總裁發去抗議信,美國婦女組織將發起對該公司的抗議和抵制活動,希望他們停止和臨沂的合作。

标签: 中美 电影 派对 | 发表时间:2011-10-30 08:24 | 作者:(author unknown) tiger
中美合拍电影《21岁派对》目前正在临沂取景。临沂市委书记张少军称将为影片拍摄提供最好的服务。美国Relativity Media主席称临沂是美妙之城,他非常盼望能在这里拍摄。目前網友已經給該公司總裁發去抗議信,美國婦女組織將發起對該公司的抗議和抵制活動,希望他們停止和臨沂的合作。

跟隨@ChinaGeeks給Relativity Media公司發出抗議信吧!
Follow @ChinaGeeks example and write [email protected] asking them to stop shooting in Linyi #FreeCGC #自由光誠

An Open Letter to Relativity Media
October 29, 2011
By C. Custer

These people aren't allowed to leave their house. Hilarious!
Dear Relativity Media,
Let me start by saying that I have no grudge against your company. You guys have made some great movies! Blood Diamond? I enjoyed that. The Social Network was great. Granted, you also made Doom, but everybody makes mistakes. So I want you to know it’s not about the movies.

It’s not even about 21 and Over, although let’s face it, if I wanted to watch The Hangover again, I could just watch The Hangover, and if I wanted to watch a shitty version of it, I could watch The Hangover II, so I’m not sure what market you’re shooting for with this film. But hey, that’s why I don’t work in the film business.

No, my concern is not with your terrible-sounding movie, which I’m sure will gross a bazillion dollars. It’s with the place you’ve chosen to shoot it: Linyi, Shandong, China.

Now, I suspect you had reasons for choosing this location. Probably even a lot of reasons. And it certainly seems like you’ve made good friends with the local authorities, who are more than happy to have you visiting Linyi:

The Chinese Communist Party Secretary of Linyi’s Municipal Committee, Zhang Shajun, who ranks above the local mayor, issued a statement welcoming the production to his city and adding that he “particularly welcome(s) my good friend (Relativity CEO) Ryan Kavanaugh and his great company” to his “historic city,” adding: “We promise to provide the best service possible in order to help make the movie successful worldwide.”

And you guys are excited too, clearly:

Tucker Tooley, Relativity’s co-President said the Sky land partners love this “hysterical film and it’s gratifying they want to build a foundation immediately alongside our cast and crew. We are very much looking forward to shooting in China, especially in a place as amazing as Linyi.”

Linyi is an amazing place, and what’s more, it makes total sense to shoot an American buddy-comedy there, especially these days when the US is full of icky poor people whining about how they don’t have jobs because American companies have taken all the work overseas.

I wonder, though: do you guys know who you’ve hopped in bed with?

It’s a rhetorical question; even if you didn’t know before, after yesterday’s media firestorm you certainly do. So you know that those same local officials praising your decision to come to Linyi are probably the ones paying teams of thugs to surround Chen Guangcheng’s village and beat anyone who tries to get near it. You know that they’re the ones who’ve been holding an innocent1 man and his family hostage, without charges or any kind of legal proceedings.

Until recently, your Linyi government pals were the same ones preventing Chen’s six-year-old daughter from attending school. But hey, good news on that front! They’re letting her go to school now, as long as she never leaves the sight of a couple of their agents. After all, you never know what kind of trouble a six-year-old could get up to! In fact, that sounds like it could make a hilarious movie! Six and Over! There you go, guys, that one’s a freebie. Use it for the prequel.

So anyway, yes, Linyi is an “amazing” place, in that it’s currently at the center of a human rights firestorm, and its government is clearly complicit in something that’s completely indefensible even by the sometimes-Orwellian laws of China. Sounds like a great place to film a comedy. And I’m sure all the money you’re paying those Linyi officials is being used only for, you know, tourism or something. I’m sure none of it goes to paying the thug army they’ve got surrounding Chen’s village.

Now, to be fair, you probably didn’t get yourselves into this on purpose. My guess — and this is just pure speculation — is that you were offered a ridiculously cheap place to shoot with some extra perks and you said yes without looking into it. And yes, in doing that, you placed your foot squarely into the PR bear trap that you’re in right now.

Because now, you’re kinda fucked. If you stay in Linyi, it’s a PR nightmare. My little blog is one thing, but I have a feeling we’ll see this story in some Western papers come Monday.
My guess? That’s just the beginning.

But if you leave Linyi, you’re definitely going to piss off local and perhaps national government officials. My guess is you’d be giving up any chance to shoot in China again for a long time. These guys don’t like being criticized, and they don’t like being embarrassed by Western companies that grow a conscience.

So, what should you do? I’m no expert, but let me help you weigh the options here. You can either piss off the American media and whatever percentage of your audience chooses to pay attention, or you can piss off some government leaders who are giving you a great deal on shooting your hilarious movie so long as you keep quiet about how they’re using your money to hold a blind man hostage.

Personally, I’d say leave Linyi. Like, tomorrow. Or hey, even today! It certainly seems like the moral choice, and I don’t understand why you’d want to shoot an American buddy comedy in China anyway (well, except for because of this).

We know you’re aware of the issue (see image). And while I understand the “no comment” response — you probably need some time to get your ducks in a row — please be aware that people are not just going to forget about this if you choose to do nothing. People haven’t forgotten about Chen and his family, and even though they’re beaten and robbed, people keep trying to visit him. Relativity Media needs to seriously consider which side of that equation it wants to be on.

Because maybe it’s just my sense of humor, but holding an innocent blind man and his family in their house, beating and robbing well-intentioned net users trying to visit him, and then lying about it to the world does not sound like a great premise for a hilarious buddy comedy. And every day you’re in Linyi shooting 21 and Over, you’re funding that, too, whether you want to be or not.

Do the right thing here.


C. Custer

Update: Who to Send This To
If you’d like to send this letter to Relativity Media or people associated with the film, Artists Speak Out has collected a good list of people and ways to contact them.

I recommend you check out their whole post, which also includes sample messages to send, but excerpted below are a bunch of contact details from their post:

Send Tweets to the Lead Actors in 21 and Over

Miles Teller

Justin Chon

Skylar Astin


Call, Fax or Email Relativity Media

Phn: +1 310 859 1250
Fax: +1 310 859 1254
[email protected]

Greg Forston
SVP, Theatrical Distribution
[email protected]

Matt Garelick
SVP, Theatrical Distribution
[email protected]

Wendy Merry
Vice President, Field Marketing
[email protected]

Jernei Razen
Director of Development
[email protected]

John Sinayi
SPV, Theatrical Distribution
[email protected]

Rob Springer
Senior Vice-President, Sales & Operations
[email protected]

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中美合拍电影《21岁派对》目前正在临沂取景。临沂市委书记张少军称将为影片拍摄提供最好的服务。美国Relativity Media主席称临沂是美妙之城,他非常盼望能在这里拍摄。目前網友已經給該公司總裁發去抗議信,美國婦女組織將發起對該公司的抗議和抵制活動,希望他們停止和臨沂的合作。

- tiger - 牛博山寨 编辑推荐
中美合拍电影《21岁派对》目前正在临沂取景. 临沂市委书记张少军称将为影片拍摄提供最好的服务. 美国Relativity Media主席称临沂是美妙之城,他非常盼望能在这里拍摄. 目前網友已經給該公司總裁發去抗議信,美國婦女組織將發起對該公司的抗議和抵制活動,希望他們停止和臨沂的合作. 跟隨@ChinaGeeks給Relativity Media公司發出抗議信吧.


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- qi - Lzhi's Views
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- Valerie - 为食主义
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- - ImportNew
采集豆瓣电影数据包括电影详情页数据和电影的短评数据. 需要保存这些详情字段如导演、编剧、演员等还有图中右下方的标签. 需要保存的字段有短评所属的电影名称,每条评论的详细信息如评论人名称、评论内容等. 有了如上的需求,需要设计表,其实很简单,只需要一张电影详情表movie和一张电影短评表comments,另外还需要一张存储网页提取的超链接的记录表record.


- zzc - 无聊哦
1、缺乏学习动力: 《幸福终点站》、《风雨哈佛路》、《决战冰河》、《洛奇》. 2、对爱失望: 《偷天情缘》、《初恋50次》. 3、自卑失落: 《阿甘正传》、《肖申克的救赎》. 4、失败或绝望: 《铁权男人》、《迫在眉梢》、《伊丽莎白镇》、《远大前程》、《功夫熊猫》、《小鞋子》. 5、厌倦生活: 《在世界的转角遇见爱》、《搏击俱乐部》、《天生爱情狂》、《凡夫俗女》、《心理游戏》.