
标签: 前夜 学术论文 | 发表时间:2011-11-01 00:50 | 作者:安然若水 马克叔叔

译者 安然若水

Writing a college paper may be quite challenging and as huge as Everest to scale, especially when it’s due tomorrow morning. That is why it is recommended to cope with writing academic papers within the deadline in order to have enough time for reading, researching, writing and editing. But what if you were too busy to manage home assignment on time? What if you’ve got a job at the local cinema after classes and somehow you need to combine it with studying? No panic! Remember, writing academic papers the night before the deadline doesn’t means a fail! Some people, even the most talented writers work best under pressure of time. Nevertheless, you’ll have to spend the whole night through working on your paper in order to generate something worthy of submitting.


As we have only one night to get it done, there’s no time to read books and articles on how to write papers. So, you’ve got piles of books on your topic in front of you – time to work!


Your first task is to get some latte while you ponder over how to approach the topic you’re assigned with. Work on the outline for the paper. Include introduction, content section (3-5 paragraphs) and conclusion. Provide as many details as you can to make it easier to stick to it later when you’re totally exhausted.


Highlight the relevant sections to your topic in the library books for ideas or quotes in order to make use of them later in your project. Use flags or sticky notes to mark them so you’re able to find the necessary information when you’re writing.


Begin to write the paper. Start with the segment of your paper you know the most about. And it’s OK if it’s not in order. Put down your personal ideas and thoughts about the subject matter and then fresh them with examples and quoted taken from the books. Don’t forget about proper citation for every resource.


Use a spell-check. Re-read the list of requirements provided by your tutor to make certain you have complied with all the demands, met the word or page limit etc. Approach someone skilled and experienced in this area to check your paper and make corrections.


Re-read your paper again out loud in order to find out whether something should be corrected.


How to write papers successfully? Accomplish them within the deadline. If not – avail of information provided above for you to succeed.


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