
标签: 情商 | 发表时间:2011-08-15 15:55 | 作者:Lynnjl pnedfff@swu&hasee

来源Grow your Emotional Intelligence

If you do not control your negative emotions, then they will control you! Emotional intelligence is a term we often hear. What is it all about? Can we really free ourselves from our negative emotions? Here is how to enrich the understanding of your emotions!


What is Emotional Intelligence?



When we want to improve our lives, we want to live with positive emotions. All we feel is emotions. These are also emotions that drive us to do important things, like confess our love to our beloved.


In his book emotional Intelligence, published in 1995, American psychologist Daniel Goleman popularized the idea that our emotions play an important role in our well-being and our relationships. We define emotional intelligence as the ability to interact with each other on an emotional level. It is being linked to the knowledge of our own emotions and the ability to recognize and gain access to the emotions of others.

在美国心理学家Daniel Goleman1995年出版的《情商》一书中,他提出情绪对于我们的幸福与人际关系都有着很重要的作用。因此,我们将情商定义为能够在情绪层面与人交流的能力。它包括对自身情绪的认知以及对他人情绪的认识和理解能力。

The intelligence of emotions plays an important role in our lives. If a person at work is extremely competent in his job, but nobody wants to work with her because she is unable to interact with others, there is a risk of problems and conflicts in the office.


Our Emotions Speak to Us


What can we do to feel our emotions more and enjoy better relationships with others? By learning about our emotions. All our emotions are designed to give us one great message: Prepare yourself for something. But the message of course, has some subtleties!


For example, fear suggests you just prepare yourself for what may happen to be negative. So if you are afraid to fail an activity, fear will suggest you to better prepare yourself to succeed. This message is positive! Unfortunately, we do not always have the time to listen to our emotions. Worse, we let ourselves be overwhelmed by their message without understanding it and we magnify the effect of certain emotions by feeding on negative thoughts.


We must stress the importance of listening to our emotions and not the guesses as we often do: "I'm sad, it must be because of this lousy weather.”


Free Ourselves from Negative Emotions


A widespread view is the strong belief that we cannot cope with our emotions. Yet nothing is further from the truth. We are mainly responsible for our emotions, which arise, from our thoughts. Therefore, we have power over certain parts of our lives, which can be sometimes very unpleasant


We often hide our weaknesses and our discomfort behind the justifications that prevent us from identifying the source of problems and resolve them. For example, some people justify their thoughts and negative attitudes by saying they are pessimistic. ‘It is the tree that hides the forest’. Their pessimism is perhaps the result of fear and anxiety they experience while facing what they cannot and do not control.


Our negative emotions create a devastating impact on our lives, hence the importance of mastering them! This is also the case of emotional intelligence.


Some Examples of Messages from Your Emotions


1. The discomfort usually tells you to change your status and plan on what to do to restore a good level of comfort.


2. Aggression against a person or a situation means that a rule or a value important to you has been violated. Emotion tells you to do what it takes to restore equilibrium.


3. The disappointment means that your expectations are not met. You can change the way you view your expectations.


4. Guilt means that you have violated your own values and you have to do what it takes to recover.


Cultivating Positive Emotions


You can enjoy your negative emotions for only one reason: they allow you to improve .Are you really able to work on yourself when things are going well? Once we agree to confront our negative emotions, we put ourselves in a good position to understand our difficulties. How to do it?


1. Identify what happens. Any emotional discomfort means that you must change your state.


2. Make a plan. Clarify your thoughts and attitudes about what you really want. Whatever you have and what does this mean? Clarifying what you feel over the situation will help you out.



3. Take action. Be aware of negative thoughts that you maintain in connection with the situation. Do not sit by saying "I reject the offer," "I'm shy," "I am incapable", etc. You must take an action to improve the situation!
Obviously, like all learning processes, mastery of your negative emotions requires effort. The good news? The more you practice, the more you enrich the understanding of your emotions!









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- pnedfff@swu&hasee - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
来源Grow your Emotional Intelligence. 如果你不能控制负面情绪,将会被其所控制. 我们经常会听到情商这个词,那么它到底指什么呢. 我们所向往的生活是能够时刻感受到积极的情绪. 情绪也会驱使我们去做一些重要的事情,比如说向我们所爱的人表白. In his book emotional Intelligence, published in 1995, American psychologist Daniel Goleman popularized the idea that our emotions play an important role in our well-being and our relationships.


- - 佳人
情商(EQ)又称情绪智力,是近几年来心理学家们提出的与智力和智商相对应的概念. 它主要是指人在情绪、情感、意志、耐受挫折等方面的品质. 总的来讲,人与人之间的情商并无明显先天差别,更多与后天培养息息相关. 免费关注微信公众号 jiarenorg ,就能天天收到佳人精彩文章了,咱们微信里见. 高情商的人不批评、不指责别人;不抱怨、不埋怨.


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谁不想要拥有较高的情商(emotional intelligence,俗称EQ). 研究显示,高情商能够提升职场成功、创业潜力、领导才华、健康、关系满意度、幽默和快乐,同时也最能够解除工作压力. 情商在每一项职业中都举足轻重,因为所有的职业都涉及待人处事,而和较高EQ的人相处,获得的好处更多. 大部分企业教练提供的做法,是要加强人们某些方面的EQ,通常是在社交、人际关系或是基础技能的相关培训 等方面.

高情商的人,不会去做的 7 件事

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人潮人海中有你有我,相遇相识相互琢磨. 我们羡慕那些早早找到自己的追求,并能长期坚持下去的人,希望自己也能成为那样的人. 那些风度翩翩却和因餐厅服务而暴跳如雷的食客进行优雅地沟通的餐厅经理;. 那些在你最需要帮助的时候,你打个电话,就能让你冷静思考的朋友;. 那些在大灾难过后,能够英勇救人的人们;.


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文:达芙妮|壹心理创作者 责任编辑:Spencer 格格 -01-. "当我们讨厌一个人的时候,经常会想到这个词. 近几年,人们特别重视一种能力,重视到当我们讨厌一个人的时候,经常会说:. “这人XX太低了,简直没救了. 甚至在我们求职,相亲时,都会格外注意对方的XX,毕竟XX是一个人重要的能力,如果谁XX低,以后似乎注定是扶不起的阿斗,各种烂摊子不断,累人累心.


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        方法之一: 成熟的人, 会从很多不同的视角看问题,而孩子气的人, 通常只从自己的.         方法之二: 面对批评, 成熟的人, 会心平气和, 想想道理, 努力改进 ;不成熟的人,.     则会垂头丧气, 或暴怒不已.         方法之三:出状况时,成熟的人习惯反省,并乐意致歉;不成熟的人,只会指责他人,.