名字看起来很可怕的样子:Web Scale。实际是基于Oracle的社区版本MySQL 5.6做的,加了一些工具和补丁。先看看这个新闻:
The WebScaleSQL community has already developed components, including:
- Features that make operating at Web scale easier, such as a super read-only feature and the ability to specify sub-second client timeouts.
- Changes to improve the performance of WebScaleSQL, including buffer pool flushing improvements, optimizations to certain query types, and support for Non-Uniform Memory
Architecture (NUMA) interleave policy.
- An automated framework that will run and publish the results of MySQL's built-in test system for each proposed change.
- A suite of stress tests and a prototype automated performance testing system.
WebScaleSQL will welcome other scale-oriented members of the MySQL community to contribute, according to Greene. The group is currently working on:
- Developing an asynchronous MySQL client that won't have to wait to connect, send, or retrieve while querying. This non-blocking client developed and in production
use at Facebook is being code-reviewed by the other WebScaleSQL teams.
- Adding Facebook production-tested compression and versions of table, user, and compression statistics.
- Adding Facebook's Logical Read-Ahead mechanism for "up to 10x" speed improvements in full table scans, such as nightly logical backups.
网站: http://webscalesql.org/
作者:zedware 发表于2014-3-28 22:23:24