html5选择摄像头 android - Enable rear camera with HTML5 - Stack Overflow

标签: | 发表时间:2019-03-03 11:20 | 作者:

Check out that shows how you can select sources using


You can then select the source and pass it in as optional into getUserMedia

   var constraints = {
  audio: {
    optional: [{sourceId: audioSource}]
  video: {
    optional: [{sourceId: videoSource}]
navigator.getUserMedia(constraints, successCallback, errorCallback);

It is now fully available in Stable Chrome and mobile (As of v30)



<div id="container">

<h1><a href=" ../../index.html" title=" home page"></a> MediaStreamTrack.getSources</h1>

<div class="select">
<label for="audioSource">Audio source: </label><select id="audioSource"></select>

<div class="select">
<label for="videoSource">Video source: </label><select id="videoSource"></select>

<video muted autoplay></video>

<script src=" js/main.js"></script>

<p>This demo requires Chrome 30 or later.</p>

<p>For more information, see <a href="" title="Media capture article by Eric Bidelman on HTML5 Rocks">Capturing Audio &amp; Video in HTML5</a> on HTML5 Rocks.</p>

<a href="" title="View source for this page on GitHub" id="viewSource">View source on GitHub</a>


Last time i developped that code, soo here is the version which i use : you call directly the function whichCamera in your code and you specefic which camera "user","environment" or "computer"'if you are runing in a computer)

//  whichCamera(Type)
//    For smartphone or tablet :
//     Start the type={user,environment} camera.
//    For computer it's simple :
//      type = "computer".
var streamSrc, cameraType;
function whichCamera(type){

  var cameraFacing;
  cameraType = type;
  if( type == "user")
    cameraFacing = 0;
  else if( type == "environment")
    cameraFacing = 1;
  else if( type == "computer"){
    cameraFacing = 2;
  console.log(type+" index : "+cameraFacing);

  //  Here we list all media devices, in order to choose between
  //  the front and the rear camera.
  //      videoDevices[0] : user Camera
  //      videoDevices[1] : environment Camera
  //  Then set the video resolution.
  .then(devices => {
    var videoDevices, videoDeviceIndex, constraints;
    //  Initialize the array wich will contain all video resources IDs.
    //  Most of devices have two video resources (Front & Rear Camera).
    videoDevices = [0,0];
    //  Simple index to browse the videa resources array (videoDevices).
    videoDeviceIndex = 0;
    //  devices.forEach(), this function will detect all media resources (Audio, Video) of the device
    //  where we run the application.
    devices.forEach(function(device) {
      console.log(device.kind + ": " + device.label +
        " id = " + device.deviceId);
      // If the kind of the media resource is video,
      if (device.kind == "videoinput") {
        //  then we save it on the array videoDevices.
        videoDevices[videoDeviceIndex++] =  device.deviceId;
        console.log(device.deviceId+" = "+videoDevices[videoDeviceIndex-1]);
    console.log("Camera facing ="+cameraFacing+" ID = "+videoDevices[videoDeviceIndex-1]);

    // Here we specified which camera we start,
    //  videoDevices[0] : Front Camera
    //  videoDevices[1] : Back Camera
    if( cameraFacing != "computer"){
      constraints = { deviceId: { exact: videoDevices[cameraFacing]  }};
      return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video:
                                                          width: { min: 1280, ideal: 1600, max: 1920 },
                                                          height: { min: 720, ideal: 1200, max: 1080 }
      return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true });
    //  Then we retrieve the link to the video stream.
    .then(stream => {
      if (window.webkitURL) {
        video.src = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);
        localMediaStream = stream;
        console.log(localMediaStream +" = "+ stream)
      } else if (video.mozSrcObject !== undefined) {
        video.mozSrcObject = stream;
        console.log(video.mozSrcObject +" = "+ stream)
      } else if (video.srcObject !== undefined) {
        video.srcObject = stream;
        console.log(video.srcObject +" = "+ stream)
      } else {
        video.src = stream;
        console.log(video.src +" = "+ stream)
      streamSrc = stream;
    .catch(e => console.error(e));


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html5选择摄像头 android - Enable rear camera with HTML5 - Stack Overflow

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