Chandy Lamport算法及其应用(exactly once)
1. Chandy lamport算法简介
1.1 补充知识
Snaphot algorithm:
A snapshot algorithm is used to create a consistent snapshot of the global state of a distributed system. Due to the lack of globally shared memory and a global clock, this isn't trivially possible.
今天讨论的chandy and larmport算法也是分布式快照算法的一种,用于在分布式系统中记录一个全局一致的快照。
1.2 基本算法流程
原始论文可以参考 Distributed Snapshots: Determining Global States of Distributed System
The assumptions of the algorithm are as follows:
- There are no failures and all messages arrive intact and only once
- The communication channels are unidirectional and FIFO ordered
- There is a communication path between any two processes in the system
- Any process may initiate the snapshot algorithm
- The snapshot algorithm does not interfere with the normal execution of the processes
- Each process in the system records its local state and the state of its incoming channels
// 进程p行为,通过向q发出Marker,发起snapshot
p record its state;
send one Marker along c after p records its state and before p sends further messages along c
if q has not recorded its state then
q records its state;
q records the state c as the empty sequence
else q records the state of c as the sequence of messages received along c after q’s state was recorded and before q received the marker along c.
1.3 主要应用场景
该算法主要用于一些分布式系统中,利用全局一致性快照可以保证消息传递的exactly once语义
2. Flink中的应用
storm(需要自己管理状态)->Samza(内部利用leveldb和kafka管理数据,但是不支持exactly once语义)->Spark streaming(支持exactly once但是mini batch的思路延迟相对较高)
Flink实现exactly once方式的核心思想是基于chandy and lamport,具体细节可以参考论文 Lightweight Asynchronous Snapshots for Distributed Dataflows。
相比lamport的论文,这篇论文更加以实际工程角度说明了在流计算场景中如何实现exactly once语义。主要方式就是引入一个barrier,把input stream分为preshot records和post records。只有等到所有上游barrier才会继续往下处理。收到所有上游barrier的时候做一个snapshot。
3. spark streaming
参考 Spark Streaming Programming Guide可知,现在spark streaming 支持exactly once主要需要保证处理数据流程的每一步均满足exactly once:
- receive data: 假设数据只会传一次,并且传送一定成功
- transform: RDD计算结果满足确定性,重复结算结果是一样的
- output : spark streaming输出结果到外部系统的时候采用一个唯一的id来判断是否要写出数据,参考Semantics of output operations
4. 关于End to End exactly总结
如果data source ,data sink本身满足exactly once,并且数据传输时也满足exactly once,那么可以认为整个系统是end-to-end exactly once的。大部分分布式系统现在都可以利用chandy lamport算法的思想来满足自己系统的exactly once。但是在对接sink的时候往往需要一些额外工作,例如flink输出到kafka需要用二阶段提交,spark streaming输出时使用唯一id判断是否已经写过,这些都是一些实现上的细节差异。