
标签: 国家地理 频道 摄影 | 发表时间:2011-04-15 23:10 | 作者:summer9992 xulinglin

来源Collection Of Best Photographs From NGC For March 2011 | bigpicturein

Check out the collection of best photographs from the National Geographic Channel for the month of March 2011.


Women, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan

女人  阿富汗 巴达赫尚省Women, Badakhshan Province, Afghanistan

Photograph by Lynsey Addario  – two women on the side of the mountain, in burkas and without a man.

Lynsey Addario摄。两个女人在山的一边,身穿蒙住全身的长袍。周围一个男人也没有

Chikuminuk Lake, Alaska

Chikuminuk 湖,阿拉斯加

Chikuminuk Lake, Alaska

Photograph by Michael Melford – Chikuminuk Lake reflects the raw wilderness of 1.6-million-acre Wood-Tikchik State Park. One of the largest state parks in the U.S

迈克尔 米尔福德摄---Chikuminuk反映了160万英亩蒂基奇克国家公园原始的荒野。该公园为美国最大的州立公园之一。

Street Scene, Kolkata


Street Scene, Kolkata

Photograph by Randy Olson – Its steaming streets crammed with vendors, pedestrians, and iconic Ambassador taxis, Kolkata throbs with some 16 million people—and more pour in every day from small towns.


Diprotodon Tracks, Australia


Diprotodon Tracks, Australia

Photograph by Amy Toensing – On a drying lake bed in Victoria, a farmer in 2007 alerted scientists to a major find: well-preserved tracks of a Diprotodon.




Spadefish, Bonin Islands


Spadefish, Bonin Islands

Photograph by Brian Skerry – Hunting for morsels of plankton, a school of spadefish hovers near the surface off Japan’s subtropical Bonin Islands.

布莱恩斯凯瑞摄- -一群铲形鱼正在日本亚热带的小笠原群岛表面徘徊觅食,寻找浮游生物。


Hang En Cave, Vietnam


Hang En Cave, Vietnam

Photograph by Carsten Peter – Going underground, expedition members enter Hang En, a cave tunneled out by the Rao Thuong River.

卡斯滕 .彼得摄--在地下,探险队员进入韩英洞(Hang En),这是一个洞穴通道,饶同河(Rao Thuong River)从中穿过与外界连通。

Whooper Swans, Hokkaido


Whooper Swans, Hokkaido

Bristol Bay, Alaska


Bristol Bay, Alaska

Photograph by Michael Melford  – “We love our fish!” says Ina Bouker, a Yupik native and teacher from Dillingham who opposes the mine.


Kung Fu Students, China


Kung Fu Students, China

Photograph by Fritz Hoffmann – Boys at the Tagou school limber up before practicing a kung fu form called Chang Hu Xin Yi Men.


Sunken Ship, Key Largo


Sunken Ship, Key Largo

Photograph by David Doubilet – Upholstered with luminous sponges and corals, the bridge of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Duane attracts schools of smallmouth grunts—and divers.


Dinka Cattle Camp, Sudan

丁卡人的牛棚 ,苏丹

Dinka Cattle Camp, Sudan

Photograph by George Steinmetz – The connection between a Dinka man and his cow is profound; it is part of his personal identity.


Pagoda Forest, China


Pagoda Forest, China

Photograph by Fritz Hoffmann – “Gained merit in battle” reads the epitaph of two of the 231 eminent Shaolin monks honored with shrines in the Pagoda Forest.


Fireworks, New York City


Fireworks, New York City

Photograph by Diane Cook and Len Jenshel

Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska


Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Alaska

Photograph by Michael Melford – In the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes a stream carves a canyon through rock formed during the 1912 eruption of nearby Novarupta Volcano.

Flower Garden Banks, Gulf of Mexico


Flower Garden Banks, Gulf of Mexico

Photograph by David Doubilet – In the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in the Gulf of Mexico, steel pillars supporting a gas platform make a vertical reef encrusted with tube sponges.

Herder, Israel


Herder, Israel

Photograph by Greg Girard – A herder serenades his goats near Jerusalem, a few miles from where David tended his herds.

Vietnamese Potbellied Pig, Minnesota


Vietnamese Potbellied Pig, Minnesota

Photograph by Vincent J. Musi

Foam Party, Crimean Peninsula


Foam Party, Crimean Peninsula

Photograph by Gerd Ludwig – A young crowd breaks loose at a foam party at a water park in Sudak.

Catacombs, Paris


Catacombs, Paris

Photograph by Stephen Alvarez – In a sandy chamber known as the “beach,” a wave rolls across a wall painted (and repainted) by cataphiles in the style of Japanese printmaker Hokusai.

Kogershin Village, Kazakhstan

可歌什村庄  ,哈萨克斯坦

Kogershin Village, Kazakhstan

Photograph by Vincent J. Musi – A woman milks a mare in the village of Kogershin in southern Kazakhstan.

Nyiragongo Volcano, Congo


Nyiragongo Volcano, Congo

Photograph by Carsten Peter – An expedition member walks on the cooled lava floor, turned red by the reflected glow of a lake, of a caldera in Nyiragongo volcano in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

High Line, New York City


High Line, New York City

Photograph by Diane Cook and Len Jenshel – An abandoned rail line has become an elevated park known as the High Line.

Sweat Bee, Arizona


Sweat Bee Arizona 660x495 Collection Of Best Photographs From NGC For March 2011

Photograph by Mark W. Moffett – With a vigorous quiver, an Arizona sweat bee “buzz pollinates” a deadly nightshade flower. Its vibrating body shakes free the golden dust that will feed the larvae back in the nest.

Sheep and Goats, Timbuktu


Sheep and Goats, Timbuktu

Photograph by Brent Stirton – After a day of grazing in the surrounding desert, a herd of sheep and goats follow their owner to his home on the edge of Timbuktu.




  【波士顿大图】中国:日常生活   (美联社,2011年)

  德国摄影师Christian Plochacki的唯美摄影作品

  【图集】Todd McLellan的拆卸怀旧物品摄影


相关 [国家地理 频道 摄影] 推荐:


- xulinglin - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
来源Collection Of Best Photographs From NGC For March 2011 | bigpicturein. 国家地理频道评出的2011年3月最佳摄影. Lynsey Addario摄. 两个女人在山的一边,身穿蒙住全身的长袍. Chikuminuk 湖,阿拉斯加.


- 振 - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
来源External page - 2leep. 国家地理频道本身就是一个图片集,提供了大量免费的桌面墙纸,内容包括,各地胜景,动物,自然风光,水下奇景,旅行见闻等等. 原文作者花费了大量的时候,搜集到如此之多的图片,呈现给大家. 这个图集提名为“国家地理图片精选”. 下面60张图片,内容涵盖了野生动物,自然,人以及鸟类的照片.


- 糜荼 - 地理时间
有些最叫人目瞪口呆、眼界大开的事物,其实都来自不起眼的小地方. 这一系列大胆的崭新节目,带领大家寻访地球上最叫人吃惊的故事,包括不寻常的动物行为,影响最广泛的自然现象,以及人类挑战死神的奋斗过程. 请和国家地理频道的制片人、科学家、工程师、动物训练师以及探险家,一同造访全球最受人忽略、罕为人知的角落.

【国家地理】“生活是一种冒险“ ——《国家地理》读者摄影比赛

- 707421066 - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
来源Reader Photo Contest Winners - National Geographic Adventure Magazine. “生活是一种冒险“ ——《国家地理》读者摄影比赛. 检验查我们的读者所拍摄的最为冒险的照片. 读者:Chris England,46岁,内华达州. 拍摄现场:形成的云层汇聚在锡安国家公园的砂岩和一棵杰克松的上面.


- TENTiN - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
来源Simply Beautiful Photographs, Tips on Capturing Motion, Gallery – National Geographic. 和所有的标志性建筑一样,罗马的圆形剧场肯定被无数人拍过. 然而,在这张图片里,希瑟.佩里通过长时间的曝光将大剧场虚化成了一副全新的样子.


- Chrisoul - 地理时间
“地狱幽灵”:摄于美国亚利桑那州羚羊峡谷(Antelope Canyon). 摄影:Angiolo Manetti / (点击图片可浏览大图并下载壁纸,21P)(...). 继续阅读全文>> 国家地理2011全球摄影大赛作品展示(第1-2周). © comgeo for 地理时间, 2011. | 原文链接 | 4 comments | @地理时间 | 图片托管于又拍网.


- Asukayuyan - 地理时间
夏威夷Kailua,一只马达加斯加日行壁虎(Madagascar Gold Dust Day Gecko)在诺丽果上舔食花蜜. 它们大多是害羞的,也许这只太专注于美味的诺丽花蜜,才让我能拍到这张照片. (官方壁纸尺寸已恢复为1600*1200,点击图片浏览壁纸/在新标签或新窗口打开保存壁纸)(...).


- tianxin - 地理时间
南极:威德尔海,阿特卡湾,帝企鹅一家三口. 在寒冷的南极冰漠,帝企鹅父母保护着它们唯一的孩子. (点击图片播放大图;30P)(...). 继续阅读全文>> 国家地理2011全球摄影大赛作品展示(第6-7周,30P). © comgeo for 地理时间, 2011. | 原文链接 | 2 comments | @地理时间 | 图片托管于又拍网.


- Birdy - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
来源Your Hiking Photos. 图片来源:Ted Distel, My Shot. While hiking in Big Sur, my friends and I crossed a ridge just when the light filtered through the trees to create this magical picture..


- 實習生 - 译言-每日精品译文推荐
从绿色变成红色,再变成黄色的秋叶. 我在特拉华水峡(Delaware Water Gap)时,注意到这个独特的叶片. 在里加的拉脱维亚首都的秋天色调. 阿拉斯加的德纳里峰i国家公园. Captured in the early morning autumn as the fog lifted over the lake at Marsh Creek State Park in Southeastern Pennsylvania..