
标签: 国家地理 秋天 树林 | 发表时间:2011-09-18 14:42 | 作者:3yan2yu 實習生

译者 3yan2yu

Leaf changing from green to red, and yellow.


I noticed this unique leave while taking a walk at Delaware Water Gap. Nature is amazing ...

我在特拉华水峡(Delaware Water Gap)时,注意到这个独特的叶片。大自然是确实是令人吃惊的... ...
Autumn tones in the Latvian capital, Riga.


Mountains in full autumn color.


Denali National Park, Alaska.


Captured in the early morning autumn as the fog lifted over the lake at Marsh Creek State Park in Southeastern Pennsylvania.

This old hay barn in Berkshire, Vermont stands amidst the autumn colors made brilliant by the rising sun.


Autumn leaves at the lake


Delicate red leaves in the foreground provide contrast for the trees and their reflection in the Wenatchee River


This leaf stood out on a trail I was hiking in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.  The sun was hitting it just right and the texture is really interesting.  I like the way the edges of the leaf glow.

在去科罗拉多州 格伦伍德温泉徒步旅游的小路上。太阳打恰到好处地照射了下来,质地真的很有趣。我喜欢叶边的鲜艳色彩。

Wine country in Lake County, California in the Fall, when the leaves and trees are changing into beautiful colors


Fallen leaves during an autumn hike in Myles Standish State Forest, Carver, Massachusetts.


Hiking along De-Ga-Ya-So creek, Letchworth State Park, in Perry, New York.  This image is of hiker's reflection taken in a moving stream with brilliant leaves above.

徒步沿着纽约莱奇沃思国家公园的De-Ga-Ya-So 小溪。此图片是徒步旅游者在灿烂的秋叶下,流动小溪上所拍摄到的映像。
Windblown autumn leaves form drifts along a stairway, a precursor of winter snows soon to arrive.


Autumn sunrise at Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge.


Shooting from a building slightly above the aspens made for an unusual angle for glowing gold autumn colors.


Aspens at their autumn peak in early October in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.  The mother tree is usually surrounded by the offshoots, all connected via the same root system.  Aspen groves are often one large organism


Autumn leaf.


I was working for the USDA on a fire crew. While traveling to a newly logged area to burn slash piles I wanted to take a picture of the forest floor. The trees had been thinned to increase aspen tree regeneration. Within this small patch of aspen trees, the floor was littered with leaves and it caught my eye. I hope my work as a sawyer and conservationist helps to improve these stands, so we can see more wildlife and scenes like this one.


This extremely colorful autumn reflection was captured in the Appalachian Mountains the upper Williams River basin in early October of 2008.


An aspen leaf turning fall colors.  Shot along the road to Echo Lake and Mt. Evans, Colorado in September 2008.


This image was photographed just off the Steven's pass highway in Washington State, USA. The vibrant colors due to autumn gives me an artificial feel to the image. The evergreen trees provide a good background.


I love the colors of Autumn.


The color of this tree brought me closer and when I looked from underneath it was striking backlit with color.


One of my first photos taken, and probably one of my all time favorites. This scene was just magical for me. The autumn mist and leaves were backlit, and the rutting stags just seemed to align with one another in formation.


I shot this image in a local park of some beautiful autumn leaves outlined with frost.


Autumn in Michigan is a visual treat. This clump of paper birch trunks was backlit by a blaze of reds and yellows. Near Charlevoix, Michigan.


Shot in late afternoon in Wasaga Beach near Georgian Bay, Ontario at the height of Autumn colors in October 2008. This photo captures the range of foliage color seen only in Autumn.


On a crisp fall morning, dawn light glows though the morning mist. Forest Park is a 700 acre-oasis of calm, quiet and green less than a mile from downtown Springfield, Massachusetts - a peaceful retreat from urban life, and a relaxing place to start the day.

一个秋高气爽的早晨,尽管早上有薄雾,黎明还是散发着亮光。森林公园是一个占地700英亩的宁静、安宁和绿色的绿洲,离开马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德的市中心还不到一英里- 它是离开城市生活宁静的休息寓所,新一天开始放松的地方。

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从绿色变成红色,再变成黄色的秋叶. 我在特拉华水峡(Delaware Water Gap)时,注意到这个独特的叶片. 在里加的拉脱维亚首都的秋天色调. 阿拉斯加的德纳里峰i国家公园. Captured in the early morning autumn as the fog lifted over the lake at Marsh Creek State Park in Southeastern Pennsylvania..


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来源Reader Photo Contest Winners - National Geographic Adventure Magazine. “生活是一种冒险“ ——《国家地理》读者摄影比赛. 检验查我们的读者所拍摄的最为冒险的照片. 读者:Chris England,46岁,内华达州. 拍摄现场:形成的云层汇聚在锡安国家公园的砂岩和一棵杰克松的上面.


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