【国家地理】“生活是一种冒险“ ——《国家地理》读者摄影比赛

标签: 国家地理 生活 冒险 | 发表时间:2011-07-16 10:04 | 作者:3yan2yu 707421066

来源Reader Photo Contest Winners - National Geographic Adventure Magazine

"Life's an Adventure" Reader Photo Contest

“生活是一种冒险“ ——《国家地理》读者摄影比赛

Check out our readers' best adventure photos



Reader: Chris England, 46, Reno, Nevada

读者:Chris England,46岁,内华达州

The Spot: A cloud formation converges with sandstone and a ponderosa pine on the east side of Zion National Park


Reader: Adam L. Coppola, 26, Madison, Connecticut

读者:Adam L. Coppola, 26岁,美国康乃迪克州麦迪逊

The Spot: The view on Parker Ridge Trail in the northwestern corner of Banff National Park in Canada


Reader: Jason J. Corneveaux, 27, Phoenix, Arizona

读者:Jason J. Corneveaux, 27岁,亚利桑那州凤凰城

The Spot: Canyonlands National Park on the White Rim Trail, looking south along the Green River near the Potato Bottom campsite


Reader: Wonjun , Brian Lee,24, Scottsdale, Arizona

读者:Wonjun Brian Lee,24岁,亚利桑那州的斯科茨代尔

The Spot: Taking a cool plunge to celebrate the 4th of July at Crater Lake National Park, Oregon


Reader: Karen High, 34, of Denver, Colorado

读者:Karen High, 34岁,科罗拉多州丹佛市

The Spot: Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, Colorado


Reader: Jacob Cockle, 23, of Penzance, England

读者:Jacob Cockle, 23,英国,彭赞斯(英国英格兰康沃尔郡西南部城市,临英吉利海峡)

The Spot: "Backwash Wave" on Skilly Beach, Penzance, England


Reader: Herm Weyland, 72, of Morgan Hill, California

读者:Herm Weyland, 72岁,美国加州摩根山

The Spot: Upper Antelope Canyon, located outside of Page, Arizona


Reader: Jeremie Tronet, 21

读者: Jeremie Tronet,21岁

The Spot: A moonlit self-portrait, Grenadines, Caribbean


Reader: David Leach, 30, Singapore

读者: David Leach, 30岁,新加坡

The Spot: Yen Stream overlooking the Huang Mountain in northern Vietnam


Reader: Abraham Herrera, 25, of Index, Washington  

读者:Abraham Herrera, 25岁,华盛顿的Index

The Spot: The Grand Canyon's Redwall Cavern


Reader: Vernon Wiley, 33, of Gardnerville, Nevada

读者: Vernon Wiley, 33岁,内华达州的加德纳维尔

The Spot: The east ridge of the Sierra Nevada's 13,986-foot Mount Humphreys, rated 5.5


Reader: Justin Peterson, 26, of Colorado Springs, Colorado

读者:Justin Peterson,26,科罗拉多州的斯普林斯

The Spot: 14,015-foot Wetterhorn Peak in Colorado's San Juan Mountains


Reader: Bill Hoyt, 35, of San Jose, California

读者: Bill Hoyt,35,加利福尼亚州的圣何塞

The Spot: Henry Coe State Park, California


Reader: Donna Childress, 40, of Arlington, Virginia

读者:Donna Childress, 40岁,弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿

The Spot: Ecuador's 18,996-foot Cayambe, an extinct Andean volcano


Reader: Fred Sproat, 20, of Eugene, Oregon

读者:Fred Sproat, 20岁, 俄勒冈州尤金市

The Spot: Phantom Crack at Palisade Head, Minnesota


Reader:  Neil Murray, 56, of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

读者:Neil Murray, 56岁, 加拿大阿尔伯塔省

The Spot: Zakynthos in the Ionian Islands, Greece


Reader: Langley P. Eide, 33, of Redwood City, California

读者:P. Eide, 33,美国加利福尼亚州红木城

The Spot: Sundown at Arrow Glacier Camp, Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania









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【国家地理】“生活是一种冒险“ ——《国家地理》读者摄影比赛

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来源Reader Photo Contest Winners - National Geographic Adventure Magazine. “生活是一种冒险“ ——《国家地理》读者摄影比赛. 检验查我们的读者所拍摄的最为冒险的照片. 读者:Chris England,46岁,内华达州. 拍摄现场:形成的云层汇聚在锡安国家公园的砂岩和一棵杰克松的上面.


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- Allen - 有意思吧
        国家地理“每日一图”(Photo of The Day,简称NGPOD)始于2001年4月21日,每天向大家提供一幅配有背景资料介绍的国家地理杂志上的照片,内容涉猎广泛,可谓包罗万象. 这些具有开拓性的、惊世骇俗的照片不但是《国家地理》杂志不容置疑的品质保证,也作为一项核心要素,形成了国家地理独特而强大的感召力.


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