Pierre Morad Omidyar – Ebay 创始人
Pierre Omidyar 创立了一个在线交易平台,人们可以在这里买卖任何东西。他们为用户设立了信誉级别,借助人性的力量维护这一切。Omidyar 的伟大在于对人的天性的洞察,他知道人们乐于购买任何东西,你认为是垃圾的东西,别人会当作宝贝。
Jimmy Wales – Wikipedia 创始人
Jimmy Wales 创立了世界上最大的百科全书,这个百科全书的词条,任何人都可以参与编辑,该站点创立于2001年,现在成了互联网上最受欢迎的参考资料来源。
Stewart Butterfield 与 Caterina Fake – Flickr 创始人
Stewart Butterfield 和他的妻子 Caterina Fake 创立了 Flcikr,一个在线照片分享站点,他们的设想是,人们需要的不再是影集,而是照片流。Flickr 于 2005 年被 Yahoo 收购。
Jonathan Abrams - Friendster 创始人
Jonathan Abrams 同 Cris Emmanuel 一道创立了 Friendster,帮助人们交友,他们从 Match.com 获得灵感。这个第一个走向主流的社会网络站点。用户在上面创建自己的资料页,写上自己喜欢的电影与书籍,同朋友以及朋友的朋友链接。
Niklas Zennstrom – Skype 创始人
Niklas Zennstrom 同别人一起创立了有史以来成长最快的沟通平台 Skype,为全球用户提供高质量的语音通话功能,他们的系统可以在 Winodws,Linux,苹果以及移动设备上使用。
Bram Cohen - BT 之父
如果说,Napster 是第一代文件交换服务,Bram Cohen 改变了文件夹换的概念并立即引来大量用户的追随。BT 使用了这样一个黄金定律,上传得越多,下载得越快。BT 将文件分割成若干小块,任何拥有某个文件一小块的用户都可以参与分享,这样,参与的人越多,下载越快。
Reid Hoffman - LinkedIn 创始人
Reid Hoffman 曾是 Paypal 的执行副总裁,他创立了社会网络站点 LinkedIn,注册用户可以维护一个自己的生意上的好友库,他们可以求职,买卖简历,或招聘。
Matt Mullenweg – Wordpress 创始人
Matt Mullenweg 创立了世界上最受欢迎的开源博客系统,WordPress,使用 WordPress 系统的著名站点包括 Techcrunch, Huffingtonpost, Mashable 等等。
Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, 与 Jawed Karim – Youtube 创始人
Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim met as early employees at PayPal. They later started the internet’s most popular video-sharing site YouTube which is broadcasting more than 100 million short videos daily on myriad subjects. When creating YouTube, the three divided work based on skills: Chad Hurley designed the site’s interface and logo. Steve Chen and Jawed Karim divide technical duties making the site work. They later split management tasks, based on strengths and interests: Chad Hurley became CEO; Steve Chen, Chief Technology Officer. A year and a half later, Google acquired YouTube for a deal worth $1.65 billion in stock.
Craig Newmark - Craigslist 创始人
Craig Newmark started a site that dramatically altered the classified advertising universe called Craiglist. It was an object of fear for newspapers who felt threatened by the free-for-all classified advertising site. It began as an e-mail list for Newmark’s friends in the Bay Area. Since then, it has grown into an online database for classified ads for those seeking everything from housing to romance.
Julian Assange – Wikileaks 创始人
Julian Assange founded a website dedicated to publishing classified documents stolen from around the world. He designed an advanced software for the Wikileaks shielding the identities of the thieves who steal these documents by completely erasing their identities before spreading the stolen documents to servers ‘all over the world’. As a result, no one can trace who’s given him what or when. The site depicts itself as the “uncensorable Wikipedia for untraceable mass document leaking and analysis” and has developed to be regarded as the most extensive and safest stage for whistleblowers to leak to.
Dick Costolo – FeedBurner 创始人
People generally check their preferred sites every now and then to see if there’s anything new. FeedBurner founder Dick Costolo created a news aggregator that automatically downloads an update that is visible in the places that interest you. An RSS feed, short for Really Simple Syndication, delivers those latest bits of media from their creator’s website to your computer. FeedBurner was later acquired by Google in 2007. Currently, Dick Costolo is Twitter’s Chief Operating Officer making twitter the next generation RSS.
Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook 创始人
Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook to help students in universities keep in touch with friends. The “status update” started its rebirth in Facebook, where user after user tell their extended network of trusted friends what they’re doing. They also show off photos, upload videos, chat, make friends, meet old ones, join causes, groups, have fun and throw virtual sheep at one another. The site, which is believed to have 500 million registered users worldwide, has only four remaining countries left to conquer: Russia, Japan, China and Korea, according to Zuckerberg. Facebook is now twice as huge as Rupert Murdoch’s MySpace.
Jack Dorsey – Twitter 创始人
Jack Dorsey created Twitter to allow friends and family know what he was doing. The world’s fastest-growing communications medium let users broadcast their thoughts in 140 characters or less and repost someone else’s informative or amusing message to their own Twitter followers by Retweeting. No one thought people would want to follow strangers, or that celebrities would use Twitter to tell fans of their activities, or that businesses would use Twitter to announce discounts or launch new products.
Joshua Schachter – Delicious 创始人
Del.icio.us is a more sophisticated multiuser version of Muxway, wherein his first implementation of tags. Joshua Schachter began del.icio.us as a way for people to store and share their favorite Web-browsing bookmarks online. Instead of organizing them himself, or even creating a standard taxonomy of categories, Schachter used something called user tagging-people simply labeled the bookmarks by any name they wanted, and eventually the group as a whole effectively voted on them by either adopting those tags themselves or rejecting them. And now del.icio.us has been gobbled up by Yahoo, which hopes to extend the tagging principle to all sorts of its services.
Jeff Bezos - Amazon 创始人
Jeff Bezos founded the world’s biggest online store known as Amazon, which was originally named Cadabra Inc. He made online shopping faster and more personal than a trip to the local store. The company now introduced Kindle allowing readers to download books and other written materials and read them on this handheld device.